wheres the cringe comp for EA.
Wheres the cringe comp for EA
Other urls found in this thread:
look in the mirror
If you watched the conference you saw it
The fact you thought that would be a funny reply is cringe in itself.
will anything this year beat ICE CUBEZ
>EA wasn't all that bad this year
Cringe in E3 has been dying out in the last years i think. Now it's just boring.
no just saying you/OP is an ugly bastard. You ugly bastard
Just wait for the PC gaming show.
that is about as shitty as diss as a fucking adolscent saying "your mom."
>We will never live to see another giant enemy crab situation
1: I'm not OP
2: I hope there will be a cure to autism in the future.
not even a diss its just a fact
Haha XD UR MOM SUCKED MY DCK LAST NIGHT XDD im 12 and a half btw
1) Thats why I put you/OP
2) I also hope you get cured in the future and are able to pay for plastic surgery.
*insecurities intensifies*
holy fuck I can almost hear your extra chromosomes
The autist with the mic at the end
whatever fat gayboys. Go suck ur dads. Fat ugly fuckers
normie who loves EA spotted.
This thread is pretty cringy desu.
The Konami 2010 was way better than Sony 2006
YOU ALL NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BE PEACEF...ul... *breaks sweat and sits down calmly* let's all be nice and talk about this. I am very handsome, and so are you. :3
i just wanted to see if the videos were up yet and instead I get this cluster fuck of spare chromosomes...
nice try retard. Bet you're filling your diaper for your daddy right now. Fugly bastard
I bet your dad left your mom and they both had affairs and you look double ugly and have no friends
hooooleeee shit
>through battlefield
I can't watch any further than this.. It's too painful.
Talking from experience are we? Lol dumbo gaybo bastard
Takes one to know one
stfu gaybo mongtard fatty
I hope someone you love dies in a car crash
I guess I'm happy for them, but wew lad.
Where's the cringe compolation goys le XD
Do it
The ending is x10 worse/worth
Just started watching the EA conference since I missed it
What the fuck happened here?
Already posted it
imma give you a #edgy for that one. Pretty weak though, like all the males in your family. Turdmuncher
isnt he in a midlife crisis or something since his fiance left him?
Why do people feel like broadcasting these things to the entire world?
looks it. He was always dopefreshnation but now he looks a mess. Wtf is up with the glasses
the part with the fat wrestlers had me in tears
Maybe to show the world that gamers are also human
Or because EA is a fagfest with equal ammount of cringe and people paid to act interested in the games that they show you
Did anyone even watch the EA conference? Nobody's talking about it.
I slept through it. Didn't even remember it was happening today.
missed it cause hospital. I thought the Microsoft one was next but nope?
It is next, but it isn't until tomorrow. 2PM Pacific
Nah we had the "youtube creator" and a marriage proposal so far. Nothing awful on stage yet but just wait. It's gonna happen.
will ubisoft lose their cringeking e3 streak?
I laffed and I could probably beat you nerds up.
I hope to reach a point where I would want to spend the rest of my life with a woman I find special. Don't think that will happen, though.
Just wait for Ubisoft
It's not worth talking about. Just posting links to trailers is about all people are doing.
>gamers are also human
So it's self confidence issues/inferiority complex?
Nah. I'm sure they'll top everyone else in terms of cringe
she isnt going to be there this year
I hope he returns finally
They'll find someone just as bad, like Mr. Caffeine
Did she leave him because of the pranking shit?
Go figures
I don't know who is in charge of directing the events and offstage events at E3.
>the cringiest presentation
Some people clearly haven't watched PC Gamer's show before.
fuck off fat mongtard gayboy
its summer and e3 bro its best to avoid Sup Forums
is that semen?
Semen has a lot of protein and if you don't drink it you're a low test beta male.
Sup Forums needs to implement a system where you can hide posts by ip address.
Recently met my friend and he's married to a woman he met playing WOW. They gave birth to two pretty girls.
>a two-player movie
>some generic looking scifi game by everyone's favorite laughingstock
>Battlefield... DLC
>NFS: Totally Not Fast and Furious Guys
>Star Wars Battlefront: Better Edition