Online video game communities will never be white again

>online video game communities will never be white again
where do we go from here

Reply to this post and you will get a qt trap GF within the next 3 months.

I don't want one.

I'll take yours too

Too bad, you replied so you're getting one. Traps are gay by the way, so if you're not gay already you might want to start working on that.

you play games with little to no non white users. like star trek online

>inb4 non white mods purge another legitimate thread

equality was a mistake

>Just make white only servers duh

>Sup Forums will never behave themselves
Even the bronies and furries have more restraint than you idiots.

God damnit.

Now hold it right there, you're wrong.

See as we all know, emotions are gay, and women have lots of emotions. Thus sex with women is totally gay. But being attracted to dudes is also totally gay. With a trap it looks like a woman, which isn't gay, and doesn't have all those gay female emotions. This makes it the only form of sex that is 100% certified not gay.

Whatever mental gymnastics you need to do, you cocksucking faggot.

The self realization that you don't actually qualify as white according Sup Forums will set you free from cuckholdry.
Wh*tes are submissive cucks with recessive genes, that's not you, you're not white.
Embrace it.

>Traps are gay


I just hope her cock isn't bigger than mine. That's too intimidating.

>online video communities were white to begin with

I'm in.

>where do we go from here
back to Sup Forums


>Sup Forums claims fighting games take intelligence, reflexes and skill
>played by a fuckton of niggers

Nobody claims that there are no intelligent negroes. It's just the average negro is so far behind the average person of any other race that having them in your country is a cross to bear for everybody else.

>pre-world change haven and hearth
>cozy little homestead
>live right next to a ranger
>world change happens
>fucking p2p all of a sudden
>drop the game

>gmod, years ago
>multiple communities
>play a bunch of gamemodes that are just dead now
>all the communities that once thrived are dead and gone
>have been for atleast a year

>where do we go from here
You either adapt or die off. Probably the latter.
The era of pissy white balding betas is soon over. You won't be able to breed and the world will be better off without you.

Not to play into this racist shit, but the most accomplished black dude I can think of in any fighting game is Axe, and he's only #9 in Melee.
For your stupid post to make any sense, your second line would have to replace "played" with "won."
Of course, it wouldn't be true anymore.

In conclusion, your post is stupid, fuck off


Sup Forums was a mistake. and you need to go back there and stay there you retard. this thread is not legitimate. you're just so used to Sup Forumsfag cancer you think it is.

better not be lying

>be me
>be cute trap
>been flirting hardcore with another cute trap
>know she likes me as much as i like her
>both bottoms
>both subs
>we're basically 2 days away from being in a relationship
I guess il learn to be soft dom maybe



