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I find it hilarious how you gen-z idiots get so upset over spinners. Like no one is bemoaning you taking over the entirety of internet talk space with your "ironic memes" bullshit, Let's Plays and retarded grade-F politics, but somehow spinners are the end of culture.
At least pet rocks were amusing to make fun of. Fidget spinners must be some form of mind disease. Italy is always late to fads, but the fact we're riding this one early is concerning somehow.
Isn't it Gen x "get off my lawn" types who are complaining?
Can somebody explain what is so great about fidget spinners? I can understand drones and hoverboards, but this meme is just too retarded for me.
They're fun, spinning one atm desu
I just think it's weird. I understand fads but this one eludes me
It's literally just something you do when you have nothing else to do, like repeatedly clicking a pen.
I play vidya when I have nothing else to do.
>fidget spinner
>fidget cube
>fidget dodecahedron (often called 12 sided fidget cube for some reason)
whats the next fidget evolution
>whats the next fidget evolution
fidget pistol
You can spin one while the game loads
it only gets worse from here
shit, i remember couple years ago when it was the animal shaped elastic bands that took off for no fucking reason and it was driving people nuts
>tfw could never get good at yo yos
Why are they inappropriate?
Fidget spinners are nowhere near as bad as the equivalent that my generation had: stupid tiny finger skateboards.
>insulting fingerboards
Because muh important autism tool
Fidget spinners aren't as autistic as you people and your unbreakable attachment to your phones.
I find it ironic.
God damn that shit was everywhere. And the "tricks" were so fucking lame too.
They always frustrated me.
I had no idea what I was meant to do with it.
Oh god those things
>having a phone
>t. 15 year old with collection of fidget spinners
>visit local mall
>they actually still have a table with tiny half pipes for people who have finger skateboards
Stop tweeting, autismo.
>no fags here even mention the grand father of all these fidget toys
Ignoring that plenty of adults with legitimate ADD / OCD use them, and that plenty of parents take their kids hunting, they'd rather just go with the clickbait "You won't believe this shocking thing!" appeal.
Hi generation Z poster how's it going?
You mean the people who are the actual market for these things, IE kids in middle and high school?
I'm 30 and fidget spinners actually look kind of neat to me... maybe it's because I have my own issues with anxiety .
>when your parents buy you a yoyo but it's not one of those fancy ones that can spin in place
What are some comfy hunting games? Is this one worth getting?
Nope. Millenials and Gen X don't give a fuck. Not even boomers actually care. It's the edgy counter-culture "New Conservative" Gen Z kids who this blew up with and who are now complaining about spinners.
Everyone here has played with toys.
>Grr, but I'm manly now
Kys, fags.
my nephew and nice have one for each. They have tron lights and that's the only cool thing about them.
keeps your hands busy and stops you playing with your WILLY :3
I got one cause I find watching tv boring so it keeps my hands busy when I catch up with all the latest shows I dont wanna miss!™
New fags have no idea about finger boxes, and Sup Forums is filled with them.
>finally get a yoyo
>it's pink
Why can't they just twirl around butterfly knives like normal kids?
>Get one of those yoyos that are a plastic ball with a spring to quickly make the yoyo come back
>Turns out you can bludgeon your friends with it and have it whip back into your hand like a total badass
>Get it taken away and get ISS in school over it
Did it match your skirt?
I saw a Boomer with one. Then again, he's this weird super liberal redneck type. I guess there's a niche, and it beats people clicking pens, but it is pretty funny when you realize its just China unloading a shitton of sub par bearings.
Reminds me of slap bracelets or the livestrong type bands. I lost a friend because I shot his livestrong wrist band like 40 feet into the ocean like a rubber band and laughed myself to tears. Worth.
Who the fuck pre-orders video games in 2017 aside from losers who can't admit that they're addicted to games?
Masturbation is better.
>IE kids in middle and high school?
Gen Z is typically anyone born after 1995, the oldest being 21.
Yea, like I said, BESIDES losers who can't admit that they're addicted to games.
>Gen Zombies
Fucking fidget spinners, ever since yesterday I've been triggered by these things. This literally happened
>be yesterday
>heading down to the local hobby store because they sell lube
>enter store
>"What can i get you?" He asks
>"Lube, silicone based"
>"Alright" he says and heads to the back room
>comes back, puts the lube down on the counter
>"Can i get you something else, like a penis pump?"
>got a bit startled by the question, but don't think it's weird given the circumstances
"No thanks, I'm good"
"How about a fidget spinner?"
>wait whut
>They're quite fun" he says and starts spinning one
>has this cheeky smirk while doing it
>"N-nah man, it's cool…"
>mfw this entire ordeal
Was he fucking with me?
Nah, theyre some kind of fad or meme or whatever. I don't blame him for trying to hawk em, easy money while it lasts.
Back the fuck up
Any yoyo can spin in place if you are good enough
No one is bemoaning them really, it's just an easy way to see if someone is an autist.
no. he was just trying to sell you the new fad to make a quick buck
This tbqh. Who gives a fuck what the latest normalfag fad is? People spinning these things literally affects you in no way.
>millennials thinking they can berate anyone
gonna have some hard gay sex user?
Normies aren't addicted, they're just susceptible to marketing and feeling pressured to be part of the hot new media.
As someone who has the misfortune of living in the south for the time being this is the perfect insentive. They'll make fun of people for anything that makes someone different, but they are supportive/defensive of their autism/their child's autism.
>buy one at the gas station on impulse for $5
>dick around with it at my desk while watching cutscenes or waiting for shit
Honestly I don't get the hate. It's fucking fun to use.
youre mixing up laughter and complaining
people aren't complaining, theyre openly mocking you for playing with a toy designed to ease autistic children
I think the hate comes from the fact that it's literally the human equivalent of jingly keys.
Easy way to spot genuine retards.
Just felt like a odd thing to ask, like "you want a penis pump? No? How about a fidget spinner?"
I fucking wish
People are more angry because they're a transparent marketing ploy.
Except keys are a distraction. The spinner helps me focus.
>i dont get the hate
its popular
The spinner is also a distraction, you literally just stated that you dick around with it while watching cutscenes and waiting for shit.
And at least keys serve an actual function outside of being fun for children and manchildren to jingle.
Why is it called Generation Z, what's the name of the next one
Remember Yoyos? Especially trick Yoyos like Duncans and the like?
same idea. You can do tricks with them, and show your friends those tricks.
why were you buying lube
Generation a2
>qt girl at my office uses one
fidget spinners are literally made for autistic children lmao
Your hate for fidget spinners doesn't make up for the fact that you make less than $50,000 a year, user. Sorry.
I had a duncan butterfly and could do tricks with it at one time.
That was a long time ago.
I'm 20, I'm still in school.
Sorry user, no need to project over your own autism.
enjoy your unemployment user
>you make less than $50,000 a year
How is that even relevant at all? Are you poor, sweet cheeks? I can help you with that.
Shit I still have mine
>the guy buying anal lube looks down on the shopkeeper selling meme spinners
i agree that these things are autistic but you're not really in a position to judge anybody lmao
>I lost a friend because I shot his livestrong wrist band like 40 feet into the ocean like a rubber band and laughed myself to tears.
You did a good thing
They're toys designed for little kids with ADHD.
Hobby store must mean something different where you live.
lmao you can't even afford rent this month
Why are spinners different from tops?
I used to have a top that I would spin constantly.
No. It's just dumb toy. The 90's had 10x the amount of dumb toys being released every month but no one said "oh those are just for kids with autism"
Those toys were mainly used by little kids, not teens and grown men defending them online because they're autistic.
You were just a kid at the time. Adults dicked around with toys even during the 90's.
Probably because you bought lube, user. He's just trying to upsell.
Prove it.
I didn't even have a finger skate but still bought those and miniature skateparks because I thought they looked cute
>Those [video games] were mainly used by little kids, not teens and grown men defending them online because they're autistic.
Truly skilled niggas only use these
Nah, video games were always played by people of all ages, fucking pinball machines were huge in the late 70s and early 80s and most of the time they were full of older teens and young adults.
These things officially told me I was getting old and out of touch. Don't fucking get what the fuck this is, why people like it, or why people think it's cancer, and don't care.
yo-yo's were huge with teens and adults in the 90's, dude
you were a baby though
Sorry but if you play video games past 16, you don't have the right to call others manchildren. That's just how it goes.
Gen Z is about to rock libs to their core even harder than Trump. Stay mad.