Post your EA conference reaction

Post your EA conference reaction

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Once Star Wars came up, that is.

rate the ea conference

3/10 from me


I didn't even watch it

Was it just sports?


You're being too generous.


Battlefront is still being made by EA so I still have 0 hope for it

a way out mite b cool

This might be the worst E3 yet.

I expected nothing and still got disappointed

If you expected anything good, you're underage.

>My name is Janina Gavankar

I missed all of it. What did they show? Anything for Titanfall 2?


Or a minority.


Is this your first E3? EA last year was way, way worse. This conference was at the very least bearable.

I left after jerseys. Did it pick up?


One interesting game from the devs of Brothers and some Star Wars.
And Need for Youtube Content Creators.

not only its going to be the worst conf this year of all, its the worst EA conference in the history of EA conferences.

oh god last year's conference was LITERALLY NOTHING The Show


meme alive

I missed the conference, how late did they start? Last year they were like 13 minutes late.

Star wars and way out look cool, but EA is so damn boring.

They don't ever look like they have fun with what they do.


My reaction:
clips.twitch tv/SwissShakingDragonflyBuddhaBar



Where them report cards at?

It was okay for EA i guess


Fuck off, leddit.

so i got in when they were talking about the new battlefront

is there anything else i missed?


I was skimming through the conference, did they end with the starwars shit? Because after that it went to a bunch of faggots just babbeling about how great everything is.

2/10 based on what I saw.

Overall it was boring, but you guys managed to make it funny and enjoyable

Fuck, didn't even get any good memes last year. Just incredibly boring.

Those guitar solos at the end were fucking great though

so how can you play these games for free? all games that I see on the psn store still ask me for money.
>Titanfall 2, Madden NFL 17, FIFA 17, EA Sports UFC 2 and Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2.
I'm interested in titanfall 2, they had a free weekend once and it was alright.


Are they using that black chick for the Ubisoft conference again?

I stopped paying attention at the Star Wars shit

2/10, and only because of the Prison Break game.


Black people love fighting games.



>black afro chick with revolver

mite b good if they dont get preachy

>mfw unfunny banter on stage

what exactly is this shit? some adventure game? also that music gave me an ulcer

I'm starting to think this gen will only be known for having characters who look like wax sculptures.

>yesterday shitters were posting how fucking hype they are in every fucking thread
really dings my dongs


> If I stop buying , will you die?
>EA: It would be extremely painful…
> You’re a big company
>EA: … for you.
> Was getting caught part of your plan?
>EA: Of course.
> Well, congratulations, you got yourself caught. What’s the next step of your master plan?
>EA: Cringing this Show… with no survivors

Not bad if you mute it. Glad to see so many chicks with pubes.


I really thought it was her character's name in the game.



>Gavankar's roles include Papi, a lesbian lothario

>v is full of underages
News at 11.

is that a fucking youtube video of a youtube video

>from Joilet

is that a fucking still gif? for what purpose?

>stop not liking what I like
this apparently only applies to nintendo games.

>his state colapsed and had to be rebuilt with jew bux



I am too scared to look at Sessler's reaction. He's fallen so far.

FUcking bruxa infestation. Where is Geralt when you need him.


i like battlefront cause im a clone fanboi, everything else was shit

is that sessler and sessler 20 years from now in the same room?



EA's always shit. It's not a good indicator of how the rest of it will be. Besides, it can only get better from here, I hope.


>Sup Forums wants video games
>they get video games
>still complain

You guys are never satisfied.

I wouldn't classify fucking trannies as a fall from grace. I mean, sometimes he fucks some ugly-ass dudes; but the hot ones make up for it.

pure ass/10


>Not even TheBestGamers could make this conference look funny

yeah the 20 or so minutes of battlefront 2 gameplay was what they ended with. super disappointing considering the fact that they have at least 2 big time star wars games in the oven that i really would have liked to see. now i'm just stuck watching boring gameplay for a battlefront game that seems to finally have hit the level of quality that BF2 did over a decade ago. That's not really meant as a compliment.

I didn't feel anything

Wait.. what was WW2 about then?

These weren't games


Not that bad.
All the cuts in need for speed trailer were uncalled for, but overall better than I expected.


I'm a mega Chad that loves The New England Patriots and futbol, so 10/10.

No face because I'm not a nerd that saves files from the internet.

Didn't watch it. Aside from sports and Star Wars, what did I miss?

That's disgusting.

I like watching the blue team face off against the red team.

I love me some fucking Star Wars but I was disappointed by the lack of pic related.

This post made me laugh because I haven't seen anything from E3 this year and it was not shocking that EA had a shit conference.

Humans in slomo are disgusting user