Chucklefish have shown off more gameplay footage of Wargroove if anyone's interested

Chucklefish have shown off more gameplay footage of Wargroove if anyone's interested.
I'm not sure how I feel about the Commander system. I was never too fond of the playable COs in Advance Wars: Days of Ruin.
Other than that, it's looking pretty neat. The music sounds pretty nice as well.

What do you guys think?

Other urls found in this thread:

>medieval Advance Wars
looks cool tbqh

This looks EXACTLY like what I want.
I know I'm gonna get accused of being a shill, but this looks awesome
Count me fucking in

Is this only two players max?

Up to four players according to the website.

I'm pretty sure Advance Wars is one of the games that nobody on Sup Forums hates I know I'm leaving myself open to a lot of opposition there so that isn't that shill-y.

>this trailer has been out since March

What the fuck? How is this the first I'm hearing about it?

>Medieval Advance Wars
>Awesome music
>Awesome art style
>Awesome gameplay
>Tons of units to build
>Said to have long campaign
>Plus online multiplayer

Shame it's only for Nintendo Switch...


>I'm pretty sure Advance Wars is one of the games that nobody on Sup Forums hates
I partially disagree.
The series as a whole (from when it was rebranded as Advance Wars onwards at least, I'm not sure about the previous Wars games) is well-loved but I can easily see people hating Dual Strike for it's balance problems or hating Days of Ruin for the style change.

I hope Tiy isn't part of this at all. Don't want him to fuck another great sounding game before it releases thanks to his ~vision~.

That is a remarkably unpleasant shade of green.

I agree with you, but I still think "Hate" is too strong a word.

Like, I'm sure we've all got our preferences and which game in the series we feel is the *Best* (Advance Wars 1, for the record), but it's like Skittles; if you saw somebody whip out a DS and offer to play with you, you're not gonna turn that down just because it's one of the versions you don't prefer.
It's just a really solid foundation for a game, even if the different versions might get a little wobbly towards the top

>I still think "Hate" is too strong a word.
You do raise a good point.
I guess "dislike" is a better way of describing it.

Looks like money is harder to manage than in AW because only cities give money.

might as well buy the newest double fine game while you're at it

Wtf is going on? This isn't the Sup Forums I grew up with

I'll overlook the meme since you get to play with an army of medieval armor dogs.

advance wars is just that powerful

What's wrong with Chucklefish again?
It was something to do with Starbound's Early Access right?
Does it minimise the risk of buying a Chucklefish game if isn't an Early Access game and is launching as content-complete?

>have never ever heard of this game
>in love after 2 minutes
wew. it's on pc right? nice

I see. I don't think anyone here hates Metroid either. Dislike individual rules? sure. For example, white I love Prime (2)/Fusion, I have no love for Super. Then again, it wasn't the first game I played after being pulled from my Mother's filth.

I really should check this out.

>those portraits

obviously the guy can draw but you're supposed to make the character look appealing, not like an half-orc from tumblr.

What if one of them is a half-orc?

I know it's their first game, but they should really have put effort into the music and characters instead of saying "remember advance wars???" with everything.

I guess Advance Wars was too fucking magical.

Something about these graphics isn't really working for me. I think the colors need more saturation and the brown/green palette doesn't look that good. Water also needs a bit more going on - some waves, at least.

>tumblr portaits

just gonna wait for modders to change the art style...

I'd prefer Stardew Valley 2 which fixes the issues I have with the original but this game looks alright.

This post is EXACTLY like what I want
I know I'm gonna get accused of being a Chucklefish employee, but this looks awesome
Count me as an upvote

holy shit i have to play advance wars now!

>Like, I'm sure we've all got our preferences and which game in the series we feel is the *Best* (Advance Wars 1, for the record)
Really, 1? The game with maybe the worst balance in the series, AI that blatantly cheats and "medium tank" as the strongest unit?

>Worst balance in the series

>Not Dual Strike

Come on, user.

>and "medium tank" as the strongest unit?
Yes. Because Md Tanks can actually be countered. AW 2 was literally just infantry spam into Neo Tank spam, and then DS gets CUH-RAYZEE

1 is easily the best in terms of level design in its campaign. Many stages change dramatically if you choose one CO over another, and these choices often have consequences that reach far beyond that one mission.

>COs are separate units
>music seems to be trying to be medieval rather than go for madcap variety like AW


dual strike has the potential to be more broken in a vaccum, but it also has lots of broken people to where it almost works (it's just kind of stupid)

meanwhile AW1 has max (tanks do as much damage as medium tanks) and sonja (literally a handicap if there's no fog) in the same game and only like 10 co's

>AW 2 was literally just infantry spam into Neo Tank spam
this isn't the aw2 meta at all (it's more like infantry into artillery/tank/maybe a copter spam). neo tanks are sort of overrated because medium tanks and artlliery can do solid damage to them while costing way less)

this stuff was cool but the actual design/gimmicks and writing of the AW2 campaign is better in my opinion, especially because the AI doesn't have a pathological hatred of APC's and doesn't completely ignore how fog works or otherwise blatantly stack the deck

i can't help but think that the game would benefit from a more serious tone instead of "le meme anime poses" for characters on the turn end screen, and naming something "dreadpupper" ala reddit...

additionally, animations for capping buildings take fucking forever.

other than that it looks alright though. just remove the reddit parts

I mean, the game is medieval themed so medieval music makes sense

Chucklefish will give a list of promised content and shove it under a rug as time goes on.

Also hope the portraits can be modded out.

I guess but it certainly doesn't help the game scratch my Advance Wars itch.
having the ridiculous amount of genres to listen to is what makes me love Dual Strike so much. Not even just the variety either but how fantastic the songs themselves are.

What is this? It looks amazing. omfg. any interesting anounced features besides the seasons and weather?

If it's not on PC I don't give a shit about it.

Oh I agree, I'd like to have a wider range of music too, just that it makes sense to me why they would go more "generic" route with this.

It is.

>Days of Ruin style COs

It looks bad. Straight up clone with a derivative art style.

>Those noses
>Awesome art style

I might grab the game but please user, please don't lie

Maybe he meant the unit sprites, those are pretty cute. Couldnt possibly have meant the commander portraits.

>build bomber
>blow up the thing

I hope you're right

Does Advance Wars just end up getting really slow eventually? I love this series, but it just kind of gets progressively slower as the game goes on because of how many units you get, how does that actually effect multiplayer? I've never played

Not really, unless you play with animations on or something


yeah nah. I'll pirate it if it looks to be any good.

AW1/2/ByWeb pvp is a special kind of hell.
Dual Strike and Days of Ruin both have quirks that make them go a lot faster and more tolerable.

If play normally yes but you can actually make the game easier for yourself by using as few units as possible and basically rush the objective. Basically speedrunning it. It is such a boring way to play but it works. There a comic somewhere of someone deploying a single unit and win to have every enemy unit to give up on the spot. Case of gameplay > realistic behavior.

what's wrong with them?? what have they made?

holy shit these guys are dogshit at their own game i hope theyre playing it up for the camera

starbound. they released it in early access, tons of people bought it. then they proceeded to not update it for two years all while trying to shift the blame onto anything except the fact that they're lazy hacks.

>more pixelshit
>the original AW still looks better
sasuga chucklefuck
And those portraits look fucking awful.

>take thirty seconds to remember the term 'naval combat'
Well at least they got that part right.

The black outline looks bad

I really dislike all the stuff about the commander being on the field, it's not really suited for a AW game.
The rest looks pretty good.

>tank loses to antiair
>antiair does more damage to artillery
>infantry does good damage to tank
Why do tanks even exist?

Lewd mod when?

battle animations need some serious work, other than that looks bretty gud

>tfw you don't really care about wargroove but you also don't want an AW thread to die.

DoR had the best balance when it came to COs.

The only thing that wasn't as good about DoR was the art style. Which is the reason Sup Forums loathes it. The gameplay was superior in every way, and the music was awesome.

It certainly doesn't help that the COU's in this presentation don't have any effects to make them unique.
>inb4 unga bunga DoR CO's didn't do anything either

not that guy, but yes they do, they all have special unique abilities the guys in the video said

They said they would be different later. Right now they're both just suped-up infantry.

finish starbound you fucks

one of these years we'll have a complete version of that game and it'll be great. Starbound was a scam to fund other shit.

no man they even show several times the two COs being used in the game right now have the healing ability. only issue was the two COs in this presentation were just the same unit from different factions so it looked like they were not unique

Now they're getting their money from Stardew Valley despite not having done shit for the game before it released.

I'm liking the spritework.

Having your commander as a unit gives it a bit of Fire Emblem flavor, along with a bit of distinction.

As long as they don't fuck up the AI or the FOW, looks like it should be good.

>Having your commander as a unit gives it a bit of Fire Emblem flavor
I don't want a Fire Emblem flavor.

There are tons of Advance Wars clones like this and they're all flat, boring clones.

AW isn't just about the gameplay mechanics, it's the entire branding, style and characters.

Each Command Officer had a fleshed out personality, great design and made you want to play as them. They had unique units, style of play and memorable music.

These designs on the other hand are just boring.

>map has obvious fta
>both games have been P2 wins

>steam as well
I guess I'm buying tow versions. At least with being on pc, changing the artwork and removing tumblr art is a option, among other mods.


Probably cause P1 was listening to chat on what to do.