>friends/family are watching you play a game
>a cutscene starts
Friends/family are watching you play a game
Other urls found in this thread:
I forgot the last time I played a game with cutscenes.
>loss game
>replay happens
>shows you losing the game for your team
>someone comes in the room and starts watching you play when you're doing boring shit like buying items from a shop or wandering aimlessly around a dungeon
>It's a japanese game
>"Why do you always play as a girl, user?"
>friends/family are watching you play a game
>someone watching you play
>start fucking everything up
>dad is watching you play Kingdom Hearts 2
>next world is Atlantica
It's okay, dad. Lots of people are doing it.
>be playing KH birth by sleep or whatever the one is with aqua
>be in one of the disney princess worlds
>cutscene happening with aqua holding cinderella or snow white in her arms or some shit
>"what the- i dont remember any of this happening in the movie"
>family watches you play a game in the living room
>you forget about it
>attempt to look under girls' skirts
>its a """sexy""" cutscene
>Its a """funny""" cutscene
>Making game I'm playing look interesting by dominating and doing crazy stylish shit that would make any game demonstrator jealous.
>Friend/Family starts watching.
>Start fucking up and dying in stupid ways or get caught in a section where you don't do anything.
>"This game doesn't look that good"
>no friends nor family to watch you play videogames
ha ha...
>in highschool find out my friend plays a female char in wow
>call him a tranny for the entirety of senior year
>2 years later look him up on FB
>hasn't been updated in a year
>google his name and city
>there's an obituary
>he kysd him are self
>family watched you play multiplayer game
>team is relying on you to do a certain task
>entire team swears at you loudly for messing up
>dad walks in room, usually avoids my room when I play games
>think he's going to comment on the game, get excited he's taking an interest in my-
>walks over and turns it off
>"do your homework, its 8 o fucking clock"
>walks out
>I didn't even get to save
>what is Metal Gear Solid
>kysd him are self
>get stuck on puzzle
>hah, user are you dumb? It's so easy
>family is watching you play a game
>it's Kingdom Hearts
>dad walks in room, usually avoids my room when I play games
>think he's going to comment on the game, get excited he's taking an interest in my-
>dad says it's good to see me play with my friends again
>"y-yea.." as I do my best holding back the tears
>walks out
>quit the game and cry into my hands
>playing games
In the early 2000s I was playing my dreamcast at my grandma's house, my cousin who was 7 years older was over and he wanted to play Sonic Adventure. This cutscene started playing and I just felt embarrassed as fuck for some reason.
15m 17s
>"so like, what do you do in this game, user?"
>dad watches me play Drakengard 3
>"You're right hand comes off? But it should be your right hand comes off. How they couldn't get that right?" t. dad
>rooomate had a graduation party the other week
>invited all his friends and family
>some old lady asked what I played when I came downstairs to hang out
>was still kinda zoned out and answered heroes of the storm
I really don't give a fuck (especially since he moved out), but as I came to I realized how fucking stupid I felt.
I need a new hobby
>know you have nude mods installed so you have to be very careful when playing the game
>smoking cigars through your ear
that's some next level shit
it could have been vape
>playing transformers devastation
>completely fuck up against megatron and get molly whopped
>hear a scoff
>turn around
>dad is shaking his head slowly
>"yeah of course"
>he walks away
>Not on sadpanda
>Parents walk into my room
>Tab down, browse wikipedia and pretend to work or do something more important
Am I the only one?
How do attractive women manage to do anything other than masturbate 24/7?
Ew, does it really spill that much?
i always locked my door just to avoid shit like all the stuff mentioned in this thread
i still do it when i visit parents' house
>sitting with the back towards the room
do people really do this?
Believe it or not, no matter how attractive you are, you wont be attracted to yourself unless you have a disorder
Actually, i have a twin, and in my opinion, hes unnattractive as fuck, which doesnt bode well for me, but then, he insisits on growing out his pube facial hair while i actually shave
>Live by myself
>Watch porn full screen with audio over speakers
If you hit the artery, yes.
so every day then?
It's movie effects user
>playing MW2 on PC
>dad wants to use the computer
>Tell him "in a bit"
>decides to sit next to me and commentate
He was basically goldfaced every fucking time I died and I was tilted. Fucking old man you troll.
Fucking savage
actually yes
>with audio over speakers
how else would you get the audio?
shit man i just got what you meant
got me good
Headphones/earphones, or turned extremely low volume
Please explain
o shit
>Headphones/earphones are not speakers
>playing dmc4se
>bloody palace with Vergil
>go mental, chaining JUST EX over and over
>wooow you're so good user
Feels nice sometimes man.
>I get Wind Waker HD for Christmas a few years ago
>My dad sits down to watch me play for a bit.
>After about 30 seconds he says "So, what do you actually do in this game? It doesn't look like much is happening"
>I go on to explain that the game is setting up its world and its atmosphere like a proper story would
>He leaves the room a few minutes later
I suppose I get that, in his day, you start a game and it's all about getting a high score, or whatever, but it still hurt just a little bit.
Love that, feels like you're actually there.
I guess you'd say that microphones are speakers then?
>"All's well that ends well, right Sonic?"
No, you stupid little shit. The city is utterly destroyed, the death toll is in the millions, you have fucking waterfalls screaming out the upper floors of highrise buildings, and the roads in and out of the city are completely ruined/broken/submerged/collapsed so any relief effort for the poor fucks who survived won't be arriving for fucking WEEKS since there's no place to even land a mother fucking HELICOPTER with the city flooded. So unless you have an Insta-Repair! button gizmo shoved somewhere up your asshole, then you can take your cheery attitude, roll it into a really tight ball, and shove it up your dick,
I wish Optimus prime was my dad
>headphones are not speakers
>Playing Bayo
>Mom walks in
>"Wow she's hot"
>friends/family watching you play
>keep passing blunts to me at key gameplay moments
>playing mgs4
>you haven't done anything for over 30 minutes, is that a movie
>Dad watches me play video game when i was 8-9 years old
>I go god mode on CS:S
>"Wow user im really proud of you, that was so cool!"
God i miss you dad ;__;
>Feels like you're actually there
You'd love VR porn then. I get to fuck my waifus every night.
>How else did you get the audio?
I remember my mom loving the cutscenes between Solid and Liquid
Learn to green text newfag.
>She starts to dress like her
>want to play mario kart 8 deluxe with my nephews
>remember that i'm a daisy main
tfw not sure whether to fall for the VR meme yet or not
lurk moar
I was half joking, but would actually like to used VR like that.
VR is great for normal porn AND murder porn.
>play tetris in front of whole family on my stomach in short shorts infront of the TV
>"where's a long piece when I need one?"
>brother says he's got one for me under his breath
>everyone goes quiet
sauce me fampai
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
why is the stereotype that people do this in the bathtub? Why do people want to their bodies to be found bloated and deformed?
i don't feel like putting this in greentext but one time my roommate's girlfriend walked into my room and just stood behind me for like a half hour while i was playing a game until i finally turned around and noticed, then ran out of the room laughing
she was fucking weird
Honestly? Wait for E3 to end. I expect some big reveals this year for the platform. Then decide if you should go for it. It is a niche platform and there aren't a whole lot of great experiences for it, but the few great games that do exist are really something special. Also, yes. The porn is pretty great once you sink your teeth into it.
What is this, user? Is this Onward?
easier to clean afterwards.
>Playing Godhand
>Mom walks in as I'm spanking some of the girls in the amusement park
>She just laughs it off
>Feel really embarrased for some reason
>commentate while playing vidya
>pretending I'm a famous youtuber
>starts yelling and making dirty jokes
>family can hear
>"you and gaming buddies get awfully rowdy"
>don't have the guts to tell them i was talking to myself
What are some of the worst ">dad walks in" cutscenes?
>playing new vegas
>decided to try the Willow mod, even though Sup Forums says it's shit.
>Try and ask her can she change her clothes.
>asks me why.
>use speech check to convince her so I can give her better armour.
>fucking bitch agrees and take all her armour off, standing there completely naked.
>Mom walks in
>manage to pull up youtube just in time before she sees anything.
>she gets what she wants and leaves.
And in case anyone is wondering, the mod is bad. How it's the most endorsed/downloaded companion mod on the nexus I will never understand.
>playing those game demos in a store
>random people start watching me
>start playing worse and sweating profusely
Pavlov custom map.
>it's a newer game with good writing, acting and animation
>"Wow, user! I didn't know video games were so sophisticated!"
>they hang around and watch me play the rest, engrossed
Where would find someone VR porn games anyway?