Mother of god

Right now, the fastest time to finish Zelda Breath of the Wild at 100%, it take more than mother fucking 33 Hours and 40 minutes.

And that's with cheating as much as possible with GLitch and skipping all the sckippable scene and text and noit even including the awakening the Horse fairy.

33 hours. That completely trump all the other Zelda games. How many action adventures take longer than this.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's almost like any% is the common speed run of most Zelda games. Shit thread.

>It's almost like any% is the common speed run of most Zelda games.
What? No!

100% speed runs are as popular. Basically all of the zelda game have 100%runs.

Any% are more common because easier to do, that's it.

I don't get where you get that idea, but it's 100% bullshit.

Speed run community for zelda make a point to establish rules for 100% completion as fast as possible so it get clear for everyone, they are popular too.

>Shit thread.

>missing the point
average Sup Forums autist

there are games that take hundreds of hours to speedrun 100%

Mother of god..... If you do every randomly generated quest in Skyrim it takes FOREVER to complete! Truly an Open World Masterpiece

How many of them are Action-adventures?

Those 900 korok seeds were a really great addition.

No one cares
Any% is more popular for a reason, no one is going to watch some dumbass doing repetitive shit for 30 hours

>Any% is more popular for a reason
100% are more popular.

Playing it at 20 fps still requires about 500€
Its pretty expensive game even if it had 200h of content.

It plays at 30fps.

Yeah look at all those 100% runs at speedrunning events
Fucking retard

Damn, the shortest time it took for someone to 100% Persona 5 is 127h. Really makes you think fellow memester

>Yeah look at all those 100% runs at speedrunning events
They take more time and are not fitting for events.

Events almost always go for Any% no matter the game.

It depend from one game to an other, in the Zelda series, but for Majora Mask, for example, it's the 100% one that is more popular.

For Breath of the Wild, seeing that you can almost literally walk directly into Ganon's lair, people are more interested in seeing the quests being accomplished too as fast as possible.

>someone actually speedruns all the Kokiri seeds

is this an autism?

30fps is the maximum you mean, also 900p

Persona 5 is an action adventure game?

I mean, if you keep bringing RPG, of course they are going to get longer. Not the same category of games.

How is this a surprise? It's a huge map filled with hundreds of little things to collect


The only thing I find is this.

This is speedrunning we are talking about.

So yes.

I'm confused, I thought this was a Zelda thread?

That's not 100%

30 fps most of the time. And your point is?

Absolutely not. Any% is always more popular because speedrunning is about completing the game the fastest you can without any padding.

What even happens if you find them all? I didn't buy the game yet

I think that was his point.

The world record for baton kaitos 100% is 342 hours.

Which is why I ask?
Where is the 100+ hours run?

Can Persona 5 even be 100% on one run?

Im used to higher res, higher fps and less money required to play a single game.

it's a matter of personal preference and 100% tend to be more liked by some because it take more skill and require more diversity of strats.

I'd watch that Speedrun 2bh. Should take me right up to Sony's E3 if I start now.

Completionism is killing vydia.

It has more to do with the size of the world and how much walking there's to do and not the amount of content. I had a quick glance at that speedrun and almost everywhere I looked the guy was running from point a to point b

>33 hours to 100%
There are some any% speedruns longer than that.

RPG user, you need to grind for hours there.


Actually, no. You need to fill out the clock.

I am quite certain a good PC cost more than 360€

I don't even know where you get that 500€. Do you account for the TV screen too?

Also, I still don't see how all this relate to this topic.

The most popular oot speedrun stream is an 100% one, its not that long anyway its like 4 hours.

If they made it so it's all Shrines instead of Korok seeds it'd be a much better run to watch, might actually sit through a six hour run or so. Otherwise

Is baton Kaitos an Action Adventure game?

They're not. You know why? Because most are too long to sit through. Nobody who actually has a life is going to watch someone stream for 10+ hours.

380€ switch + controller + game

Which action Adventure game?

[-] Fully upgraded non-sellable clothes: Champion's Tunic, Zora Armor Set, Wild Armor Set, Thunder Helm

Why would anyone go through all that trouble

The trill!

>Why would anyone go through all that trouble
You could say that about any speedrun fem

It would also take a long time to 100% FFXV.

Wrong, about any 100% run

No man's sky would take longer and yes it's an action adventure game

>380€ switch
You can get it for 329€

Also, you will still not Get an good PC with good mouse +game for 500€

Also, how does that relate to the point?

No, really about any run. Why would anyone go through all the trouble of learning glitches, optimal routes, practising, etc

Go outside pathetic faggot


Is FFXV an Action Adventure game?

Nah speedrunning, regardless of percentage, is a lot of trouble.

Reminder that speedrunning is why Cosmo is a depressed woman now.


Ahhh yes quantity over quality

Where is the adventure?

Its his own fault, nobody forced him to become autistic

Meme category for that kind of game that no one really runs, like Pokemon Stadium 100%.

It's an RPG.

>it takes quite some time to do 900 microgames that count towards game completion
>this is impressive

You really need to stop m8.

If I want to play witcher 3 right now I have to part with 20€ and I get 60 fps at 1080p
If I want to play Botw I have to part with 500€ and I get 20-30 fps at 900p.

Thats kinda bad deal overall wether the content of the game is good or not.

your answer doesn't fit any of the question asked.

Actually I think it was drinking soya products that fucked him, actually. Probably memed on him by his parents from a young age. Shame, I guess.


They give you a golden shit because Nintendo laugh at autists that collected more than 500 korok seeds

She would have transitioned either way.

Wow it's almost like the world map in BotW is fucking HUGE with hundreds of collectables scattered everywhere in an attempt to mask the lack of content.

>If I want to play witcher 3 right now I have to part with 20€ and I get 60 fps at 1080p
>If I want to play Botw I have to part with 500€ and I get 20-30 fps at 900p.
>taking into account the cost of the platform for one game
>not taking into account the cost of the platform for the other

it isn't a valid comparison and you know it. Add the price of your PC for playing Witcher. You had to buy it at some point anyway you can not pretend it cease to exist.

Going from planet to planet until you reach your goal, the center of the galaxy.

I know about Baiten Kaitos, but what other games take hundreds of hours? Genuinely curious.

Really makes you think...

Actually it's Any% bullshit.

All right, all right, it's a JRPG, if you will. But really, no need to be a westerner RPG elitist, there.

We both know that ain't true

Seeing the amount of unique item, I wouldn't say so.

or use cemu for 0$

>finish the game
>wow I only have like 25% completion rate. This game must be huge
>roughly 70% is Korok seeds

Digimon World 3 which has never been completed in a 100% run because it would take over 500 hours to do.

If it was the case, all the speed runner would have changed sex and would live-stream showing their boy-boobies.

But thats the point of exclusives
You pay premium for a set of hardware to play it and the cost of the hardware must be included in the value proposition of buying a specific game that gives you X hours of entertainment.
Botw wouldnt exist as it is unless it was intimately tied to selling hardware to consumers, its sole purpose in life is to advertise a console.

I dont use pc for exlusives, I didnt buy a pc to play w3 3 years after the fact. It exist because I need a pc for many things.

Imagine a 100% run without fast travel

>Digimon World 3

God damn. Thanks user.

>But thats the point of exclusives
Exclusive or not, you have to buy the platform anyway.

No matter what, if you want to make the comparison, you must also include the price of the platform.

With Cosmo, it was drinking Soya products heavily, being emasculated live on stage, and his GF leaving him all in the space of a year that did it to him. Couple that with the autistic speedrunning nonsense, and it's easy to see why he broke.

A displacement doesn't really account for an adventure.

There is no broke that cause this.

A trans is someone with the brain of an opposite gender expecting hormonal feedback from a gender and receiving an other, which can cause depression. It's basically inborn and won't be cause by hormone imbalance due to food.

also, in most modern country, you have to be diagnosed before transitioning.

>How many action adventures take longer than this.
How many action adventures have 900 collectables?

Multiplats are by definition more valuable because they dont live on the expectation that you also spend money on a new console. The console sales arent subsidizing the developement of the game and the game relies on selling copies to as many consumers as possible to make its money back.

In essence a console exlusive cannot be compared to any other game, its just an advert for a console since we dont live in world where everyone has infinite amount of money.

>Multiplats are by definition more valuable because they dont live on the expectation that you also spend money on a new console.
Except you still have to pay money to play on the platform of your choice.

>In essence a console exlusive cannot be compared to any other game, its just an advert for a console
A good game remains a good game, exclusive or not. it doesn't magically get empty of everything the moment it become an exclusive


>A good game remains a good game, exclusive or not.
Absolutely not. The most important aspect of a game is being able to play it.
Exclusivity severely diminishes the games value to the consumer, ridiculously high system requirements like AC: Unity do too.

>we dont live in world where everyone has infinite amount of money.
Acknowledging the price of all platform is the opposite of that.

Multiplat doesn't magically make your PC free.

He's mentally ill due to trauma. It's so obvious user.

>Absolutely not. The most important aspect of a game is being able to play it.
And you will have to pay for the platform to play on it, exclusive or not.

Seeing that you have to play for the platform anyway, the quality of a game does not depend ofi ts exclusivity.

Multiplat means I can play it without spending more money
Thus its value is that much higher to ME.
Also it gives an option for a person with no existing platform to choose one that fits his needs the best, again increasing the value.