Will post tits with timestamp for bf4 expansion packs

Will post tits with timestamp for bf4 expansion packs.

post bra with timestamp first to make sure you're real, i can probably get oyu that shit it's cheap as shit now

alright. wait a minute. grabbing a bra, brah.


fake af

how is this fake you faggot?


what camera in current year takes 720x480 images

Who's taking the photo?

/\ = 1
Fucking dolt.

scaled it down so it wouldn't take a week to upload.

check ur pm's

Terrible shop. Kill yourself faggot.

sent ;)

>a week to upload 4mb
Which slav shithole are you from


I dont think you even pretended to try


alright you faggots. I'll do another one with higher resolution and holding something specific which you decide so we can be all clear that my photoshop skills are virtually non-existent. sounds good?

Sharpie in pussy

write down this exact post:^)

Shoe on boobs

Peeing yourself

just post tits already, grab those little piggies and squeeze them with the paper inbetween, perfect proof, you get something we get something

I'll get you the games if you add me on Kik and exchange nudes with me from time to time