Persona 5 compared to this

>Persona 5 compared to this
Jesus, 3 blows it out of the fucking water.

>psh nothin perssonnel kids

Shame that the gameplay is so much worse in 3

>game that ends with you taking a nap

Wasted buildup tbqh

3 is fucking garbage compared to 5 in every single way

>He didn't played The Answer

>p3 babies this desperate that their game is proved to be the shittiest in the series again
just end yourself already

Nah, it's just you being a nostalgic faggot who doesn't want to admit that the series keep getting better.

>its a people who only played half the series debate the series episode

Are p3fags the ff7fags of persona?

1 & 2 are so different from everything that came after that they might as well be treates as a different spin-off.
Raidou and Soul Hackers are both called Devil Summoner and you don't see anyone comparing them.

More like ff8fags

persona 3
>fighting against the end of the world
persona 4
>fighting against televisions
persona 5
>fighting against evil adults

but ff8fags mostly keep to themselves and don't shit up every ff thread by yelling that their game is the best thing since sliced bread


Don't get me wrong, P5 was really good and I enjoyed it a lot, but P3 is still the best

epic xd

the entire persona series is autistic garbage

Is that Act Zero Bomberman?

Persona 2 and even Persona 1 is better

This. P1 and P2 are still very much SMT games. P3 is where Persona started forming its own identity to the point where considering 1+2 and 3 onwards as part of the same series is a bit absurd

persona 3
>fighting against drowsiness and apathy
persona 4
>riding scooters
persona 5
>brainwashing corrupted people into turning themselves in

>80% of battle is waiting for other people to take their turns
Boring, the game's enough of a VN as is

They literally are. There's nothing present in P3 that in my opinion wasn't improved completely in later entries.

It works too well
>A series that was misnumbered with unreleased game(s)
>emo looking protag
>fanboys gnash and wail if you think any other game in the series is, god forbid, better than it

P5 is more like
>being force to brainwash people otherwise you're fucked

P5 fucked up, you never really felt you was in control of things and just doing shit out of self defence

Look, P3 is my sentimental favorite too, but there's no way I'm going to delude myself or anyone else that its 260+ floors of little square rooms with essentially the same fucking music/visuals are more fun than P5's crafted and varied dungeons. The only thing P3 absolutely has over any of the other games is its story, and even then that doesn't pick up until, like, November in-game.

>inb4 P1 or P2fags pretending anything is worth mentioning about those games.

except when you pulled the reverse ruse

Why do people hail 1 and 2 so high anyway?
Both are rather dull dungeon crawlers with pretty standard story.
Am I missing something or is it some contrarian taste that exists only to get (yous) from die-hard purseowners?

>MFW I will never be as stylish nor wise and self-controlled as Makoto

nobody played them so people think they're unique for playing them
like demon's souls

>emo the edgehog

Are you seriously complaining about deadlines having any sense of urgency to them?

p2 had best boy and that's all I need

That was out of self defense.... they had to do that in order to survive because they themselves fucked up for letting him have evidence on them and had to find some way to retaliate.

I've seen dozens of comments from back before FES or even after it of people legitimately thinking he's just tired

How the fuck did so many people not get it

Persona 3 is a bad game. The only people who think it's better than 5 are people who never got past their Linkin Park phase.

>Standard story

Are you baiting user?

Dude could have girls in a range starting from a nigger fatass beta slacker to goddess Mitsuru while STILL being emo the edgehog
Is definitely stylish

>How the fuck did so many people not get it
I didn't get it at first either, IIRC they just mention you being tired, you lie down on Aegis and then the credits roll.

Persona 1, 2 and 3 all have bad gameplay but P1 and P2 games have far better stories than 3. 3 is the worst game in the series and among the worst Megami Tensei games period.

>Are you seriously complaining about deadlines having any sense of urgency to them?

It gets real boring when it's the same old
>this guys is gonna do shit or has some shit on you so brainwash him b x day

Like yawn, i'm supposed to believed they're organised thieves who pick targets out of their free will but it ends up being they're forced to brainwash targets and everything is messy.

>10 years later
>Still know every bit of Nyx's dialogue
>The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge he sealed his fate, entrusting his future to the cards man clings to a dim hope
>Beyond the beaten path lies the absolute end. It matters not who you are, death awaits you.
>Rock opera song's vocals start kicking in

Everything about Persona 3's final boss is just kino. The most kino moment in video games JRPGs.

Because they're actual RPGs and not VNs with watered down smt gameplay

No. I don't see how the quality of writing is any different from your average megaten game. People shit on newer ones while pretending that older were fucking masterpieces when in reality it's always been perfectly average and stays that way.


Could've sword he just said "Let us finish this, it is the path of your choosing."

that's called having a huge dong and being a protagonist in a weeb game. has nothing to do with personality and charisma (of which he has none) or taste in clothes (of which he also has none)

They are old and few people played them so you get massive hipster points for liking them. It's like saying SMT1 is your favourite SMT game.

P5 > P3 > P2s > P4 > P1

Were P3 to be given a proper redux instead of a gimped PSP port for tactic-less casuals, it'd be the best overall.

the ENTIRE game is one big exposition about people dying and those they leave behind learning to cope, the final boss is Death incarnate and you housed its avatar inside your body for 10 years, you sacrifice all of your hp to cast the great seal, every social link you talk to before the end of the game keeps talking about how you look like you're in terrible condition, you're incapable of mustering the energy to do anything for a month straight with constant text popups about how you have no energy, and when you're lying in Aigis' lap at the end she starts crying talking about you giving everything you had for the team

I personally felt like the game beats you over the head with the fact that you're sacrificing yourself and that's also not counting stuff like Messiah

Nyx Avatar triggers an extra quote when he starts using Moonlight Gown IIRC. It's the one time where you can tell in his voice he's actually troubled by SEES's ability to fight back against the impossible.

The world was fucking ending in P3 you moron.

It's hilarious how fucking delusional they are. I remember arguing with p3fags who unironically believed that Tartarus was better than Palaces.

Oh that one. Still wrong though.

"You cannot avoid death, to live is to die; to live is to die, they are one in the same..."

SMT 1 is my favorite SMT game though

P2 and p5 best

Best girl hasn't been topped yet
I also like the plot anyway, it cannot be outdone IMO, and trying to imitate it would just be shallow so I'm okay with later games not being as good in that department

>you fight against the end of the world so the story is automatically better guys X)))

>3 blows it (Persona 5) out of the fucking water.

Said no one ever.

literally this

It aged poorly, though.
The gameplay is too much of a chore which is a shame because the story in 1, 2 and if is something more people should experience.
I was really hyped for a 3DS remake until they revealed it's fucking SJ again.

Why? I just finished it recently and was pretty underwhelmed. It's fine, but to say I'm curious what could make it your favorite.

But SMT2 is my favorite.

>a literally who is the final boss
Give me Philemon or give me death

>literally who

Every Persona game does this. EVERY one.

In P2 it actually gets destroyed.

>It aged
stopped reading there

Unless said redux drastically altered and/or remade MC's social links, those will always hold P3 lower than P5.

>or give me death
7/10 joke, but it made me chuckle

P5's social links were worse
>Oh no, x evil person is ruining my life!!!! HELP!

>expecting p3tards to have good taste
you only have yourself to blame

They're pretty solid. Their gameplay outside of combat is actually better than 3-5, but it's not like the combat is even bad then, just an older formula. Their stories also don't follow the new anime style, which I don't know how to properly refer to, but if you played 1 of either category then I hope you understand.
They appeal to a completely different crowd, but naturally there's crossover with how many people will play both eras simply for the namesake. Some people will just prefer one to the other, but it's to be expected that the newer ones would be more popular with the way they're designed.

Persona starts with 3

>making a run of the mill demon from SMT the final boss
persona-baby detected

Just because it's a known deity doesn't make its involvement in the plot any more meaningful than being that evil looming thing that wants everyone dead.
Just like Yaldabaoth means literally nothing when its name is dropped at the end of P5.

>there were no end-of-the-world scenarios in p4 and p5

Sometimes I get rid of any priestess personas I have just to get to spend more time with Fuuka until the next rank up.

>Play Persona 3 FES first
>Immediately play SMT3 Nocturne
>See Nyx 2 hours into the game as a bartender
>She never does anything evil

Really scared me for the whole game regardless.

P3 also has the best social link in the series.

>She never does anything evil
You never actually played P3 if this bothered you

Even though P5 got repetitive with the progression of having to solve their problem through Mementos for almost every SL, at least the individuals or their arcs were generally interesting or good.

P3 had fuckers like this dude, who spent all ranks basically saying "I love older women", then rank 10 was suddenly "wow, you're such a good friend." I would say at least half of the P3 links were as boring and insubstantial.

Organized thieves? They are fucking weak ass high school students who are most definitely not professional thieves my dude.

They are great games

All of the persona final bosses are random SMT demons

>actually have to perform gameplay to progress link

Immediately makes it a step up

p3 explores a topic that affects everyone (death) and nearly every single element of the game's main story, characters, and design reinforces this theme. it's not my favorite game ever, it drags a bit at times and that holds it back a bit, but fuck if it isn't top ten material.

Also the worst social link.


I liked going into Mementos for the SLs because it made them feel a little bit more connected to the story.

best social link

wait the guy you responded to already said that, lol
well he's right, it is

We can at least agree that P4 is the weakest of the three, right?


Had a better plot and gameplay then 3 but had worse social links and atmosphere.

Toss up

Best social link.

Question: if demons and shit invaded the world right now, would you rather be

1. a devil summoner (you have to convince demons yourself to work for you)
2. a persona user (can't choose your persona or use multiple ones)
3. an avatar tuner (can't choose your demon form)

keep in my you can't use magic as a summoner, and no you don't get a demonic parasite to become a demi-fiend

summoner for me, I would find a Pixie or Hua Po first thing

I agree

5 was great until after the 2nd dungeon, after that it just shits the bed

persona 6
> fighting against kids

this gourmet king

*keep in mind

better gameplay and better main villain than p3 so no