Is another video game crash coming?

Is another video game crash coming?


Fuck off retard.

No, Nintendo has been around for over a century. They know what they're doing.

>the nintendumps are already here

so this is what Sup Forums has become.....

should have known it would come to this ever since people started unironically saying that 2017 was a good year for gaming

Just ignore the Kiketenshitter user. Just enjoy as his console becomes VB 2010s edition

i hope so, this fucking industry needs a wake up call.

>mario spinoff comes out
>nintendo haters ignore the Zelda BOTW which is the best game to come out in a decade

iS aNoThEr ViDeO gAmE CrAsH cOmInG???

No you fucking retard stop posting

>thinks the video game industry is okay
>posts a reddit meme
not surprised

Are nintendicks really this underaged?

Because it's doing great you fucking retard, companies are waking up and realizing that season passes are pushing people off buying games and that developing content post-launch and gaining favor with players is worth more than what they make with season passes. Some of the best fucking games to come out in the past decade have come out this year, won't bother listing them because some retard will greentext how just because he doesn't like it people don't think the games are good. Indie games are dying out because everybody got wise to their bullshit, companies are focusing on pro-consumer models because people fucking hated them, and we're finally beyond the stupid fucking motion control gimmick.

Anybody who says the video game industry is dying because one shitty game comes out and shitty games don't do well is a blubbering pussy who should slam their head on a hot fucking railroad rivet

Nintendo is still developing on last generation graphics. Of all the publisher out there they'll be the last to be hurt by any crash because they're smart enough to work sustainably.

>Some of the best fucking games to come out in the past decade have come out this year
List them. Come on, fucking tell us what the fuck you enjoyed in what is quite possibly the worst year in gaming since 2016.

>9gag meme

>black twitter memes
This is the audience that thinks gaming is in a good place.

>nothing but lies


>Nier Automata
>Tekken 7
>Breath of the Wild
>Gravity Rush 2

And those are just the solid 9/10s that have come out, not including dozens of 8/10s, but those won't fucking matter because like an autist you're going to go through each one and call them shit to be contrarian. Here I'll do it for you.

>Nier Automata
>Tekken 7
>Breath of the Wild
>Gravity Rush 2

>Nier Automata
literal button masher with no variety
literal button masher with no variety
>Tekken 7
>Breath of the Wild
open world rehash #47648 with boosted nintendo score
>Gravity Rush 2
one gimmick as a game

>meme is post season 4
literally worse than reddit

not an argument

I enjoyed nier and botw but I also think you should leave

This. The oncoming video game crash just means the crash of the big third party devs and the consoles that enable them.

>No it's not
>Here are good games that sold well
Fuck off retard

>Waah video games are dead
>they're all shit
>it's totally not me that's an old jaded loser who can no longer enjoy them

typical twitter nigger

>>Nier Automata
Button masher that people only give a shit about because whyfoos

Shittier Dark Souls


>>Tekken 7

>>Breath of the Wild
Ubisoft open world rehash that killed the Zelda series

>>Gravity Rush 2
gimmicky waifutrash

Fucking exactly. There literally have not been any good games that came out this year or for the past decade.

Is this wrong though? Or is this the hourly normie gaming brainwashing hour we get on Sup Forums nowadays. Old Sup Forums would have never approved of any of these shit games.

I'm not the same guy that started the argument. I just don't think Sup Forums is the place for you

>Nier: Automata
>Literal button masher with no variety
Holy fucking shit. I'm so fucking tired of people judging a game without playing it. I'm not the one you were replying to, but god damn you just fucking proved his point so much.

Mmm, I think I'm staying, sweetie ;)

>games making more money than ever
>PC gaming hardware 5-10% up yoy
>PS4 ships 60 million units, on its way to reach PS2 levels
>Switch is a success
>Amazing AAA and indie games being released every month
>"G-gaming is dead!"
>"C-rash coming! any day now!"

I guess we can add LITERALLY FUCKING BUBSY to that image as well.

Try finding another hobby user. Games are great.

>Posts feels guy /r/the_donald garbage
>Reddit spacing
>""""old""""" Sup Forums
Jesus fucking Christ kill yourself

lol??? exactly how many different weapon movesets are there that arent almost practically identical? buyers remorse much?

I think you jaded fucks that think hating everything == having an opinion should leave

Yet sony doesn't even make a profit on its consoles lol. And PC is literally nothing but MOBAs.

>There literally have not been any good games that came out this year or for the past decade.
Just the past decade? Can you at least try to hide what a fucking casual you are? There haven't been any good games for the last 4 decades, probably more. Goddammit Sup Forums really has gone to shit, can't believe "people" like you are allowed to post here.


Only if you're talking about a console crash, because PC is big as ever.