We need it back more than ever

We need it back more than ever.

We already have enough embarrassment from E3 right now

E3 is one of the many testaments as to why we need GG.

Gamer gate and Trump are what ruined Sup Forums.


Gamergate was one of the worst things to happen to this site.

>Sup Forums gets larger userbase
>Sup Forums Good OC rate drops
>Sup Forums becomes boogeyman again
>Sup Forums userbase decreases
>Sup Forums repeats cycle
Desu this is a loop we will never escape

Not really. SJWs were and still are a real problem. But another problem is the fact that stormfags are on the rise in the right-wing, and they want to ban/censor video games just as much as the regressive left.

I've written off most AAA western devs at this point, Just only play Japanese games and hope the localization teams don't censor anything. Jap devs are pretty based. The Jews fear the Samurai. And they have been putting out some good shit lately.


Welcome to gamergate, where everyone is wrong and the games i want to play get worse because of it

>Gamergate was 3 years ago
>the site has only gotten worse and worse since then.

I bet you posted in the black people thread.

no we don't

>the jews
fuck off back to Sup Forums

No thanks, there's more than enough redditors already.

>Jap devs are pretty based.
Its funny how you think that

Sup Forums is Sup Forums, cuck.

le tomoko recolor

I just want /lgbt/ and "womyn" to stay out of my fucking videogames and never come back.

Trump Reset the cycle early

Gamergate is just a bandaid, the west needs an entire cultural overhaul

This is how a shitstorm begins

>Sup Forums is Sup Forums

thanks doc

The Japanese are the only non-white race worth respecting. Plus they have largely resisted the push towards degeneracy that the Jews successfully drove in the west. Japan, along with Russia, is pretty much the ideal society.

Why? I didn't accomplish anything relevant back then and it's not going to now. If anything it did more harm then good to the industry and craft as a whole.

>implying we are not /s4s/
Back to AOL AIM with you

Sure. Let's bring back Project Chanology too while we're at it.

Go back to 8cuck

Unironically yes, but don't let anyone.

Blame reddit,the left, now they put politics in every fucking hobby start with games,movies,music etc. i just want to watch a movie or play a game, i don't give a fuck about poltics.

It honestly needs a mass official military enforced genocide on all lgbts and tumblrinas. The rest of the world would balance out if fags died off.

This to be honest

No. Stop giving (((them))) attention.

Fuck off back to the you fucking kike enabler.

I'm not sure what purpose gamergate was even supposed to serve. something about integrity in gaming journalism? lmao?
did you think you could ever stop gaming journos from wearing money hats or fucking 5 guys for good press

>implying that 8ch is worth going back to now
its just full of stereotypical half-cuck edge lords now

i bet you have a tab open on r/the_donald right now, faggot

Wasn't GamerGate about how two whores sucked off reviewer's dicks to get higher reviews for their games? How the fuck do people defend them???

start visiting better boards
Sup Forums was unberable in 2012 and 2013

>reeee we dont agree with some writers so we must censor them!

>Back to AOL AIM with you

>Japan, along with Russia, is pretty much the ideal society.
The fact you unironically believe this makes me question your grasp on reality.

so, just like Sup Forums?

r/the_donald is full of cucked civic nationalists, fuck off. They do not represent us.

By saying it never happened

Some websites did update their ethic code or whatever but I doubt anything has actually changed. It's naive to think it ever would. The one good thing that GG made me realize is that I don't care and no matter what these websites say and do I will probably never trust them to be honest so why even bother.

Neptunia is garbage alongside the obese virtue pandering blob monster from Borderlands.

It really wouldn't. Emotionally driven people like you would just create more self hating parasites. The west needs to become more collective rather than individualistic since then we can focus on problems of the majority rather than the minority. Naturally the voices of the SJWs and such will grow fainter

>But another problem is the fact that stormfags are on the rise in the right-wing, and they want to ban/censor video games just as much as the regressive left.

Nice lie, SJW faggot. Name ONE example.

Make your point then

Like Sup Forums but all communist or Le Epic Child Porn Connoisseur,

GG was the second coming of Chanology. It is one of the few times I can immediately point to a huge dip in the quality of the site.

>he thinks retards like Sup Forums didn't feed into SJW agendas
You stupid cunt, morons that populate this board are WHY anita blew up. You couldn't stop bitching about this shit and her image grew and grew, feeding her poorly constructed videos to the point that actual industry giants like EA were giving her lip service.

You see to be implying that that image isn't entirely accurate.

ummmmmmm actttuaaaalllllyyyy its about ethics in journalism

No we don't need gamergate, we need something much stronger. We need actual genocide on a mass scale. You didn't stop this when it reared its ugly head and now you have no other choice to commit murder for it to go away.

Inb4 ban

>no sjws
>no race-mixing
>ethnically homogenous
>women know their place
>sexual degeneracy like homosexuality not tolerated
>know how to cull the weak in society
>value is placed on the good of society more than muh feefees
>makes top-quality products in technology and media
>doesn't pander politically to sacrifice the quality of their vidya
The Japs are doing pretty fine, actually.

This. With the surge of sjw backlash that came in because of gamergate, Sup Forums wasn't a secret club anymore. That's around the time period pepe just became a rapidly multiplying spore that infected everything it touched, namely twitter and ifunny. So many children flooded in and still haven't left since they want to beling with the cool kids on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums are the most affected. "Kek" is for some reason referring to some retarded egyptian god and is also being used as an insult for god knows what reason. Trump and the alt right rose because of the massive surge of 12 year olds trying to be edgy because of the controversy with gamergate. Political correctness was actually made a political issue, and now it's cool to call people cucks since you're showing that you don't care what others think about you, just like emperor trump.

God what the hell happened.

This user is right you know. I always make a point to keep this image on standby.

Please hang yourself from the nearest tree fag.

IF YOU _____ THEM, THEY'LL _____!


everything we shitpost, is designed to become normie tier
we are perpetually trap, in a never ending spiral of ironic memes and shitposting
is this a curse? or some kind of punishment? I always wondered about the fag (moot) who blessed us with this cripted puzzle, and I wonder if we'll ever have the chance of kill him

you idiots throw shit fits and make threads whenever you see a black person and most of you are actual genocidal maniacs who are too cowardly to do anything about except post your idiocy on our videogameboard, fuck off

It's been 3 years
And I still don't even know what this shit was about

These two events brought so much reddit and other outsider trash to this site. Even if you supported Gamergate or Trump you can see that it was not good for Sup Forums.

>gave Sarkeesian, Wu and literally who massive amounts of attention, and ended up doing jack shit in the grand scheme of things apart from attracting a ton of attention to Sup Forums and bringing in more shitposters tenfold just like the Fappening and Chanology

Fuck off and fuck you.

how so?

Gamergate was a mistake

>tfw they were right but reddit ruined everything in the end

Japan has all that good stuff but they'll likely all be dead or robots a century from now.

Can you have a perfect society that doesn't advocate degeneracy and not be slowly die?

>Anime image board
>"Sup Forums is pol"
Pick one

You're not very much of a thinker are you? You're the reason SJWs exist, you are their fuel.

Imagine being such a contrarian that you hate gamergate for no reason. Proptip GG is right by the virtue of exposing a corrupt network of individuals that have done their best to ruin video games for over a decade. Fuck you if you're a contrarian for the sake of it


t. butthurt redditor

God i fucking hate how i can't say Kek on several boards now because its just
>Back to Sup Forums
because those idiots pushed it to far and ruined it

Jesus fuck I forgot my sage.

Does this shit even still work anymore?

agenda is the more accurate word

this is when I stopped trusting wikipedia.

>Zoe Quin still has a career
>GG is laughed at by all of twitter
>Anita still has a career
>Games industry is actually taking steps towards being progressive
>That one game made with GG donations turned out to be shit

Yeah we need another failure to save the industry.


So the users can leave for another dead website and fill the gap here with reddit and tumblr? No thanks.

The Japanese birth rate is actually stabilising. Nice try, Schlomo. The Jew fears the Samurai.

>he wasn't around before the /vp/ purge.

you don't know shit. go cry about MUH AMERICAN POLITICS elsewhere faggot.

Uhh, it never left...?

Can someone do a TL;DR of GG?

They targeted gamers.
We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.
Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

>Sup Forums gets flooded by a bunch of retarded edgy kids
>every board is now full of Sup Forumsitics pushed down your throat
>Hitler did nothing wrong is not even a joke anymore

It's tl;dr so no one will ever know

Grow a thicker skin, nigger

Stormfront invaded Sup Forums in 2011-2012 and it gradually got worse and worse.

I don't have time, nor energy to have an intellectual discussion with you, because I know it will go nowhere being the severely mentally ill individual you are. Therefore I resort to namecalling and going back to perusing this thread for someone who agrees with me and then posting a heartfelt "This."

It wasn't a failure, it was doing great until it kicked into full culture war mode.

And you cannot
Cannot win a culture war against an identity of mobilized women. It is impossible.

Gamergate was doing legitimate good, and I will always remember it when it was.


This is a video game board.
r/pol please go back to your board.
Nobody gives a shit about politics and SJW.


>God what the hell happened.

A movement.

>Resists degeneracy
>Anime and hentai
Really gets the noggin joggin

>anime is always politically correct.
Good one, Mr Crow.