ITT: God tier level design

ITT: God tier level design


>went for the Zoras first
>it was the best one
>all of the other areas were disappointing in comparison


>Did bird first. Superjump cheeses the other dungeons into speedrun territory.


I spent like two hours in the goddamn elephant because I did not know you could make horizontal ice pillars.

had to youtube it


Yeah, that ability renders much of the exploring null.

The Camel and Lizard were the best ones desu. Elephant and Birb were the lesser half.

They teach you in one of the shrines, but yeah, I was about to be in the same boat, but my friend was watching and thinks a little bit faster than me.

Why should I buy a switch for this when I could just buy a 1070 instead?

This webm shows 80% of the dungeon. It might be god tier if it were anywhere near the scope of past Zelda dungeons

All four divine beasts in this game.

The most disappointing "dungeons" in Zelda history.

>>They teach you in one of the shrines

it was the shrine near the first stable,
but it was full of spike and didnt want to use fire so i skipped

I did it after zora

I don't know what that is, but go ahead user.

I dind't buy a Switch for the game either.

Didn't play the game but this looks like extra cheese

How? They're the only 3D dungeons that let you take them on in any sort of non linear fashion.

No one cares what you do.

The dungeons in BotW are absolutely dog shit though. Easily the worst in the entire series.

>but it was full of spike and didnt want to use fire so i skipped

You could just climb up to the ledge right next to the shrine and glide unto the landing.

You didn't have to do anything to the spikes.

Nah, that's Twilight Princess.

iirc I didn't have enough stamina yet the first time

The divine beasts are some of the best dungeons in the series. it's just a damn shame how short they are.

yeah well he is cheesing the trial, but 10 points for ingenuity

Snowpeak Ruins, Arbiters Grounds, and Temple of Time are better than anything in BotW.

That's objectively wrong. This is the first time I didn't have to follow a guide for the dungeons in a Zelda game. The puzzles are by far the most well thought out and logical ones.

at least there are enemies in TP's dungeons

Hyrule Castle is better than any 3D dungeon except for maybe Stone Tower Temple or the Sandship. That should be the standard for 3D Zelda dungeons.

Being non-linear doesn't make it interesting. I found the tasks within the dungeons boring, it wouldn't matter if I had to do them all in a particular order or if I could go about them in any order, it wouldn't stop them from being boring

You don't recall correctly, but I don't blame you for not figuring it out at that time.

Which Hyrule Castle? TP or BotW?

I actually really enjoyed the Castle in BotW, I just wish there were some more puzzles to make navigation challenging. If it had more puzzles it would be the closest thing to a traditional Zelda dungeon in the game.


i really liked that the dungeons were physics based, and that you counld tackle them in any order, just their length was the downfall.
I suppose it was a by product of not having metroid like areas locked to items, but they could have thought of a way around it.
Being able to jump off the dungeon and climb back in would have been good too.


BotW Hyrule Castle was amazing to me, adding more puzzles would be welcome but the way it allowed you to explore it in so many fashions was amazing.

TP's Hyrule Castle wins for atmosphere though and the Spinner segment at the end was pretty cool.

Because it still won't run as good as the Switch version. But you don't want to hear that do you?

Dungeons have been fucking boring
>Go into room
>Hit a switch or kill some enemies or push a block
>open door to next room
>repeat for 5 rooms
>get the dungeon item that you can use lock-and-key to "solve" "puzzles" that you saw in the dungeon before
>instead of being forced to use spatial reasoning and backtracking you're directed to a shortcut to the part of the dungeon you need to go to
>repeat going through rooms until boss

This is fucking brilliant. I've had tons of fun fucking with shield surfing in this game.

Thought he was going to do pic related

I love bomb cheesing.

You're right to an extent. But I would argue that Zelda dungeons are about far more than just layout (despite what that mongoloid on youtube would have you believe).

They're about atmosphere, art design, indigenous enemies, music, boss battles, puzzles, set piece moments. They should feel like an ordeal, like you're literally trapped away from the outside world until you overcome it. Twilight Princess nails these concepts for me.

But I'm not a hater of the Devine Beasts. They're pretty cool and work fine within the world the game presents. I can understand completely why Nintendo gave the themed dungeons a rest. We would have all rolled our eyes at another fire or water temple. But I'm sure they'll be back.

Would have 1000% been better if they were just bigger, more labyrinth like, and had some scary-ass rooms with 5-15 high tier mons. I like the concept overall, it just wasn't as grandiose as one would hope.

I agree with this.

The same aesthetic on every single dungeon also really bothered me. Seemed lazy.