A lot of people are going to feel like complete tools once this is all over. Konami allows authority for Sony to have Hideo Kojima exclusively showcase the Metal Gear movie with Jordan Vgot Roberts and Metal Gear: SurviVe is practically certain to be self contained in its E3 time slot along with it, as will BRIDGES. I mean work out what's happening here people... The alternate dimensions and separate realities will connect.
o Death Stranding because we are too busy working on the game but he has time to be at E3 to have a conversation with the director of the Metal Gear Movie when he is officially done with that game series and konami. Bullshit.
It's not happening man. Give up.
And even if it is, it will be a shitty empty open world anyways. Unless you believe Kojima purposefully released a bad game as part of an epic ruse.
fishy shit, that is true
WARNING: This thread is for fictional events only.
Do not attempt to make sense. Do not state facts. And do not argue with any of the posters in this thread.
well if you actually did read the post, tell me that does make sense, hideo is still involved with Konami's supossedly lore which kojima can't touch anymore... right.
How will non believers ever recover?
they won't, and I will spam the shit out of this website with I Told You So Kid.
>Trusting HighDio CODJewMeh
Fuck off with this Kaufmanian ruse shit. Kojima is a hack, got fired by Konami, and is now working on a shitty PS4 movie. The ruse threads were funny pre-MGSV, then sad post-MGSV, and now pathetic pre-Death Stranding.
Will you let a mod ip ban you if you are wrong?
yeah mate, got fired by the company that has the rights to the name Metal Gear Solid which the hack is helping on, sit down boi.
I said it last time I saw this thread and I'll say it now
>Open Ground Reconnaissance Endeavors
the ruse continues
I wonder what Kojima thinks of the rusecruise fags. He honestly has to be laughing.
They aren't going to make the third entry of the MGSV trilogy a PS exclusive when the previous two entries were just released as multiplats. Anyone who believes OP is a fucking idiot.
Death Stranding is Silent Hills.
TPP has one more ending where we revisit Camp Omega.
The real MGS5 has not yet been released.
Kojima was never fired.
wtv just insert tactical operations something wtv the point is the what I typed not the image
>Occam's Electric Shaver
you're talking like Metal Gear Solid has never been playstation exclusive before, it may as well be again.
please do not laugh at these people
they need our help
At this point I think Kojima fans have no self awareness. You guys are pretty dumb.
it's so obvious
Silent Hills
Death Stranding
the web has 5 corners. the end.
actually the one who needs help is the one who created this img shitpost, if it was you, you need help L O L
just imagine being this autistic
It's obvious that Death Stranding will get a new name here. Maybe it's not MGS, but it'll have a new name. No way Kojima is going all the way to LA just to chill on a youtube show.
Reminder that Caramel will try to hide his humiliation by saying he "rused us all"
yeah Kojima going to E3 just to have a chair talk, E3 the biggest videogame show, sure LOL
I have a very strong suispicion, building over the last year or so, that a number of media creators wanted to put together a conspiracy. For fun, you know? To raise their status as artists. Make some money, too, because if there are "hints" to the conspiracy in their creations... folks have to buy the creations to figure it out. Which explains how publishers and such were persuaded to get on board, if any sacrifices were made to the product to incorporate this conspiracy.
Some of the participants could just pay lip service to the concept with some lines about "conspiracies" and such. Others, like I suspect Hideo Kojima and Andrew Hussie did, may have gone all-in; written their stories to be intentionally unsatisfying... despite the "endings" being technically, visually, and otherwise professionally incredible.
Seriously, the behavior of the two fandoms, Homestuck and Metal Gear, was basically identical when those things ended. People said: "what about this list of unresolved plot points?" and "what about this blatantly obvious foreshadowing that never got cashed in?". People said "how could this incredibly talented author allow this to happen?" People pointed out that the "Phantom Pain" felt by Metal Gear characters mirrored that of the fans... and the malaise felt by a handful of Homestuck characters in the mini-epilogue mirrored that of the fans.
Intentional by the writers, in my opinion. Because neither of those things are over. It's a false ending in both cases.
Just for two examples of what I'm talking about. I have others.
Maybe it'll be like an ARG, and it'll have thematic connection to a real-life issue the participants feel is being overlooked. Climate change, media manipulation, something like that. There has to be a "point" to doing something like this, besides the pragmatic ones I mentioned earlier.
this is different though. If MGSV is a trilogy, it would be retarded to release the final part on one console only. Why even release the other 2 parts on other platforms if you aren't giving them the full story?
do you literally spend your entire day on Sup Forums looking for Kojima threads you fucking loser
well calling it an exclusive may well be a lie too, you never know with Kojima