The ONLY way this would have an actually chance at a decent sequel is if it's on pc

The ONLY way this would have an actually chance at a decent sequel is if it's on pc.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah... No. Stop begging for ports and just play Dark Souls 3. Or buy a PS4 poor fag.

I have one and bloodborne. Amazing game marred by terrible frame pacing and framerate issues

Why can't you just upgrade your hardware and emulate PCbro?

>PS3 is using 15 year old technology
>PC STILL can't emulate any of the games

What's the holdup?

>muh frames
what's it like to have a cognitive disability?

>exposing flaws is a disability
This is the state of Sony Sup Forums

Explain how the framerate issues you cited impeded your ability to play the game.


Are you being for real or just a troll? Please tell me you are trolling.

It's foreign to console gamers, but games need to played at perfect 90 FPS and 4k gaming that allows for perfect input with zero delays. With all the lag input it basically makes the game unfair and unplayable

>He's actually that desperate

>a game problem is not a problem if you can still play the game all the way through

There's no story left to tell and the eldritch twist is revealed.

Bloodborne 2 will never happen.

>turns out literally everything was just a dream (within a dream)
>new game is just a completely different dream

oh so it's basically a handful of people became an assblasted vocal minority because they couldn't get gud?
wow, what a life

true enough. Whatever from software is working on, I hope they aren't stupid enough to make it a exclusive on outdated hardware again

This guy gets it.

muh cell

>wow, get a life

We can only pray

too bad they have a contract with sony

Say it with me now: never...

Do they? I thought they were only bound to make bloodborne an exclusive, I didn't think they literally became a 2nd party dev

fucking ever

Your tears will sustain me you mongoloid.

>can't even read my post properly
told ya it was cognitive disability FAGGOT

tears? It's literally just frustration. I have a ps4. I would just prefer my games not to run like shit and for soulsborne games, that means playing them on pc. Obviously the console can't handle them

Still not an argument



acquire proficiency


i have one too, but PS+ is such a fucking scam

So? play offline

this really shouldn't be an insult because at the end of the day, it's you who can't emulate and are missing out onthousands of games

The only way it would have gotten a sequel is it sold well

>tfw From announces their next "souls" game for consoles AND pc, because bloodborne sold like shit
>I have all these Sony ponies NEVER EVER posts screenshotted


Kek... PC friends are already trembling I see...

but i like playing online + the best series ever made is coming out with EDF5 this year. "so?" isn't an argument, either, when steam is a much better service that is free

>it's you who loses because you choose not to be a criminal!

not worth it anyway, frames drop to the teens during multiplayer.

>because bloodborne sold like shit

I can see you're really trying

Keep the dream alive user I'm sure you need it.

Dump those gold faces, lads

whatever you say homie, have fun

>implying a toaster isn't capable of emulating 99.9% of those games
Hell my phone and tablet can emulate just as many.

>tfw that game DID get released
>tfw this user missed out on DS3 for a year because he's been monitioring Sup Forums for never ever posts

How so?

You need to kill yourself you subhuman lard shitter.

Sequel never ever


fucking kek you're not going to convince me to not like something i like. what is your deal? tell me because i am curious


that's the thing -- that's how pathetic console-onlys are

it barely broke 2 mil, which is great but easily the worst numbers, not counting demon souls.

Because nobody liked it. Honestly you have to be the biggest contrarians on Sup Forums to like it

DS3 an inferior game sold 3 to 4 times as much soulsburn
defend this nigger

Console fag spotted


I'm not gonna defend anything I'm here because I'm bored my man

bro I'm not, I'm just complaining how shit bloodborne's netcode is. Never had those issues with any dark souls game.

Calm your tits

Instead it'll be PS4 pro exclusive:^)

>memeburn is good
i see you have falling for the sony nig nogs and their shilling lmao

so if they game came out on pc and ps4 and it ran perfectly, with no frame issues, on the PC you and the other sony fanboys wouldn't be assblasted? I enjoyed bloodborne, but the framerate was shit admit it. but that's something you are unable to do, you must defend sony and your subpar framerates and call anyone who disagrees with you learning disabled.

If the ps4 can run something like horizon at 1080p 30fps with no drops, it can do bloodborne, the issue is FS are a bunch of hacks.

Bloodborne may be in my top 3 fave game but i hope it doesn't get a sequel. It should be left as a stand alone masterpiece

Inferior is debatable and it was on Xbox and PC also the third game in an established franchise.

I would call Bloodborne a new IP, though it's debatable I grant you. But 2 million for a new IP in a niche franchise that isn't for everyone on what is perceived as the dudebro console is pretty damn good.

I wait your angry reply with baited breath.

It's 2017 and the game is still getting threads, i'd say it's more then a meme.


>People who have yet to experience 60+ fps

>Assblasted PC only players who are jealous for some reason

Bloodborne is a good game don't get me wrong but that area with the guy shooting at you from the tower is an area bogged down by shitty lag. Realistically, Sony probably signed a deal with From to boost sales of PS4s, whether or not theyll sign away the second game is up to them. Either way, you're not missing out on much.

If it's going to happen then I would love it to be a prequel, maybe based in Loran or the ancient civs, who knows

not him but that's perfectly fine if you consider it a new ip, but I don't think that's fair.

It was on the most popular machine at the time and was constantly touted as a souls game except by a few retard journalist. If I remember correctly, the term soulsborne was coined even before it released.

i will never understand the appeal of these games

There are no such thing as console only.

Sony is literally spending billions on their exclusive program to pay off console jailbreakers and emufags.

All just to keep PCfriends from playing a single game. Sad!

Fine take away the new IP.

It's still touted as a success by Sony and that should be enough.

>the framerate is shit admit it

Don't care, adore the game. Your point breaks down to 'all of these people agree with me that it' s an issue' and my point is that it was never an issue for me.

>It did not affect my ability to enjoy the game.
Is something maybe you yourself should add to your vocabulary.

Didn't affect me. Played it in the dark, co oping at length with friends, tried PVP fairly often. Great game, love it. Love the butthurt people attach to the frames.

Of course its still getting threads.
Its all they can play.
>It's all you can plaaaaaaaaaaay, its all you can plaaaaaaaaaay~

>it's not a problem because I'm an autist and powered through it.

Like a hoarder, surrounded by decaying shit and a dilapidated home, saying "this is fine"


Sony owns the IP.

I've been playing nioh, horizon and p5 on my ps4 i think their all great games, yet i still comeback for bloodborne playthroughs even now.

Don't try to discredit the game by claiming there's nothing better or just as good, you sound stupid.

Your projection is strong user.


you sound miserable

Not an argument


>bloodborne dorsn't come to pc
>bloodborne comes to pc (never ever)

Fuck you, your bait thread and everyone on pc. Unironically.

As much as I love the game it'd be much better at 60fps.

Why do you wanna argue user?


I honestly have no idea why any AAA developer would put anything on PC. Even the ones that don't pirate will just buy it from a humble bundle. Doesn't even seem worth the effort to do a shitty port.

You're right, it's not an argument. You don't sound miserable, you are miserable.

Dark Souls sold amazingly well on pc, no fucking idea what you're going on about

>this would be better if I can pirate it
fuck off.

>shit that always said by pcuks in every thread they invade, specially BB ones

Still literally not an argument.


>Sup Forums is one person

yeah, I'm gonna need you to look at it again:

How many of those were on steam sales for $7?