I bet 200 dollars on my friend that Microsoft is going to win E3. Anyone else feeling confident about the ol' Softy?

I bet 200 dollars on my friend that Microsoft is going to win E3. Anyone else feeling confident about the ol' Softy?

>Implying Nintendo isn't going to win for the 5th consecutive year

Why would you bet money on something that's subjective? That's the most fucking stupid thing I've ever heard

Only winners are the people who love videogames, not console apologists.

>Nintendo winning for the fifth year
>After what happen in 2015 sony conference with FFVII and Shenmue remake and the release of the guardian.

Nintendo fags believe this.

We're talking about video games here, not movies.

Because it's impossible to lose

If winning meant shit games and hardware then sure

I think MS will do really well. It's really the wild card of this year.
>FFVII and Shenmue remake and the release of the guardian.
>Episodic, Kickstarter and not worth 10 years of dev time.

>5th consecutive year
2015 happened, Cody

nintendo fans It' s like a whole new religion of retarded autist.

>Sonyfags need to cherry pick this hard to make Nintendo seem bad
AHAHAHH... *takes a deep breath* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Sony just needs to show what From Software is doing and they won everything. MS needs to show at least around 6-10 good EXCLUSIVE games and that seems impossible for them.

yes i want it to happen, the the nuclear bootyblasting will be ridiculous

Just be a better debater than the person you're betting against and you win every time.

>shenmue is skipping e3 this year

>mfw ever oasis releases to silence
>animal crossing with dungeon crawling

literally looking at a sleeper hit here folk

How the fuck do you know who won and who lost? Isn't that subjective?

I honestly forget Microsoft even exist on the console market most of the time.

I'd be impressed if they managed to show enough gusto as to "win" E3.

Please tell me you donated to the patreon so I can laugh at you

Fuck I meant kickstarter