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lmgtfy.com/?q=Gamespot #fifa18

> watching futbool
> Playing futbool on portable console


because youre a yurocuck

euro trash likes soccer for some reason
just like american dude bros like ball foot for some reason

This the Frostbite version or some legacy version with new shirts?


>No story mode confirmed

>PS3/360 version


Gonna need the sauce, boss


thank fuck they got the shovelware! that's helped nintendo in the past

This is eerily similar to the Wii U and how it got scraps from EA at the beginning only to be dropped later.


That's so fucking petty for EA to do.


is anyone really surprised

Very funny, but still fake.

>always in top 5 best selling games every year


that was the only fifa to get on wii u, right?


>not playing futbool while playing futbool


>if it sells well its not hot cloned garbage
Enjoy the install base that would rather have sports games than anything else faggot!


>no switch release

Lmfao, what happened to all nips jumping ship on switch?

fifa 18 will be released on a 11 year old console like the PS3

You know it's been like twenty years, but I remember legit enjoying a FIFA game on the N64.

Are the new ones actually fun?

Yes. EA only supported WiiU on 2012.

>EA didn't half-ass the port
That's pretty shocking to be honest. I think it will sell extremely well. FIFA + portable = $$$

Denial gentlemen.


They have one piece for switch user. Nips love one piece.

>hahaha yeah sure as if that was 20 years ago i remember it like it was yesterday
>fifa 98

We already knew it wasn't frostbite. But before everyone thought it'd be Wii U level of support but that's not the case.

Link it then

Damn you get to play this years SPORTS game on an underpowered piece of plastic?

Loving that third party support huh?

>Fly Emirates

Why is footsoccer like American Little League?

>360/ps3 version
ay lmao

Well you Nintendoodlers, you want EA's support for the Switch it's time to put up or shut up.

>Damn you get to play this years SPORTS game non-mobile version on a portable piece of plastic?

Nintendo sometimes wins baby!

Yeah I'm loving the handicaps they need to place on it for Nintendo to even play the trash no one cares about.

Can Nintendo go 3rd party and stop trying now?

How much do you think Fifa is going to sell on Switch? I'm guessing 3 copies.

But will it card me if I swear?

To be fair it's probably because switch is new. Fifa 19 will likely run on frostbite.

It's not like the FIFA 16 engine is some antique piece of shit

lmgtfy.com/?q=Gamespot #fifa18

4th result

They don't need to go third party. They just need to take a generation off instead of releasing a new console during the mid life of Sony and Microsoft's consoles.

American dude bros are not even close. Look at this shit, 3 yearly fifa games there.

>tfw FIFA 17, a yearly entry, is the most sold PS4 game ever in europe.

Nah they did the same shit on wiiu with half assed ports

Portable Fifa is a goldmine, but the only people with a Switch right now are hardcore Nintendo fans, so it wont sell. Ninty fans don't buy third party games.

Hey, that Alex Hunter cinematic thing sounds kinda interesting. Maybe I'll give FIFA17 a try. I mean, I did like FIFA98 way back when, even if I'm the kind of spic who used to hate football during my childhood because fuck sports, but they're actually really selling it-
>FIFA18 Alex Hunter trailer
>shoehorned coalburning
OK. Looks like I'm not playing FIFA after all.


This might seem small at first, but it is the first step for Switch to becoming THE console everyone has. Let's keep it up nintendo, a couple more of these and it starts looking like Switch might take the place of PS4 as the household name and Sonyshit will be degraded to that creepy weebmachine status.


>FIFA 18 on Switch. Impressions: Looks, plays like pre-Frostbite FIFA as expected. Has AI improvements from FIFA 17

>take a generation off
how will that make them create a console that isn't 1/10th the power of babby's first video console?

all of a sudden Sup Forums cares about sports games? Nah its not Sup Forums its just faggot nintendo fans like always. They'll consume any garbage literally no standards

It is wii u level

Its on the same level as PS3/360 ports just like the wii u had shittier versions and they actually cutted out content

>Not running on Frostbite
>Will be the PS3/360 equivalent version of the game

American dudebros have to pick between multiple sports games, but just one state sponsor commie sport.

You have no idea how bad Wii U support was, my dear ignorant friend

leaked screenshot for the Switch version

Tell me what's the difference between how fifa was treated on WiiU and how fifa is treated on switch?


I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a port of FIFA 13 from the WiiU. Nintendo fans would actually defend that.


even if you add up all sport games, is not even close. FIFA owns europe like nothing else to the point is the best selling PlayStation 4 game and the main reason to get one.


just like god intended

>5 inch split screen half a controller local multiplayer

Why are you replying to me? I was just explaining this guy that USA dudebros got nothing on Europe's Fifa craze.

I use the PS4 game sales to show that, number one game in europe.

Switch has Ultimate team mode and all of its online features, something that is really popular and the Wii U didn't have.

>Isometric soccer
Jesus christ

you gotta wonder what the fuck they were thinking

I hope it flops

Then dock it and play it on a TV.

nintendo fanbase wont care but hey more 3rd partys
also why does america call it soccer

Fifa isn't splitscreen.

>this will all matter because its not like before

How old are you?

I guess, but then they cutted out the singeplayer mode that's popular enough they put in every sports game so in essence it's still a downgrade to the PS4/ONE versions just like how the Wii U version was a downgrade compared to PS3/360 versions. They go 1 step fowards then 1 step back.

You honestly fucking think the Switch will get Fifa 19? This is EA throwing them a bone and pointing to its failure as a reason not to make more games for the Switch.

>why does america call it soccer
Because obviously a sport where 95% of the game is spent with the ball in contact with your feet shouldn't be called "football", and a sport where 95% of the game is spent with the ball in your hands SHOULD be called "football". Duh.


>Fifa on Wii first ran on a shitty half assed PS2-like engine
>They eventually shit the bed and made it kiddy mode
How come everybody has forgotten this

That's EA for you.

Link on single player being cut?

>EA in the position to throw anyone a bone
Besides, if you play FIFA unironically, you're a faggot.

Not handling Frostbite.

Not going to lie, I can definitely see a bunch of the futbol spics at my college picking up Switch because it's something new they can do to not pay attention in class

thats nintendo hardware and relations for you

Both consoles got the inferior Fifa. Points for switch for being portable, but that's it.

>Fifa 18 on Switch
>Nobody buys it because most Nintendo users don't care and the installbase is still small
>EA says it performed poorly and withdraws support

It's the Wii U/Vita catch 22 all over again.
Seriously, why do western devs even bother at this point? It's pretty clear they give zero shits about anything that isn't PC of home consoles.
Is this a pity bone they're throwing to Nintendo to keep the initial hype going or are they really that stupid?

You can see that? I actually see them getting a ps4/xbox.

It's literally running the same engine as the PS4/xbone versions from 16 you fucking idiot.

>Portable Fifia 18.

Well thats all it takes to win europe.

>The big exclusion, of course, is The Journey - and it's follow up for FIFA 18, Hunter Returns. That's predictably absent, likely due to the Nintendo Switch's lack of ability to run the demanding Frostbite engine.


Everyone knows Nintendo needs third parties, and what EA is doing here is sending out a crappy port to the system so their relationship with Nintendo isn't damaged when they inevitably stop working on the Switch.

They'll say "well, Fifa 18 didn't sell so well..." and their asses will be saved.

I said in class, spic

Unless you're implying you pack a tv and a console onto your lawn mower while you're cutting my grass, fuck off

>Sports game

None, because it's fake news. Still has single player just not JOURNEY mode.

Who the fuck cares about Alex Hunter anyway

On the one hand, who gives a fuck. Its EA.

On the other, ha ha. EA has to swallow its pride and release a game on the successful console. Hope you had to crawl back on your hands and knees, you scum sucking cum-stained faggots.