new duke nukem game coming soon
New duke nukem game coming soon
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Randy is gonna fuck it up. I wish I could care.
Duke is dead and you killed it Randy.
please do the same with yourself.
I have a feeling new Duke Nukem wouldn't cause as much ruckus on social media as Bubsy
Get off my vent or I'll have you bent
Sure raping Aliens wasn't enough for you, Randy.
I'd expect it considering how much money Gearbox spent on the rights, they didn't throw that money away for nothing. It'll be garbage though.
Who cares? Doesn't Gearbox own the IP? Because Gearbox haven't made a decent game since 2005.
Blow it out your ass, Randy.
What game are you embezzling funds off to create this one?
But will it be BAD-ASS?
No, just bad.
Knowing Gearbox nowadays the whole "aliens raping women" bits are going to go away, but if it's still around in some form it'll have my attention.
>new duke nukem game
Just let him die
Why did you block me, Randy? All I said was that alien colonial marines made Duke Nukem Forever look like GOTY.
Sadly the character doesn't work now because people really wont let it, the tongue in cheek massive exaggeration of the 80s action hero of Duke goes over everyone's heads now.
>"I'm gonna abort your whole species!"
Imagine the shitstorm if it came out today.
>Imagine the shitstorm if it came out today.
You could already see it happening with DNF.
>never got around to playing Duke Nukem 3D
>they replaced the version on the steam store with the shitty Randy version
just get eduke32 and the grp.
It's like pirating don't exist in our universe
Pirate the Megaton Edition by Devolver, it has expansions that the Randy version left out
Don't toy with people's emotions like that.
Didn't they fail hard enough last time?
it's forever remastered with no weapon limit, rebalanced difficulty with no ego bar (actual health like in 3d), less turret sections and improved vehicle segments/puzzles.
It has all the dlc too and they will release the mod tools finally
Reminder that this isn't actually in the game.
But does it have Episode 5?
Were those world tour maps any good?
I wouldn't even bother with gearbox's version at all since it apparently doesn't allow modding. Get eDuke32.
They were made by the developers of the original game, so they've had good things said about them yeah.
Believe it or not but the new episode is top notch stuff. Some good references too.
>Serious Sam
>The Fifth Element
>fucking Looney Tunes
Oh a new Gearbox game.
>YFW Gearbox adds Duke to Batteborn in one last desperate attempt to draw in players.
Fuck that, you're an edgelord moron who doesn't even care about the gameplay. And you know they're going to fuck that up.
But I guess it's okay if they develop a piece of shit, as long as you get your tentacle grape, you retarded 12 year old.
I hope BL3 flops like hell so gearbox finally dies and Randy offs himself
They tried that with Bulletstorm remaster and it didn't work. Would they try it again?
He'll be a preorder bonus for BL3.
What else are they gonna do? Make a good game?
>you will never firebomb gearbox's offices
Not with that attitude. By the you Timothy McVeigh wants you to be.