Who are you watching E3 with? What are your snacks?

Who are you watching E3 with? What are your snacks?

I don't have friends or food

Oreo and grape juice.
Fuck me this year is a snorefest.

>no snacks
>apricot juice and rum

fuck off anime retard

Alone, but got few homo (you)s from some horny user no homo
And I ate few slices of pizza

Peanut butter and cheese crackers. Also chocolate soy milk.

Watching with my boyfriend and his filthy friends that work at mcdonalds.

I'm watching it with the comfy E3 thread people! I will buy snacks tomorrow!

Why do weebs have to post their little fucking anime girls with every fucking post or thread. Look how many goddamn containment boards you cancerous animeposters have and you still shit up the gaming board. fuck off


I'd like some of those (You)s
Smart, there wasnt much today

watching E3 with no one and i'm drinking energy drinks

Fucking Murica, you know you can watch something without shoving your face with food right?

Same reason why you attach black men pictures to your posts.
We like them.

Is that a picture of you, OP?


I watched it all alone... I wish I had friends...


>Watching E3 at all
>Watching people advertise games while pretending to play or like video games
>Watching 90% poinltess shit for the few things I actually want to see
No thanks user
YT will have it all at the ready soon enough.

I'm alone drinking ice tea.

>i dont eat popcorn when i watch movies
>im special

no one likes black people they like the entertainment they provide. I have gold fish and cranberry juice.

how will he ever recover?

>I'd like some of those (You)s
Nothing too lewd, he wanted to literally circlejerk

Can i be your bf?

>perma virgin weebs anime lover have no friends or loved one

Wow didn't see that one coming.

I'd be your friend but you don't look like rikka so fuk outta here if we all became friends Sup Forums would just be a collection of homosexuals.

Did any of you just see that Battlefield battlepack marriage proposal? It was on IGN's stream.

Sounds awful


black culture is trash. exterminate the wiggers

>Just water

Sup Forums
I'm not a fat fuck

We live in a timeline where literal who E-celeb drama is more important than showing games at a GAME CONVENTION.

Neither do you

Yeah, it was cringeworthy.
Two guys carried out the battlepack to her as she finished a game session at those round EAPLAY PC gaming booths.
She said yes.

you are fucking excellent

I'm sorry.

>still getting excited for things

leave and never come back

At least im not a virgin who watch moeshit garbage everyday.

You should kill yourself, but unironically, it's the only way Sup Forums can be saved

>he doesnt have a switch

It's okay user, please just be nice to others...

>11 niggas on his steam friends list

This is the weebs you are posting with on Sup Forums.

Let that sink.

>At least im not a virgin
Yes you are

Pineapple spears
Chips and dip

Where is this girl from?

How is tjis post related to thread


will normalcucks ever recover?

>if im a virgin everyone is also one

Im so sorry that you have this mindset.

I was talking about this year's E3 in general but since you mentioned, I'm waiting for pic related and SMT V to come out before I commit to buying one.

How do I know you're not a virgin.
You're just lying out your ass to support your argument.

Jesus christ

welcome to Sup Forums

You fucking killed dat nigga my boi


Why do normalfags get triggered by anime on Sup Forums?

I seriously don't get this mindset, why not just leave and go to Reddit?

im not
chick fil a chickn strips
i wish i was with
you and
your dick milk

>y-y-you're lying!

Come on buddy not everyone who go on Sup Forums is a loser neet who took the waifu meme seriously and spend 12 hours a days watching little girls anime. This isn't 2010 anymore.

I tried comfy theater for the first time ever today but the stream kept crashing and lagging hard. So I just left the chat open and watched on yotube. So technically alone and no snacks. I used to have an e3 watch buddy, but no longer.

I know right? if I went to a website and everyone posted steven universe images and black people tumblr gifs, I would get the fuck out of that website and never come back

>nobody to watch e3 with

>you and
>your dick milk

He can start by being nice to my little friend here
*whips out dick*

How long until this thread turns into sissy white boy general like all the others. That OP image should be a bannable offense.

See I told you this place is full of literal faggots.

animegirlsniffinghair user, you're my favorite weeb poster

Normalfags have objectively shittier taste than the rest of Sup Forums's userbase, I hope you understand that I'd rather not speak to them.

Um... Does it get bigger? I don't know if I'd want to be nice to a "little" friend...

welcome to Sup Forums
take your tshirt and git out

Stop manipulating my behavior patterns with animu photos.

Unless Sup Forums sets something up, no one. And I have to go to the store later to grab some snacks. Maybe some drinks too if I stumble across any drinking games, but I haven't seen any yet.


damn no chill


If I had it my way, I'd ban any non-virgins from Sup Forums.
Normalfags are AIDs that ruin everything they get their paws on.


I'm not trying to influence you! It's just polite to be nice to other people...
Be nice...!
So it stays "little"...?

Playing video games right now actually.
Not terribly interested in EA's conference, is it over? Would be watching it with my sister though.

I was gonna watch it with my bf but then he fell asleep.
He just woke up half an hour ago. My snacks are water and disappointment!

I know how you feel

>not being fueled by the dew

I bet I have better taste in video games than you.

>with my sister

on the plus side, these worthless NEETsexuals invariably neck themselves

Nice people never get what they want.

>So it stays "little"...?
i'm not him
i'm pretty small tho

where's my fucking summer baja blast PepsiCo?

>im new and hate imoto's

On the plus side, nobody on Sup Forums takes you seriously outside of Sup Forums.

>tfw watching it alone
>tfw already ate all my snacks to the shitty EA conference

Yeah its over and personally, nothing impressed me
I can't be nice to a dummy liar. Maybe I should post bugs?

I will fuck that dragon loli

Big cocks or bust. Sorry, you're not getting near my boy butt with a pathetic little thing.

>tfw made a stream and watching e3 with my friends with a shit ton of soda and chips

feels good senpai not gonna lie im having fun

bully my dick some more pls?

What's wrong with that?
As I was expecting from EA. Thanks user.

I'm not even watching this year's E3 because I'm in Europe and every live streams will be when I'm at work or when I'll have to sleep (so I can go to work). I'm sad about it but I wouldn't have anyone to watch it with anyway.

Im alone. Pizza, garlic bread, bbq munchies and Haagen Dazs ice cream.