Valve is not your friend
Valve is not your friend
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They aren't This might be one of the only times Polygon posted something that wasn't trash.
Good read
Polygon is based
link to pastebin otherwise it's shill trash
So Polygon finally catches up to 2012.
>the hero was the villain all along
Why did you do this Gabe
Pretty spooky article
>baiting in 2017
Stop it, user. It's passé.
Archive link
>actual LINK to polygon
op is a faggot
No company is your friend.
As far as digital distribution companies go though, Valve is pretty good.
They centralized PC gaming and pretty much resurrected the industry from the brink of death.
By TODAY'S standards, sure they might be considered 'the villain' because they're so ingrained in the entire scene, but this is merely the result of being an industry first.
Imagine if a company like EA got to the digital distribution scene first. We'd be knee deep in shit right now.
Think of Valve like Genghis Khan.
Everyone that thinks valve is their friend needs to kill themselves*
This is what you should have said, the instant passive aggression is all you need to know to tell how mentally ill these fuck tards are. If it wasn't valve it'd be the Democrats or some other insane cultist bullshit
more importantly, does anyone have a link to that wallpaper
Who gets your games when you die?
whoever you give your account info to or specify in your will, presumably
>resurrection at the peak
Not how it works. Valve's only peaks have been sales, they ruined everything they touched but they made a ton of money so i guess it's ok
>disk space required
where did it all go wrong lads
idr but i think opposing force required hl1 to be installed since it was an expansion
Stop idolizing ANY company.
In all seriousness, Valve is NOT your friend. But it certainly is not your enemy when it comes to deals, service, distribution, etc. Paid modding was the dumbest shit and THANK GOD they admitted it was the dumbest shit (they still wanna monetize it though).
Humans need to STOP idolizing a company for their X, Y, and Z THEY THEMSELVES placed on a pedestal. FYI: polygon idolizes bioware because of their progressiveness, not their games, it was just the icing on the cake.
unrelated and shitposting note:
don't enable Polygon's bullshit brand of journalism.
theyre only writing this because valve BTFO their SJW agenda and engaged with people like TotalBiscuit who also BTFO their SJW narrative when given the chance, Valve became an enemy of the SJW and now kotaku and friends have declared them an enemy
its complete bullshit and youd be dumb to lap it up (that doesnt mean dont be objective) everyone over the age of 12 understands busines entities exist to make money
wanna know who is even less your friend? polygon
>engaged with people like TotalBiscuit who also BTFO their SJW narrative
You mean that time he was invited to their office, along with Jim Sterling?
>Valve is bad because they control an industry that they literally brought back from the brink of not existing anymore
Yeah okay
>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
This is wrong
Your brain is bad if you believe pc gaming wouldn't exist now if not for valve
Valve killed pc and console gaming
>Polygon posting something I 100% agree with
What the fuck.
Also Valve, Steam, and Gabe Newell may be absolute rancid shit, but fuck me they made the best controller on the market
Sony is not your friend
Nor nintendo nor mocosoft
They are ruled by men that just want to become immortal at all costs and have immortal servants for themselves
That's why they all suck dick
Imagine the future being ruled by these pieces of shit FOR ALL OF ETERNITY
valve does not appreciate video games any longer, therefore I don't give a single fuck about their putrid little jew company
every person working there could kill themselves and there would be no loss, the digital distribution platform would be picked up by someone else, and all their money-making schemes would be like dust in the wind, just like their video game-making schemes have been for several years now
>they control an industry that they literally brought back from the brink of not existing anymore
>He unironically believes in the "le based Gayben revived PEECEE gaming xD" meme
Fucking idiot.
at least those three output video games
there is no doubt valve is just coasting at this point, im just sad they'd toss off doing sequels so callously. once they hit a comfort zone they basically became NEET's.
>people like TotalBiscuit
Totalbiscuit has expressed this same anti-Valve anti-Steam Sale anti-Steam opinion time and time again on his podcast. Pretty much once an episode they talk about how bad Steam is and every few at least mention how bad it is for the industry.
And he's 100% right
>t 12 year olds
no really though, i need that bg
PC would absolutely not be getting games like Bayonetta, Vanquish, Tekken, Street Fighter, etc, if it wasn't for steam.
Steam may be shit with too much of a monopoly, but it turned PC into a viable market.
Woah pc gets multiplats now
Sweet dude, praise valve
I would argue that occasionally the big 3 have somebody at the top or near the top working in the interests of the consumer. There's no denying that Iwata cared even if he couldn't always cared even if the actions of Nintendo didn't always reflect it.
In 2017 absolutely none of the big 3 give a single shit any more. It's pathetic.
Stop posting
>not getting insta banned for posting polygon link
I appreciate the service, but I totally agree the way they handle customer service is scummy as fuck
yes, SJW twitter was abuzz that they were giving him their time at the time
I guess thats why they valued his input
The point is valve did not capitulate to the SJW media who now throw them under the bus and now they hate valve despite valve operating like any other business. I havent read the article because i cant bring myself to visit that shithole but I have little doubt their singling out of valve is without merit.
Literally funded by Microsoft.
I don't need another corporate mouthpiece to tell me about Valve.
I'm quite sure I've read this article before.
That said, yes, valve is destructive. But the market gap was there, and the rest of the market only has themselves to blame.
If there's anything that really irks me about it it's the exlusivity aspect. PC Games used to be independent software from the rest of your system, and that was definitly better.
Ah okay
>Steam revived PC
Steam also turned the PC market into the glorified appstore with 10 times the shovelware that it is today. Valve used to be one, and now is the other.
how about you get the fuck out of here pal
>Steam revived PC
>Steam also turned the PC market into the glorified appstore with 10 times the shovelware that it is today.
those arent mutually exclusive facts, i agree steam is full of garbage now but that doesnt mean they didnt revive pc gaming and actually win against piracy
opinion discarded. they have zero integrity.
fuck off cunt
just for you
>Win against piracy
No you're retarded.
They brought PC gaming back and then took it down brick by brick themselves. Anybody with emotions short of hatred for Valve in 2017 think we're living in a fantasyland where PC is still a healthy platform.
Valve does nothing wrong, besides not making games anymore.
>I don't play y steam account anymore and was wanting to sell it on ebay. I heard that this isn't "legal" for some dumbfuck reason, but what are the chances of valve finding out and banning my account?
oh man, thanks, i actually looked for like 5-10 minutes
much appreciated
It's a decent article you fucking idiots, just read it and stop throwing gay autism fits over your "SJW" dogshit.
oh yeah youre right, valve didnt win against piracy. they launched steam but because people could get whatever games they wanted for free with relatively little effort, the service died and valve died with it.
oh wait
HAHA no fuck you you're an idiot and polygon is bullshit just like shittaku and the rest of those fucking websites
Their intentions (may) have been good at first when it comes to that. They have the same problem Nintendo had in the early days of the NES. Everybody and their mother wants to jump on the PC gaming scene and crank out a turd to get rich quick. It was good of Steam to include indie devs in their business because indies needed a centralized outlet ( does this better now). But now that Gabe can get a cut of the profit for all the shitty asset flips it's full steam ahead, pun intended.
There should be strict quality standards and a sharp limit placed on early access scamfests. But it won't happen.
>LITERALLY an article shilling for Origin
get a grip
My only gripe is the games not being DRM free but steam isn't that bad, they're a company and capitalism exists. I don't think they'd commit company suicide by removing licenses for the game since it can be argued that technically you don't own the game but you still have your save files and that's all the matters considering they'd probably have a lot of lawsuits and refund issues on their hands.
its complete bullshit and Polygon have a narrative to sell
polygon writer #triggeredasfuck
>who gets your bank account when you die
idk user, if only there was some legal document that helped pass on belongings to other people.
I don't know where the "you don't own the games" meme comes from anyways, as if you didn't have any rights associated with buying a licence.
>tfw I fell for the Good Guy Valve meme
>capitalism is evil
>companies shouldn't want to make money
>being this numale / SJW
tl;dr Valve is a Company, it's not fair that they are Winning and you're mean to Origin while giving Valve more money even though they are a Company.
>tfw 12yo Steam account
>have bought 6 (six) Steam games one of which will probably get refunded in 2 days
Glad I grew up in the age of hardcopy games 2bh
The absolute state of video games today
Want to save yourself from future memes?
There is no "good guy" company. None whatsoever. There's publicity, marketing and PR, and they'll always be weighted against lost or gained profit. Every company will do the math and extract maximum profit, and if the equation shifts away from good customer relations to being profitable, they'll turn on you in a heartbeat.
>There is no "good guy" company.
See you say that but then companies like pic related exist.
It's ok to like a company as long as you know who inside of that company is making it good, and can recognize when they've gone south and are no longer worth supporting (The second part is the one 90% of people have trouble with)
People feel more strongly in control about holding physical properties over digital.
Steam isn't DRM free that's what it's about
Maybe you should read it
The only straight person in this thread. Thank you.
how is valve letting modellers sell their work via steam workshop "speculative work"? that is fucking ridiculous comparing that work to the freelance writer kind of speculative work. it is a market place, if you set up shop and nobody buys or likes your stuff then you can't blame the marketplace for not paying your salary. this is in stark contrast to what modellers were doing before steam workshop i.e. making their shitty skins and models and uploading them to fpsbanana for free because there was no legal way for them to profit from it.
absolutely bizarre criticism to have.
First, let me remind you that Valve is Not A Good Guy, it's a Company.
But that's literally what it said
>abloobloo why do people complain about having to install Shitrigin, it's NOT FAIR
>See you say that but then companies like pic related exist.
They sure do. And guess what: Their number one priority is money. So's number two, and three.
Currently, their way to being profitable is good PR. Reward good PR and keep it profitable, and they'll keep it. But I assure you that once they find something more profitable, they'll dump you as well.
They're not "good guy" platinum. They're "currently being good is profitable guy" platinum.
>posting an old article
>linking to it instead of archive
Fuck off Tim Colwill
>If Gabe isn't morally just, why would God make him rich?
Never ever though valve was my friend. However GoG doesn't have 100% of the games I want, and Origin can just fuck off. I'm not wasting my time with that. It's the same shit as Steam only has worse games on it. Windows store doesn't even exist.
If that's the whole problem then I don't see why gog isn't much bigger than it is.
>Their number one priority is money.
Platinum literally has a business model that involves not worrying about their A-Team games selling and making them for the sake of putting good games into the craft. B team licensed games and selling away 90% of the rights to their publishers allows them to do this.
I don't think they have ever said Steam is straight up bad for the industry. They do point out all the fuck ups Steam does though
>I don't think they have ever said Steam is straight up bad for the industry
He has exactly gone to great lengths to describe how steam sales damage the industry and are only loved by short sighted faggots.
>Valve isn't your friend because they steal money from you and the things Steam does is technically illegal
Wow it's almost like Valve needs money to sustain it's self
You're using a lot of words just to say "loss leader".
A bunch of videogame companies work like that. Their famous games are there to build their reputation so they can make a bunch of cash making "serious games" and other contracts.
he made himself rich by providing good products
The games that people care about from Platinum aren't made with financial interests in mind. W101 is just as much a success in the companies eyes as Nier Automata or MGR because they're all good games.
No amount of spinning will change the fact that Platinum is in it for a love of the craft and the industry. But I'll be right there ready to admit when it stops being the case.
>steam guard procs
what now kekolds?