What went so horribly wrong?
What went so horribly wrong?
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The fanbase
Nothing other than being a bit rushed towards the end, it's one of the best FFs yet.
not much its decent
>Having an incomplete, terrible story that could only fully be understood by buying a fucking movie sold seperately from game
>Not challenging or fun combat unless you take the time to do the secret dungeons. Even then, you can only really die if you're a retard because the game throws healing items at you constantly.
>Shit second half of the game with linear narrative and ruining the exploration aspect of the first half of the game which was one of the few interesting things it had.
Nothing. Fastest selling FF worldwide ever, highest selling FF launch in the US ever, more GOTY awards than any other FF, GOTY from the gooch himself.
The story was great and it's not incomplete, just because side story stuff and different POV is shown in the movie means nothing, anything important from the movie is learned in the game.
It is fun and there is plenty of challenge.
There is nothing wrong with the second half other than it being a bit rushed.
What about them gutting segments from the game to sell as DLC, not even Ubisoft does that.
The only fags like you that don't like the game are nomura fanboys that enjoy vapourware
So you're saying it's perfect no flaws?
>giving it to a director who literally has only ever made handheld and phone games
Literally the worst combat of the FF series
>more GOTY awards than any other FF, GOTY from the gooch himself.
That's a bunch of red flag right there.
They felt forced to make it open world
because it went mainstream and appealed to the normies
I guess Bioshock Infinite is the best game ever then
How is the actual open world aspect of the game? I like open world stuff. Is it actually an open world or is it just like FFX or FFXIII where you have areas that pretend to be open sometimes but really are just large rooms in disguise.
Not enough Cindy porn.
It's a gas station and frog collecting simulator, if you like going to gas stations and collecting frogs then XV was pretty much made for you.
Your life. Game was great.
The baffling decision to put put 50% of the story in side shit.
You keep making these threads trying to pretend it's bad.
>pretend it's bad.
We've all played it, there is no pretending.
Tabata. He was visionless. And on top of being visionless, he was spiteful towards what came before him. His sorry excuse for leadership led them to not only scrap everything from the first 7 years of production, but he also continually scrapped what his own team created based solely on insecurities and shallow fan feedback, without offering anything in return.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Nice, glad it did well.
Game is straight up incomplete. Pacing is terrible, the characters and locations don't get the time to be fleshed out, the main heroine is barely a person and more of a plot device whose developments occur through flashbacks, the second half is an absolute disaster (it makes Xenogears disc 2 look like a masterpiece) and the game rushes to its ending and final confrontation at breakneck speed since it had no time to connect properly.
Basically, the direction was absolutely garbage. The failure falls on the SE upper staff for not being able to cohesively plot a course and stick to it during the what, decade or so of its development? Besides the graphics, which are above average for a ps4 game, the game pretty much has nothing exceptional or memorable about it.
>Fastest selling FF worldwide ever
Nigga, it is the first FF ever to made a world wide release. You guys really dump enough to fall for this shitty trick?
Too much of a sausage party
mainly gas stations, one large gas station, and only one town you can access via car. The only other town you have to fast travel to.
For a game that was in development in some aspect for 10 years, the final product was mediocre.
I know SE is applying fixes but some of these "fixes" should of been in from day 1.
Like Ardyn betraying the empire, the emperor turning into a demon, and allowing you to run in Chapter 13.
This rebuttal never made any sense. It doesnt even makes sense in this context.
But they didn't gut segments to put as DLC because the DLC stuff all takes place during parts of the game when the character is separated from Noctis and you are playing as Noctis while their episode happens.
When Gladio is off fighting Gilgamesh, you as Noctis are going through Steyliff ruins with Aranea, and then you meet up with Gladio in Lestallum.
When Prompto falls of the train going through the snow in Niflheim, you as Noctis are heading to Tenebrae on the train and meet up with him in Gralea.
When Ignis goes blind, you as Noctis are fighting Leviathan in Altissia and then Noctis falls unconscious, when he wakes up that is when he and the player first learn Ignis went blind.
There is physically no possible way for the DLC episodes to have been "cut content" when they all take place during parts of the game where you are doing stuff as Noctis.
Development hell.
That's really all. Fucked up direction, timing, teams, deadlines and expectations
Got to make damage control user.
It's the only FF with real combat.
But how can combat be real if your hands aren't real
>real combat
>Hold button to attack
No FF has real combat
Today in this new episode of "guess who posted that ?" ............
Why are you posting how a retard plays when regular XV when not played by a retard isn't like that, because regular basic combat is like this which is great.
Lightning Returns was good.
It's not as bad as 13's combat.
Actually it's probably got the best.
>high praise is bad now
It's well done, the world feels like that of a classic FF world map but realized in a more 1:1 scale with more stuff to do on it.
>regular combat
It's a lot better than 13. If anything it's a step in the right direction
>Stuff to do
>More gas stations than there are towns or cars on the rode
XIII and 2 have the worst combat.
See what I mean? Trying too hard.
You want visionless then look at Nomura, he literally wanted to turn XV into a musical on a whim because he saw Les Miserables, he also barely got anything done so it's not like there was much to even "scrap". Most of the concepts, core themes and stuff from Versus is still in XV regarldess. And a dev who actually listens to fan feedback to improve the game is a good thing, he actually listens unlike Nomura.
They changed it too much from Duscae which was actually pretty fun.
>Noctis is now a smirking, eyebrow-raising Marvel character
>Open world is barren
>Abilities- i.e. actual gameplay mechanics to make the game more fun for the player- have been given to friends. Remember that cool sweep attack that felt so good in Duscae? Now you get to remove yourself entirely from the combat and watch someone else do it
I didn't think it would turn out to be THIS bad.
XIII was the only game that did something interesting with ATB by putting it into bars you could do cool stuff like refresh the bar, cancel it to prolong a launch state on an enemy. It was also the only FF game to make buffs and debuffs worthwhile.
You're an absolute moron if you think XV's combat is better.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything when no other FF sold 6 million in the span of time XV hit 6 million, even accounting for the spread out releases of the older titles?
FF13 came out in Dec 2009 in Japan and March 2010 in the west, and it didn't even sell 6m until 2011.
FFXV sold 6m within a few months.
>Facts are damage control
No, you're on damage control if you think that is damage control
This. Holy fuck this.
It's just a step in another direction. I wouldn't call it a step in the right direction.
I don't want unfinished, short, underwhelming Final Fantasies.
Can't be on damage control XV-kun, I'm on life.
haste and greed
>high praise is bad now
When it came from minority, Gooch and Yoshida? Yes, it is, and with SE went full swing with damage control around that time, it actually tells you how it really perform.
The retarded, generic, dull, cheap soundtrack
The shit combat and pointless auto driving everywhere.
And tapping O to attack and do manual finishers, and moving L stick while tapping O to do directional inputs, and tapping square to dodge roll which can cancel animations, and using shields and tapping square to block attacks and stagger enemies, and tapping to X jump, then tapping O while in the air to do aerial combos, and tapping to D pad directions weapon switch on the fly mid combo,and tapping triangle to warp, and tapping R1+ triangle to warpstrike, all while moving around in real time reacting to enemies attacking you in real time.
>press button to confirm input is what you do in every other FF 100% of any battle.
>XV hit 6 million
Sounds like the storm series. Whole load of fluff.
ARPGs were a mistake, go full action or go home.
You can't be serious.
Oh nevermind, you're all literally retarded
Felt like an offline MMO
What went wrong?
>if I make it verbose, it might seem like there's depth!!!!
Not him but XV is the best ARPG since Bloodborne.
>in this episode: dudebro gamer complains that the final fantasies that aren't action-oriented for his casual needs are too difficult and complex
he's posting how an average player plays FFXV
also your webm is just holding down the attack button
>all while moving around in real time reacting to enemies attacking you in real time.
except you still get hit when moving around and the moment you decide to press the attack button, you are committed to it
Yes, it was mediocre, just random chorus with no actual order
I disagree, and this is coming from someone who didn't like XIII.
I fully expected XV to learn from the narrative and directorial mistakes of XIII. XIII's linearity alone wasn't the problem, it was that the linearity wasn't filled with anything but battles and cutscenes, with very little in the way of world and character building that wasn't crammed into the codex. It just barrelled relentlessly to the end, threw a lazy open ended segment in the latter stages of the game (and Pulse's side hunts were mediocre at best), and went back to being linear for the finish.
XV was EVEN WORSE. Like holy shit, I didn't think they could actually do worse but they really did. Important, game relevant story info that's not in the game itself, the open ended begin clashes with the linear and terrible second half, no one is developed properly past their initial selves besides maybe Noctis (and that's a stretch).
Anyone meme posting "durr gas stations" is bullshitting, there's only a few and they serve the same purpose as a small settlement with an inn and an item store like in older FF.
Literally the arguement about it, list off as many shit as you can as to make it deep.
Like an alchemy system in RPGs are supposed to add so much yet you end up negleting it completely because it has no good purpose or necessity in gameplay.
How to make +6 million shipments on your latest Main-Line Final Fantasy game [TABATA EDITION]:
>know your audience: the west
>the game you are working on must already have half a decade's worth of hype surrounding it (in some cases 10 years of marketing)
>release a fucking god-tier concept trailer like the FFXV E3 2013 trailer and parade it around for a long time like it's actually going to be in the main game
>release tons of trailers with cut footage that imply exciting concepts, only for them to never make it into the actual game
>host tons of useless ATRs to keep consumer interest
>host an Uncovered Event and make a big deal out of it, pulling back the curtains on a almost ten year old project only for it to be rendered useless with an eventual delay
>delay your game further into the holiday season; generate controversy
>coincide the release of your game with a movie, anime, and mobile games
>star popular Western Actors in your movie; generate discussion
>engage in tons of cross-overs that appeal to the western audience, like hanging out with Epic Meal Time
>Make sure to demo your game at the Xbox E3 conference showing one of the only eventful setpieces in your game—and then fuck it up to generate controversy
>last but not least, release a HYPE AS FUCK trailer, one month out from launching the game, using concepts and imagery from the Versus days—make sure to deceive the fans and that none of it is ever even brought up in the game
>there's only a few
There are more gas stations than cars on the road, how the fuck do all the gas stations stay in business anyways?
>this triggers the Barry
inb4 he posts his pathetic attempt at making his own '06 comparison because he was so assblasted by pic related
>people eat it up and will continue to
Fuck it man, I like Tabata now, making the best of a shitty situation he was forced into and put himself into and getting away with it at the same time.
Fuck off with that video already, i don't even dislike the combat, but the vid proves nothing. All the guy does is hold attack and move the stick in random directions so airstep activates, advanced combat my ass.
Just what did Tabata mean by this?
Why is he up so early on a Sunday?
>implying he ever went to bed
He was in two 500+ posts theads before this one
what a trooper
Are there any substantial side quests/hidden shit to do in XV?
Is it at all possible to just wander across an area which has a secret boss in it? Or has it ALL been homogenised into side quests?
What is this supposed to show me other than whoever recorded that didn't know they could completely avoid that by dodging or blocking the enemy, and only like 5 enemies in the whoel game do stuff like that. Meanwhile shit like this is forced on you in KH, which you always are in the mindset to defend KH and Nomura whenever you post that webm in your desperate attempts to shitpost against XV. Also why are you ignoring that FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10 and FF13-2 all have QTEs in them?
Ita quite possibly the best FF, but that triggers people like you.
The Deadeye quest is the only good one, the rest are Korean MMO fetch quest tier. I've never played a game with worse side quests than FFXV and I've played DA:I.
I actually liked it alot, played for 115hrs, did pretty much complete the game 100% and hyped for Prompto and Ignis DLC.
I really hated the first 10-15 hrs of the game, but I feel like the more you play the better it gets. It really pisses me off how lazy and unpolished it feels though, it had so much potential that got wasted on an unfinished game, for everything they got right, there are 2 things that they screwed up.
I wish they made a direct sequel building up and improving over what they have, kind of like what happened with the XIII trilogy.
>people are actually defending the combat in XIII
What kind of parallel world have I stumbled into? Are people going to defend hallways next?
is the combat fun if you practice it or maybe later in the game? Just felt like a grabass.
>host an Uncovered Event and make a big deal out of it, pulling back the curtains on a almost ten year old project only for it to be rendered useless with an eventual delay
Come to think of it, is this...like one of the most marketing blunder SE ever pull, huh?
It at least could be challenging, unlike the mindless tripe in XV.
>bring up KH out of the blue
it was never mentioned in this thread
not really. The only real hidden thing is Pitoss but it's completely optional (like not even required for Platinum optional) and you need to fly that mess known as the flying Car to do it.
It's forced on you in XV too
It's actually confirmed 6 million sales, not just shipped.
`What "triggers" me is most xv fanboys that live in a world where only 10/10 perfect or 0/10 horrible shit exists. As soon as someone brings up a few criticisms and says they didn't really like eerything the gamehas to offer they would love to cut their throats and call them samefags or dumb usernames.Even your post is already saying to much. Can't you people just say that you like it think it's the best FF without starting some dumb shitpost bait
6m Sold. Stay in denial.
I explained those in the most simplest way of what each thing does.
Is there a worse boss fight in a JRPG than the Leviathan fight?
Never forget.