This is a place where I don't feel alone
This is a place where I feel at home
This is a place where I don't feel alone
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That place is gone forever and no private server can substitute for it.
Holy shit the memories
I died so many times taking that route on level 1
I literally camped Menethil Harbor with my old guild master and 20 other people on Elysium PvP two nights ago. Going to Darnassus tonight. Join Elysium PvP or die.
Horde needs Shamans and Priests. Get in here bros.
yeah but i know everything about the game, and so does everyone else
Do you know what it's like to kill Nefarian? C'thun? Kel'Thuzzad? I sure don't but I will.
No thanks.
TBC or bust.
Let the immersion fill your soul.
then they randomly broke night and weather effects and never fixed it
Get some taste and don't play tigoles game
>when some guy the same class as you sees you struggling, gives you 5g and helps you with your quest and escorts you back to town
Some places still have rain but now that our PCs are to the max. We can see the rain bubble around us and glitch out.
Like say a lone Nelf tower in legion was being rained on while everywhere around it was fine.
>When you are a warlock and you end up befriending other walocks from the opposite faction since warlock teachers from every city send us to the same places in the middle of buttfuck nowhere to do quests.
>When you feel more loyalty to your class than to your faction
>some guy at level 30 gives me 10 gold
>i spend it to get 3 - 14 slot bags
>we go off and do our own things not keeping mention of each other
>year or so later
>end up in the same raid group and played with each other a decent amount
never ended up as an online friendship, but it was cool that it all came together.
To bad cross realm really killed the social aspect of a server
>Never again being that rogue with high enough lockpicking on the server
>Being invited to open doors for UBRS and Scholo.
>Helping noobs of both factions to kill elites
>Being the anti-ganker of STV
>Being the true rogue of the server
FUUUUUCK dude I forgot about the pet quests
Last I heard Blizzard went and removed the summoning quests
>being a fresh cuck
Enjoy raiding mc/bwl for a year, again.
The server will be the same or worse off than Anathema come AQ40 anyway.
>never ever
>last online 3 years ago
8 yrs :(
Will never understand how anyone who leveled multiple times during vanilla/tbc could want to go through that again at 1x rates. Pure cancer that actively holds private server pop and endgame activity back.
People are autists that literally do not value their time because they have nothing but it to waste on vanilla wow 12+ hours a day.
We will never see a progression based server that has Naxxramas with a decent population because people value fresh starts over everything else for some reason.
Something something "IT'S ABOUT THE JOURNEY" something something "I DON'T WANT TO GET GANKED BY SOMEONE IN WAY BETTER GEAR THAN ME" Yeah have fun getting ganked by massive ranking parties at every turn regardless of where you go retard.
r8 my mog
blood elf players don't desrve to breathe
>tfw I mained a belf mage
Nothing better than seeing people get angry at a guy in a dress
>tfw wow got ruined because blizzard refused to btfo useless casuals
the thing that baffles me more is the fact that people are willing to do this shit over and over again and also raid onyxia/mc for all eternity because "lol check this new server that's coming out!"
and in the end it's just as garbage as the rest of the servers
I knew it was over the moment they capitulated to the faggots whining about keeping flight in the game.
When the majority of people playing an MMORPG yet hate the core aspects of what makes an MMORPG start dictating to the devs what to do, and the devs listen, you know it's over.
>Questing in Darkshire as level 33
>mid 20s allies cry out for help in Raven Hill Cemetery against two lvl 30 undead mages.
>Run over from town, find them and kill them.
>End up guarding the cemetery while the friendlies queat as they keep sporadically respawning, for an hour.
>4 hours later just stopping in Wetland to turn in a Stockades quest.
>on the road from menethil, come up on a lvl 34 undead mage.
>stop, back off slowly, let him pass.
>we pass eachother with a wide berth
>look back, just in case
>he starts gangink a friendly Night Elf
>run right in there and open with concussive shot
>it pros the stun
>Nelf bro runs off still alive
>Pet and I kill the mage.
>Nelf walks up to thank me.
>It's the same guy who first called for help in Darkshire 4 hours ago.
Anathema PvP. First time I'm experiencing vanilla. So fucking fun.
>you will never ride through enemy territory to do scarlet monastery
im on Elysium, leveling in STV is literally hell.. the floor is bones from the rebel camp all the way to the gates of booty bay. sometimes people will get tired of roaming with raids of 60s, and the UD rogues and NE feral druids will fall asleep, so you can quest.... but... normally it's a fucking hellhole
>mfw finding the Warlock basement for the first time in Stormwind as a non-warlock class.
>my response as a paladin
that ride was an adventure in itself.
>you see the decay of lordaeron as it was.
>you see pyrewood village where tyrande nearly died.
>you feel like you really are going on some epic adventure with your comrades in arms instead of playing a game.
All gone.
and the fact that people refused to put in any effort at all. when you have a family and are working full time and can dedicate only 1 hour per day to the game, maybe you shouldn't be fucking playing mmos in the first place.
the success of everquest's time-locked servers gives me some hope that blizzard will one day give up their retarded "YOU THINK YOU WANT IT, BUT YOU DON'T!" stance and just make a progression server of their own.
that would print money for so low effort.
how successful was it?
well, can you raid 4 nights a week then grind mats on the side?
sorry, you can't raid with us
1 hour a day to have fun? What a life, jesus fuck... Why are having kids so important to people? At least spend all that time and effort in a career or sine shit, christ.
If only someone had told your mom and dad that.
Classic: Learning to ride the horse with friends
TBC: More adventures with your friends but on a motorbike
Wrath: That bike now has stabilizers
Cata: Fuck your sta- No wait, here's two more
Mists(despite the lolPandas) if had great content and was a break from doom and gloom: Take a walk every now and again
WoD: Your legs are broken, your friends left long ago, fuck you
Legion: Enjoying the mechanical horse simulator?
this retard is in every warcraft thread posting this analogy. ignore
thanks for the heads up.
Blizzard? you mean Activision.
The blizzard we knew died years ago.
>dodging lumbering rotting bears in the forests that once held life and racing pat polluted lakes and decayed farmsteads
>hearing your horse whine as he jump over a stone wall with a angry horde of undead coming out of the ruins to meet you
>you ride past narrowly avoiding getting dismounted as he you reach the finishline of the monestary itself
>a odd sense of safety amongst fanatics
what happened man
>Oh man, I'll never ever go back to those times again.
>play private servers user
>yeah it's not perfect, but better than you crying about your nostalgia every thread
I seem to have triggered you. Why is that?
>running SM
He could be a paladin.
Veregian's fist and the Ranseur were far more legendary weapons than the artifacts blizzard throws to everyone. The adventure you went through to get the weapon is something to cherish.
>adevised levels:Graveyard: 26-36
Library: 29-39
Armory: 32-42
Cathedral: 35-45
you could easily have a mount when doing cathedral
You can't go back because everyone already knows the game, the world, builds, etc. There's no mystery.
on elysium you can't even zone into sm if you're 40+
Anyone playing gummycraft? Is it worth investing a point into Master of Deception? Feels like enemies always see me.
this was vanilla warrior m80's,i didnt ride the mount inside the instance if thats what you mean
>Getting ingots for the memorial building easter egg quest for the war veteran homage.
>Have to go into Yeti cave in Hillsbrad.
>Two undead Hoardies spotted me, could have easily killed them if I wanted to.
>30 minutes later two lvl 40's gank me in the cave.
Why were horde players always niggers?
They don't let you run lowbie friends who want a piece of gear? The fuck?
Why don't we just play on elysium?
yeah, I played on a hunter. Aspect of the hedgehog was so good for just running around.
>ywn come out of the dwarf starting zone and see the entire ironforge valley with the city in the distance.
I stayed on Anathema. Regretted at first because of large drop in dungeon lfm's, but questing got a lot more comfy.
because they were always edgy children.
>flying over ironforge and seeing that airfield and bunker system
i cant remember the name of the zone but as a human who never wnet through it,it was pretty impressive how they made ironforge feel like an actual stronghold fortress
You're in Stranglethorn and Stone Guard Ganksta
>Anal [Ravage]
cause they are playing on Feenix or VanillaGaming
i was just trolling, you can do anything on elyssium
it's pretty enjoyable, just VERY populated.. i just want to get to 60 then i'll probably delete my character
STV pvp is fucking REALLY intense though... it's not uncommon for there to be like 10 or 15 invis rogues or druids just standing around waiting for people at nessingway's expedition
Yes. They removed totems, pets, animal forms, and almost all class quests.
Eurofag, mate.
the path where you had to walk to the top with its twists and turns was spectacular. You could see why it was unconquered during the second war.
>enter the valley of kings.
>Dwarf statues standing tall and proud.
I was very happy with my hunter choice then.
What's that one class you always return too?
i couldn't get into the server until an hour after it went live due to queues
of course, lots of people dropped it after a day because the 1999 MMO experience is really intimidating for people who never tried it before. still, you had to pay for a month of subscription just to get onto the server.
Fire mage.
Shit's dumb but I fucking love it.
I even went back to a private vanilla server, it's not the same. Yea the music, the night time, running to dungeons, made 3 friends before I even hit lvl 6; but you'll never be able to experience it for the first time again. It's over
Dwarf hunter with mining + engineering. I felt like a fucking commando, chucking nades to stun hordeshitters and then shooting them.
so it's not a free server but one with an active sub?
Literally the comfiest place in Stormwind, non-warlocks get out!
is it possible to get exalted with Undercity before you hit level 40?
I'm too lazy to add up the rep gains from every quest on vanilla db
Night Elf druid, always loved the Night Elfs since WC3. Druid felt like the only way to play a druid male. Should have tried more seriously to make an archer/huntress character.
Best Horde zone: Tirisfal
Best Alliance zone: Duskwood
>tfw want to play Elysium again but it's shit
I just wanted to camp the harbors and be the new Angwe
No one liked the Wetlands
>tfw you need to play lgbt horde because alliance PvE is dead
confirmed for never playing vanilla.
hint:it's not supposed to be an enjoyable pic
Hi Nixxiom
Can we just get another good fantasy MMO? Just 1. Jesus christ. It's been 12 years.
>Q: What Purchases Do I Need to Play on Agnarr?
>No expansion purchases are required to play on Agnarr.
>Like other progression and special ruleset servers, you must have All Access Membership to access the Agnarr server. In addition to letting you play on this server, All Access includes additional great benefits, like 10% off most Marketplace purchases, and a claimable 500DBC grant each month!
This. Patrolling zones to defend questing players, using track. Lurking chats to see if anyone has trouble from the Horde. Offer to boost in dungeons or Elite quests. So comfy.
I feel like the settlement distribution in vanilla really favored Horde players.
The Wetlands run versus simply taking a zeppelin to/from Undercity. The zeppelin to STV plus the easily accessible boat to Booty Bay. The placement of Stonard right in the middle of what should be Alliance territory. The ease with which the Horde could navigate Eastern Kingdoms versus Alliance on Kalimdor was pretty unbalanced.
>Tiragarde Keep
>visited on the way to raid Ogrimmar
>see all the dead huamn soldiers and ruined walls,a mob of new orcs cuts them down without remorse
>the men basically abandonded by their allies to holding a bunch of walls barely worth calling a keep anymore and a tiny bridgehead along the coast
>there is nothing you can do
the story really made me think sometimes
Also you could always trust in your pet to offtank.
I remember running half the deadmines with muh white bear.
hire that one crazy warlock in full Nemesis that was renting himself as a personal bodyguard for like 15g/hour in STV
Stonard was in WC1/2. So its bound to have been an advantage.
how far the game has fallen.
>Dude remember when lvling past lvl 20 took months to reach cap?
>Dude remember having to spend gold just to upgrade your already learned spells
>Dude remember having to spend gold just to upgrade your pet's already learned spells
>Dude remember spending 2 hours for one WC run?
>Dude remember waiting 2 hours just to find people for a WC run
>Dude remember walking everywhere
>Dude remember walking back to your dead body from across the zone
>Dude remember not being able to quest because some bored soul had nothing better to do but to kill people 30 levels lower than him since post-game content was a joke
>Dude remember ammo
>Dude remember regents
>Dude remember awful talent trees
These threads are awful.
there are people who played WoW almost every day since vanilla
Completely different, but past a certain point in WotLK hunters could tank heroics with their pets.
It was far from optimal but it worked. A nice change of pace too.
>White bear.
How did you get that? Is that post vanilla?
I remember going back to Khaz Modan to get a polar bear, but it just transformed into the boring brown one, once I tamed it
>run through stonard with orcs and broken chucking spears at me.
>the area around the portal is mysterious and full of demons.
>The alliance fortress from wc2 is still standing strong with it's shining white walls like a bulwark against the legion.
WoD blew it up man.