Do you miss this game?
Do you miss this game?
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I still play it sometimes.
the fuck are you talking about, tripfag?
I'm still playing it
>Made fun of the game's alpha when it leaked because of the FF sprites, weak gameplay and one button combat
>It releases
>It actually ends up being one of the best indie games ever and I have 500+ hours logged
1.3.6 soon?
even with 1 update a year its still better than 99% of the pixel indie survival miney crafta shit on offer
i am playing it now, atm at 30h again with new char
Miss what, nigger?
I still play it to this day, 600 hours and counting.
I know that feel. I avoided Terraria for years because I thought it looked shallow from the 1.0 gameplay I had seen.
I hadn't realized that there were several updates that gave the game a ton of content.
I really wish for another layer of endgame content even though i know it's not possible.
What are some good mods to have for this one? I played hours upon hours of vanilla, but i decided to check out some of the mods the community made.
The one i'm currently checking out is Calamity which is basically adding some extra stuff and here and there, and new endgame content post moonlord.
Modded the shit out of it and replayed it recently.
Think I ended up with 3x as much content compared to vanilla.
It was great to be completely lost in it again.
Which ones do you use? I assume one of them is a overhaul mod?
Do you have a mod list or something? I'd fucking love to relive the days of when I had no idea what was coming next.
I bought the game in 2011 and fucking hated it, way too difficult and with a boring start.
I only resumed playing it in 2014 when I read a quick beginner's tutorial.
I found that the most compatible mods are thorium, spirit, and Calamity.
Spirit helps with the early game, thorium has some good minerals and content, while Calamity has the amazing bosses.
Tremor, Thorium and Calamity are the only ones I remember off the top of my head, but they're all big packs and really great.
I went for most of the big mod packs though, as well as whatever else interested me from the mod loader.
Terraria ended up being literally everything that I wanted Minecraft to be in the first place.
Played for 200 hours before modding it.
is it pretty easy to set up a calamity modded terraria server?
No? You can still play it you know.
nigga u wot? The game still pumps out updates, modding and even replaying vanilla still have their worth.
Have the mod, and Tmodloader.exe + tmod server and start it up, and that should be it i think.
Here's my full mod list.
I can recommend all the enabled ones.
i have 180 hours vanilla on it and currently playing with like 200 hours with Calamity , Tremor , Thorium and the spirit mod. enjoying every second of it.
Tremor mod
Why is magic storage disabled?
That's the one mod that made me want to replay Terraria again, because late-game storage is so annoying to me in games like this.
It's still for sale and available to play you fucking retard.
Ran out of RAM, so I had to disable some shit.
I haven't tested it, so I don't know if it's any good.
>ran out of RAM
Are you on a 1997 Windows laptop?
Nah, just too lazy to close firefox.
Miss it in the sense that there won't be any more large official content releases, yeah, also my favorite mod's essentially also done and just has minor content releases from time to time.
But I still play it a lot and I'm currently just waiting for Thorium to update to Tmod .10 before I start another playthrough.
It's the same as hosting a normal server, just make the server with Calamity installed and enabled.
1.4 might actually be coming according to Red's fucking hints.
Is thorium your favorite mod?
Terraria is easily in the top 5 indie games of all time. I just hope 2/Underworld are good too.
Is he even fucking working on Terraria 2/Otherworld? I feel I'm really getting memed with these two.
Only gripe is lack of post-ML content.
Do they not conflict with each other? I'd figure the big overhaul ones would fuck with balance a lot, or have some issues with compatibility.
>make a tmod server for terraria general
>things are going great
>suddenly can't connect to my own server without half the map missing or without the game freezing two seconds after connection
why must the game i love hurt me like this
I don't know if there's anything official for 2 aside from him saying he's going to make it eventually,
otherworld just got handed over to a different publisher or some shit recently though because he didn't like what the current one was doing.
Literally the best game ever made.
>Runs out of ram with the internet open
Calamity's real appeal is the large amount of post-ML content so it doesn't really fuck with balance that much beyond said content having numbers that are ridiculous.
I have not gone far into a tremor playthrough since
they updated to 1.3 but it used to have some really unbalanced shit on both ends of the spectrum.
where do i put the calamity mod files? it isn't very descriptive. Do i drop them in the modcompile folder?
Okay, so it's a bit outdated.
Pls no bully.
Go to where you terraria save file would be, and there should be tmod folder now. get in, check mods and drop the mod there.
Along with what says, make sure you have all necessary tmod files in documents > my games > Terraria > modloader > mods.
is Tremor a bad mod?
>tfw you will never have terrarias content with starbounds graphics level(not actual graphics because jesus fuck no)
Kinda. I've still never tried its multiplayer.
>yfw first encountering this guy
>yfw first encountering all the other interesting and unique terraria monsters
I still play it
looks like the current thorium mod doesn't support the updated tmodloader. Guess I will have to wait.
No. Red's back on the dev team and is working on 1.3.6, and there's plans for 1.4 already (creative mode of a sort).
>there are people who actually think Starbound is better than Terraria
Red WAS working on Otherworld with Engine, but Engine was incompetent so after Pipeworks came to him with a plan, outline, and design document for what they wanted to do, and Red said it was good, he gave all currently existing assets, code, and progress, over to Pipeworks and cut out Engine. Now he's back to working on Terraria proper for a bit for 1.3.6, and there's plans for 1.4.
>first time encountering a Giant Mimic in Expert
It's been a long time.
What do you mean, "miss" it? It didn't go anywhere.
That being said, no. I mean, I adore the game, I'd easily say it's among my favorite games of all time, but I've put thousands of hours into it. I've done everything I can do, and mods are generally either extremely out of place or ruin the already weak balance of the game.
Once the next big update drops, though, I'm sure I'll put another couple hundred hours into it. Not to mention we still have Otherworld and Terraria 2 coming in the future.
>tfw the game is so fleshed out when you look back at the early stage, it feels like 2 completely different games.
I love the Re-Logic devs so much
any reason to pick this over starbound?
I has more than 5 hours of content.
It's vastly superior in every way.
I miss it in the sense that I stopped playing it after getting all the achievements on Steam because it never really had that much replay-value in my opinion. I enjoyed the combat and loot aspect of the game more than the building part that most people seem to prefer, but even that gets boring quick.
Its very unbalanced and, last time I played it, filled my town up with too many useless NPCs.
>yfw you get Daedalus
>yfw you can cheese the Destroyer and Skeletron Prime with Holy Arrows
The only thing Starbound even remotely has on terraria is building options.
You can also use the temporary fix that lets you use all mod files pre-update. That'll let you use thorium.
>Jumped from 0 to 28 mods
I don't even know what mod is each thing from or if anything is overlapping, but I'm having fun
how do u enable the temporary fix?
>in the sense that there won't be any more large official content releases
Well, no further releases for post-moonman progression at least. 1.3.6 is going to be looking at a lot of the content from the beginning to the game up to moonman, filling in some areas that they think have been neglected, rebalancing and polishing some older and newer content to have a more consistent progression curve, etc.
1.3.1 completely overhauled wires and expanded on their functionality massively (new tools, new gizmos, etc).
1.3.2 added parties.
1.3.3 was a Desert expansion with new cosmetics, mounts, enemies, and gear.
1.3.4 was a surprisingly hefty content boost in The Old One's Army event crossover with Dungeon Defenders 2, with a huge boost to Summoning variety and viability.
1.3.5 was admittedly mostly a launchpad for later content (they said as much, most of the work was under the hood in preparation for later updates) but even that filled out most furniture sets a bit more and added a new one
1.3.6 has:
And even then, that's mostly "different" building options as opposed to "better".
Personally I think Terraria's is better.
>implying it went anywhere
This is still one of the best videogames ever made. The only complaint I have is that the late game has korean mmo balancing
If one is to set up a mod server, does everyone need the exact same mods as the host? Or is it only stuff that can be interacted with? Like let's say, i have a mod that lets me check recipes whenever i want, or an item checklist, or autoswing for weapons. Does everyone also need those?
A bit, yeah. My friend I always play it with started school so he doesn't have much time.
Whenever we do play it we have a good time though.
Don't forget the annoying as fuck grinding, where you only get 1 item from the fishing NPC per day, completely fucking random, stuff that has like 0,1% chance of dropping, and so on.
i thought it was going to be shit when i started it up
400 hours later its probably the best game ive ever bought
i don't even build shit i just do a new playthrough after every big update
I think it's unfair to call Terraria a 2D minecraft, since MC was a broken mess that needed mods just to be fixed, while Terraria was a fgood game improved by mods.
i would assume that everyone needs to have the same mods
Grab the "Which mod is this from?" mod.
It's a big help.
Is it considered grinding if you're going to a fishing spot once every 24 minutes?
>Associated Terraria with children and autism like I did with Minecraft
>Friend bugs me to play it with him on PS3
>Tell him no
>Keeps bothering me to do it
>Go into it expecting to drop the fuck out of it
>End up loving the fuck out of it and getting to endgame before he did
>Got it on PC and played through it 5 or so more times through the years
Thanks Brian
>fishing quest goes up to 200 successful fish-turn-ins
>day-skip item only works once per seven in-game days
True hell. At least you could easily farm quest fish by dropping the ones you fish up on the ground, tricking the game into thinking you lost it.
Just beat the Moon Lord for the first time two weeks or so ago.
Am I just not gud enough, or is a big component of the boss fights and events straight up gear checks? At least it felt like that as far as magic is concerned.
There are, but they're such a microscopic minority that it's not even worth worrying about.
The only people who think this are people who haven't played Terraria, people who are clinically insane, or furries who play the game just for roleplaying.
Starbound apparently released an update recently, and it actually looks decent, so I decided to give it another shot. I've already played through the final version (Since I already bought the game back when it came out originally), and all the problems are still there.
>Extremely tedious to start; despite being able to skip the shitty university tutorial thing, you still have to spend ages walking around the beginning planet to get the cores and activate the ark to the gateway place
>The mobs are all extremely basic and either just charge at you or spit a projectile at you
>art style sucks, mob design sucks (even for the monsters that aren't just randomly generated rainbow shit), the story is baby-tier, etc.
>Missions are asinine and require you to spend ages searching for specific objects in a game where everything is randomly generated, meaning even if you do come across the right place to find what you need, you still may not find it there
>Pretty much every quest is just a fetch quest for materials you have to grind for, talking to people with shitty dialogue, or "teleport to this place and beat this boss"
>All of the bosses are more or less the same; just "move towards you and swing arms/weapon/shoot gun"
>The only decent weapons in the game are the randomized ones, which are rare, so you'll have to spend hours just searching for good weapons
I'm still playing through this update to try and see what it's all about, but so far it's just as mediocre. Nothing they could do would really fix these problems, anyways, without just redoing the game from scratch.
The problem is that stuff that you need for a certain item, like the cellphone, cannot be gotten without pure freaking luck, and it's locked away behind a 24 minute barrier, which just makes it even more annoying than if i could just grind him non stop.
The better option would be making each fishing quest awarding me with tokens, which i can then trade for items he has.
Too busy playing Starbound tbqh with u famalamadingdong
>Implying getting any good shit in Terraria isn't tedious as fuck
>Get the Daedalus
>The entire game is 10 times easier
I'm not usually one to vouch for nerfs, but Daedalus is broken as fuck.
You could always trade with someone who's got a spare.
Protip: Bring a piggy bank or safe with you when you go fishing. When you get a quest fish, put it in the piggy bank or safe, then fish out another. Do this until you have 2-3 extra spares, then stick them in a chest by the angler, so that if it shows up again, you can just do it immediately and get on with your day.
Did Thorium update yet? It's the only way I can get my friends to play this game again.
Thanks user, will check it out
Calamity is also pretty nice.
>tfw bought the MC alpha first and last time I bought an early access game
>combat is the shittiest aspect of it
>I totally thought "but they will fix it!"
>they didn't
>my fucking face when playing Terraria
The balance here is that Daedalus is ONLY good for the mech bosses. Underground, it sucks dick. Invasions, it sucks dick (just use a piercing projectile or traps).
Plus it requires that you get a lot of materials from a biome that many folks don't like taking over their base, and from one of the less common and more punishing enemies from that biome to boot, just for the ammo.
You got links to his hints? I'd like to see this.
Generally speaking, it's not. The only tedious grinds in Terraria worth doing I can think of are farming chaos elementals for the Rod of Discord, and fishing shit. Everything else, at the very least, comes from enemies/bosses that're fun to fight. Not to say that Terraria doesn't have annoying grinds, but the parts around the grinding is still fun. In starbound, it's all about the grind, and none of the enemies are fun to fight. It's all just
>fly to a planet
>walk around and find the building
>open all the boxes
>repeat until you find the thing
And this is for nearly every weapon/resource in the game.
>Mimic in Expert
At first I died to this mimic several times without even knowing what killed me. It was such a fucking mess of monsters that I couldn't identify what was killing me in one hit.