Back in 2015 a user on Sup Forums claimed he worked for ubisoft and was leaking a bunch of games...

Back in 2015 a user on Sup Forums claimed he worked for ubisoft and was leaking a bunch of games, one of them was a ac game in Egypt. None believed him but it turns out it was true. I wonder how many other leaked games are correct.

Other urls found in this thread:

AC game set in Egypt isn't really a far stretch

>None believed
Literally every major news site covered this leak. Most people believed it and only a few didn't believe him. What are you on about?

You could have called this after 2 came out. Its incredible that it hasnt happened by now.

What were the other games?

One guy leaked MGSV's plot correctly back in 2013.
He mentioned how the enemies were called the Skull Parasite Unit and how Skullface's plan was to destroy English.

Everybody believed him you tard.

Im still sad they waste China and Slav setting on shitty 2D games

These aren't leaks. These are intentional marketing tricks by Ubisoft to get stupid fucks like you to talk about trash games and advertise their products for free.


How new are you? People were expecting an Egypt game way back since AC2/Brotherhood came out. Ubisoft even said that they were interested in Egypt as a setting around the time those sidescroller ACs were being released. Someone predicting an Egypt AC can barely be called a leak.

People figured out the plot when we got the credits for Ground Zeroes and found out that Kiefer played both Big Boss and the Medic.

>People figured out the plot when we got the credits for Ground Zeroes and found out that Kiefer played both Big Boss and the Medic.
Oh yeah, they figured Skullface wanted to destory English when they found out that Kiefer voiced the medic too, it's a pretty logic conclusion.

>People figured out the plot when we got the credits for Ground Zeroes and found out that Kiefer played both Big Boss and the Medic.
No, they didn't, they figured Kiefer voiced the medic too, that's it.

Odds Moses is an Assassin? Odds they go for the Charlton Heston interpretation?

Farily reasonable assumption based off of what we knew.

Yes they did. There were a bunch of threads on Sup Forums about it but people didn't want to believe it and went for the more outlandish theories like Decoy Octopus because it was more fun. But people definitely knew that the twist was a real possibility because Kiefer played Big Boss, Ishmael and the Medic.

>Farily reasonable assumption based off of what we knew.
No, it's not.
We didn't know anything at all.

>twist = the entire plot

Imagine being in this state of denial.

I can already see it.
>grab the 28 seals of Moses to access the secret chamber with Moses' staff!

>implying MGSV has a plot beyond the twist

a China setting in western media is usually bad. for a lot of reasons. stuff that should be mundane to the characters is presented as strange and mysterious, and the worst is when writers go into after school special mode trying to educate us on the beauty of Chinese Cultureā„¢. when it's a western historical setting nobody cares about depicting it as barbaric and shitty but if it's the far east then writers feel like they're making a game about China or Japan in general, not just the one period. it's creatively stifling

Explain how knowing Medic was BB reveals Skullface's plan with the parasites?

>None believed him
I find that hard to believe seeing as how people knew of Osiris back in 2013.

I was originally talking about Skullface and the Skulls, I didn't say anything about the plot twist.
You said they predicted everything.

Japan when? And not shitty Feudal Japan, I want Meiji restoration era Japan. Kind of like Rurouni Kenshin.

Which is why the 2D games worked well, China is a great aesthetic reference but nothing more. A full blown AC game sounds horrendous. There are plenty of historical eras they could explore. Can't do prehistoric though because of far cry, and modern = watch dogs.

You play as the dude who ends up forming the Assassin's Brotherhood. Ain't no assassin before him despite AC2 lore saying otherwise.

Osiris was a cancelled Prince of Persia game.

A modern AC could still work. I thought WD2 would fill that gap, but it turned out to be absolute shit - a failure in that aspect and in being a worthy sequel to the first game.

People have been saying Egypt since AC1. If you throw enough shit something will stick.

I don't think people were ever 100% clear one what it was. I think it started off as PoP, and then became its own IP. But either way, it was known to be from the AssCreed devs. When I first heard rumors of AssCreed Egypt back in early 2016 (maybe late 2015), I remember thinking, "Is this what Osiris turned into?"

>set in Ptolemaic era
>Pyramid is nice and new still

Were ninjas still around during that time?

People have also been hoping for a Mayan or Aztec AC. So far, we have yet to get anything other than small segments of them.

This. We see these "leaks" all the damn time. Pretty convenient, yeah?

What is the race of the protagonist? Is this gonna be some we wuz kangz shit?

Full on Nubian.

He looks tan, not black.


I don't see them ditching that franchise just yet. WD2 seemed to move it closer to the AC franchise in terms of movement. So WD3 will most likely just be exactly that AC:Future.

Egyptian, but he's part of Medjay group because they let Egyptians in with them.

Dude, you made a shit thread. It's all good; it happens to the best of us, sometimes.

Chill out and play some video games.

lol summer is mad

How dark is black?

This is a leaked pic.

Would we get to fight the Shinsengumi?

pls no spiders

I seriously doubt it. WD2 dropped any connections to other franchises and most of the unique things WD1 had.

For example, the first game had these things called Digital Trips - a "drug" that produced hallucinations (minigames) through special audio frequencies. Instead of keeping and possibly expanding on this by presenting the technology to Abstergo (allowing for unique AC experiences that may not warrant a full game), they dropped it completely in favor of DUDE WEED LMAO.

Why do black people think that Egyptians were Nigerians?

It's not a spider web, it's the Animus things.

creed games are for kids

not enough tilt

Why would they refer to the new MS console as Scorpio though? That's not it's actual name.

Because retards think all of Africa is sub Saharan

Hr didn't leak shit. People were talking about possivle countries as setting since AC 1, Egypt being among the popular ones.

>Ain't no assassin before him despite AC2 lore saying otherwise.

Sure, but it still dominates a niche in the market - a game focused primarily on the modern day with a severe tech twist. No magic, just tech.

Just like what, 3ish months ago that ubi guy was talking about being content with WD sales thus far.


Here they are:

Sorry for that cringey intro. Just mute the first 10 seconds or so.



The Medjay weren't just 'police officers' they were servants in all walks of Egyptian life from Temple workers to Mercs, later a tough group of warriors that made Egypt the super power it was. They came from a land under Egyptian rule called Medja where Pepi I found them. Around the 20th Dynasty the term simply wasn't used anymore.

AC1: Crusaders are evil
AC2: you murder the Pope
Revelations: the Ottoman invaders that took over the city, raped, pillaged, looted, and desecrated holy sites are the good guys, the Greeks that want their homeland back are evil

just what did they mean by this?



Add a series of side missions that lead to a Piece of Eden reward, and that'll probably satisfy the people who enjoy the supernatural aspects of AC.

The bigger the dick, the darker the skin.

Sometimes leaks sound so silly, not this one but I remember many many years ago how one guy got Sly 3 info from his dad, and told everyone how the first boss was an opera singer who kills you with his notes, and everyone thought he was crazy for making up something so ridiculous.

There is a namefag here who gets actual leaks for shows and games. These people are legit.

Keep dreaming, chimp.

I haven't played the series since 3, I have 4 on my PC but I've never touched it.
Can anyone give me the lowdown on how shit 4 onwards are?

>Ain't no assassin before him despite AC2 lore saying otherwise.
If they do that it's over.

4 is great, onwards I don't know

AC2 lore is fucked anyway.

The Egyptian assassin was a woman wielding a snek.

>AC2: you murder the Pope
Borgia apologist pls go

4 is the last good AC game. Fucking great.

They already had an abstergo mission in the first game, really they just have to add another but actually have the WD protag jump into the machine for some supernatural side.

Cuck or a nigger?

Cuck nigger perhaps. Nigger without muh dick = Soulless nigger or niggers for 1000 years in Middle East.

But hey, Muslims love Niggers.....without dicks.

4 is very good. Feels like the devs made a pirate game with the Asscreed stuff only added at the last minute

AC Rogue is 4 but with snowy/comfy North Atlantic instead of caribbean

Everything after is repititive and forgettable

Fuck off, ultra normie. IV is shit, and Rogue (the game after it) is superior.

>ptolemaic egypt
lame. The ruling class isn't even egyptian anymore at that point in history.

Freedom Cry is better than IV, too.

Rogue? You're probably a faggot who still plays last gen

i dont recall the ac lore, but do me a favor: what do the codexes from ac2 say about egypt? i remember there's a woman who killed cleo but thats it
are they fucking up the lore?

>durr, game is bad because it isn't on xboner/ps4
You're probably one of those retards who sold their last gen console for a current gen one.

No, I game on PC bitch

>we will never have an aztec asscreed game set in the valley of mexico where we can explore tenochtitlan and shit

feels bad man

Looks like they are.
>Egyptian Assassin with an advanced/upgraded hidden blade
>no apparent reference to Amunet


>I game on PC bitch
Underage or just butthurt?


>wide and flat as hell

One of the worst things about the Sup Forums hivemind is that they always disregard Western games like this. It's always the weeb trash. Always.

>I game

How far back is Altair's time from when the new game is supposed to be? I figured that had to be the furthest back



Wouldn't be any flatter then ancient egypt


One guy said here in 2010 that Nintendo was in the early stages of developing a Nintendo game that was open world like Grand Theft Auto and everyone laughed at him.


You are all faggots and none of you match my glory. Kill yourselves.