Based on what you saw today, and what you can 'reasonably expect' of it

Based on what you saw today, and what you can 'reasonably expect' of it.
Yes or no, are you getting it?
I probably am. Played the first one. I've come to terms that's its a re-skinned battlefield. Of course it ain't the dream game, but I'll play it enough to warrant $60, probably. my decision will be finalized when I try the beta.
inb4 called a shill for attempting to start a thread on it with my opinion.

Other urls found in this thread:

im torn on it, because I felt ripped off last time so idk.ill probabaly wait for a price drop after the holidays

I just want to play the story mode, even if it sucks desu.
Now that we're introducing new things to Star Wars canon I'd like to experience them for myself.

As a whole though I bet it's the kind of game that I tell my friends it sucks and not to buy, but I still play because I'm a faggot.

The problem ia ita not a re skinned bf4 and its bf1 trash

No, I played the shit out of the old swb2 so I would just be disappointed

If it looks as good & is as good optimised as the first one
I will buy it
Especially with all the free stuff post release

No. I'm not going to be suckered into buying an EA game. In fact, I'll spend my time productively save for the future whenever gaming and VR will be worth it again, which hopefully will be after this year's global recession.


it looks kinda fun

No, I played the first one and got board of the gameplay within an hour, if they scraped everything and started again, then I'd be some what interested.

Did they even finish the last one?

It completely blew away all of my expectations, StarWars Battlefront 2 is going to be great! I love how much they listened to the community's feedback when the first one, StarWars Battlefront 1, was great but had room to improve.

After seeing today's E3 press conference I am HYPEDDDD! They really fixed everything and I can't wait to get my hands on it :). Also, really excited for that single player campaign that we have all been waiting on!!! #notallempire!

you spawn looking at the other team

I am because of the free DLCs and the clone wars.

The campain trailer looked good ; then again all of their trailers do. The gameplay looked like a boring BF1 reskin.

For head writer Mitch Dyer, there is no one in the world he respects more than Anita Sarkeesian. Expect it to contain some very important moral lessons for you privileged white males.

.>reskinned battlefield
last I checked battlefield had ammo and vehicles spawned on map

Yes. Just because the CIS is by far the best star wars faction ever and battle droids are the coolest.
Even if the prequels are shit.

No Battlefront game has ever been good, they're all shit shooters. People just accept them because of STAR WAAAAAARS ™.

I have no intention of encouraging a terrible protagonist. No buy

>he still buys games from EA

This looks much better than the shit they showed at E3. What gives?

chance are they gonna have open beta
then I will decide then whatever I want to buy it or not

Im on the fence. Havent watched the thing yet, but three eras, classes being added back in and those fucking moronic pickups beting canned sounds pretty good.

CGI Yoda flipping around? This is 2002 all over again...

Why would I be getting it? I'll play it on free weekend or something like that and I'm pretty sure I'll get the whole experience in 5 hours.

i'll buy it if there's at least one cutscene where iden pins a rebel boy's head between her thighs and calls him names while he services her

its much more satisfying to watch someone kick ass, which is what this video is essentially montaging.

Fool me once shame on-shame on you.

Fool me-You can't get fooled again!

Gameradar and all these fucks are saying that every bf2 dlc is going to be free and that ea confirmed it, is it true? I only heard they saying that the last jedi content is going to be free


Ea shill found


im glad they understood people had valid criticisms outside of no campaign.

adding classes, all eras, space battles, making the game more than just 'battlefield with starwars', adding more ways to work as a team, all DLC weapons/maps/characters free makes it hard to say no

>All content that matters will be free
>Buy code from key site for fuck all
>Enjoy game for $20


>mfw this actually looks like battlefront

im buying it

>inb4 you are getting tricked again!

no, battlefront 1 was shit, I hardly played more than 30 minutes of the beta, no way I was buying that

Its true, but they'll incorporate something like the battle-crate system to compensate by the looks of it.

Yes. They arent doing paid dlc and are doing free updates seasonally with content. Everythung is upgraded, there are more vehicles, based off that naboo map I am very hopeful for the others, offline mode to play story. Seems good to me I will get it. Thank god I didn't buy the first, took a lot of will power but it was a shit product.
Not going to lie, i was super skeptical desu but this trailer gave me a New Hope for it

No. It'll have 2 maps with a free 3rd one 6 month later but who cares at that point

It looks like EAfront 1 with darth maul and rae mods. Literally nothing different or revolutionary in terms of gameplay.

they already said it has 3 times the maps of the original, so at least 12

Why do people like you post based off things pulled out your ass? Are you that upset at your life?

>battlefront is back
what the fuck what timeline is this who fixed it

>dumb bitch who parrots some beta faggots trivial complaints about video games
>can't think of anyone he admires more

How fucking retarded can you be

I'll need some strong word of mouth before dropping dollarydoos on this. The first was a profound disappointment in terms of depth.

Show me where there will be 12 on release, and not after droughts with free updates which won't matter bc the gameplay is too shallow to sustain interest.

why am i responding to a thread paid for by EA.

You guys are bad at Sup Forums, with your fake enthusiasm.

>i should know everything about the game the moment the trailer comes out
my almonds...

I wanted to just because the first one looked so pretty and had that Star Wars battle feel but I avoided it because the beta gameplay was weak.
This looked pretty bland despite the improvements, visuals even look like a downgrade which seems bizarre.

I might.
I'm glad they brought back classes and kept some quite similar to their original BF2 versions.
The free dlc sounds too good to be true though.

The Heavy class looks like its going to be my favourite class

So i'll give it a yes if some friends also agree to get it. Definetly a huge no getting it at launch thou.

See, there's all this comparison with the original BF2. Does it have as many classes, does it have as many maps, ect. But all of that shit's pretty secondary. The reason the original BF2 was good is because it took what already worked well with that sort of game, and it introduced new gameplay concepts we hadn't seen before in the form of the space battles. Now these guys could go and re-create the original BF2 perfectly with modern graphics, and it still wouldn't be as good as the original BF2 was, because they're not doing anything new with it, they're just rehashing what's already been done. They're not going to add anything, they're not going to innovate, they're not going to do anything new. It's just going to be the same shit you've already played in Battlefield/Battlefront before, but prettier. Inevitably, it's not going to stand out in any way, it's just going to blend into everything else BF, because it's not going to do anything that hasn't already been done before.

>mfw it actually looks fun
>mfw free DLC from EA

I'll be getting it. Call me a shill or whatever, but I've played every singe star wars game ever released (except kinect and that VR one) and this looks like it will be decent.

Hating developers is just another form of console war shittery. If a bad developer puts out a good game, the game is still good regardless of its parent.

weeb eats up corporate shit regardless of quality what a surprise duuuuuuude

This. The latest demo has convinced me that this looks like a good game. If I have some money and time to spare playing it, I'll pick it up for sure. I wanna play 1080p Endor, but hated how the last one played.

you're right just because it's fun doesn't mean it's a quality game how stupid of that weeb haha

i probably will, but im a huge sucker for star wars