Signs that someone is pretending to having played a game

>The water temple is so hard dude xD

>Play OoT for the first time recently
>it's fucking shit for the most part
>get up to the water temple
>expect it to be even worse
>mfw it was actually good
>it's literally the best dungeon in the game and one of the only good parts of the game
>think maybe the game gets good after this
>nope, back to being casual garbage aside from one or two other areas later on

Zelda fanbase is trash. You are all casual little shitstains.

All of our OoT memories are from when we were 10.

Seriously, can you fuck yourself in the water temple? I swear I did involving the keys somehow when the game first dropped but I also could have been retarded.

The sad truth of the Zelda fanbase, pure nostalgia.

>beating the water temple as a kid with no problem
>MFW going into the well

it's really not that different from the other dungeons bro. trying too hard

It's not that it's hard, it's just possible to break the dungeon and not be able to beat it. At least that's what I was informed of.
I personally never experienced this, but I can justify being upset over a serious oversight the series has never dealt with in any other installment.

It's poor design, not difficulty.
That said, I really like the atmosphere of the dungeon and I greatly prefer it to the forest temple. I can't fathom hating it based on a single flaw that was fixed in every other version of the game.

>Doesn't like the shadow temple

Your opinion is irrelevant.

It's stupidly tedious more than anything else. Having to go back to the start menu to equip or unequip the iron boots. Say what you want about OoT3D, that quality of life change made the Water Temple much more bearable.

The water temple has great aesthetics but it is poorly designed mechanically. The 3DS version alleviated a single issue with having ease of access to the iron boots, but the layout of the dungeon is still retarded to the point you can end up fairly deep in the dungeon against a locked door without a key, forcing an undesirable amount of backtracking.

>dude gary is an asshole in pokemon

Pretty much this. The constant equipping iron boots to sink and umequipping them to rise grinds the pace down to a screeching halt, and is uncompletely tedious and unfun. It'd be like reading a book and every few pages you have to get up and replace the lightbulb in the room, you'll really quickly stop enjoying the book.

Nobody calls it hard, they call it tedious.

At least pretend to know what you're talking about when you complain

Not possible, but you might be able to in master quest.

>Dark Souls is so hard dude xd

>I hate Braid because the door mechanics are inconsistent for no reason
>I hate Arkham City because you can lock yourself out of sidequests

These two are classics because they are both things that Yahtzee was wrong about in Zero Punctuation reviews, but 99% of players won't get these impressions

The original Water Temple was so bad that Eiji Aonuma literally fucking apologized in an interview for it. Aonuma actually designed the water temple, which may give a hint as to why a majority of his zelda games have been bad.

It was so bad that they redesigned the iron boots in the remake just to make it a little easier to deal with. It was self-evidently bad, it was explicitly bad, and it was directly apologized for how bad it was. Occams razor says the Water Temple was bad. It had cool water refraction effects and atmospheric as fuck music with a good color palette, but everything unrelated purely to art was fairly shit.

So it is extremely ironic that, given how bad it was and given aonuma's explicit apology with much of the blame being on the excessive menu management, Breath of the Wild would increase that menu management tenfold.

Water Temple was bad, BotW was bad. case closed.

>Signs that someone is pretending to be interested in video games
>Likes Zelda at all

It's casual garbage and has always been.

To be honest i thought the adult stuff was mostly rushed and the kid stuff was goat. Thats what really left an impression on ne for oot.

>Crusader kinds 2 is hard
It's complex but it's not hard.

>Omfg got to the atomic age in Civ 5 and now Gnahdii declares war on me like the magnificent bastard gentlesir scholar he isXDXDD

India is the friendliest civ in the entire fucking game. He has that meme tendency to build nukes, but that doesn't make him war-hungry. These are two separate things. If any cunt claims that Gandhi is a warmonger, they never even played the game.

They use the word "soulless" to describe it.

Dark Souls is liek SUUUPER HARD Praise the Sun XDD

>but everything unrelated purely to art was fairly shit.
Nah the Dark Link battle was fucking hype and actually slightly challenging if you didn't just rape him with the biggoron sword.

This is almost contrarian enough to be the script to a razor fist video. B8r.

>dark souls is hard
>it's like the dark souls of X
>lol widowmaker in overwatch is so hard!
>plays any fps on a controller
>Nintendo just keeps on making good games!
>i didn't like new vegas, I thought fallout 4 was better
>is eagerly anticipating the next TES game
>follows competitive overwatch or league of legends

This. It's not hard, but it just feels tedious because of the boot fuckery.

People who unironically enjoy modless Bethesda games. It's like enjoying sonic 06, the only fun factor is laughing at it being an unfinished mess

>Pic related
Not exactly vidya, but its the best way of detect people who never played or even read about Warhammer in ther lives and only know it through memes.

Its not possible to make it impossible, but there's one key most people forget.

>"Have you ever played _____?"
>"Yeah I love that game bro"
>"Remember that part where ____?"
>"Nah I don't remember"

People who do this with anything need to be exterminated.

I used to play OOT about once every year or so when I was in my late teens. Everytime I get to water temple I am just missing a key and cannot find it and spend like an hour fiddling around with water levels until I find it and feel like an idiot because it was so obvious. I would always forget it by my next playthrough

>Is a waifuposter

Its the one behind the wall you have to blow up on the second layer of the room you meet Ruto in.

>not doing it without the zora tunic

>water temple is all about
>not using your sword
>changing your clothes every five seconds
>playing songs every five seconds
>solving "puzzles"
>boss is "hit the eyeball with the dungeon item"

It's Aonuma Style!

It's not hard at all, just tedious as fuck.

It's not that it's hard, it's just incredibly tedious to have to go all the way into the extremely slow menu in order to remove/put on the iron boots.

>Have extremaly shit memory
>Forget most of a game like a week after playing it
>Don't remember anything about games I played like a month ago besides the fact that I played them

You probably just missed a key, m80.

I don't understand how thats possible dude, are you a stoner or something? I can remember most things fairly easily, even with movies I haven't seen or games I haven't played in years I can at least remember parts of them.

and also maybe the one under the central column, that only gets exposed after raising the water

Do you huff paint user?

Same here, I can remember practically any game I have ever played almost disturbingly well, so that I would be able to write down a flowchart of locations and events 99% of time. If only I would have such an memory regarding everything else...

The only exception to this is Twilight Princess, which for some mysterious reason is a total black hole in my memories. I can remember that I completed it, but besides from that? Practically nothing. Probably should replay that some day.

I don't even drink nor smoke, I literally use nothing that could be damaging my memory and yet it's still shit.
I also can't remember people's names nor any important dates, I barely even remember my own birthday and often I forget even that, sometimes I don't even know how old am I.

I should probably get myself checked desu but I was always this way since my childhood and as a child I went to few psychologists and none of them said there's something wrong with me.

Speaking of Warhammer, I wanna get into it
Can I get a quick rundown on where and how to start

Sounds like literally me, it really brings me mild panic when people ask me simple things I'm perfectly aware I should remember but don't.

Twilight Princess is a forgettable game user, and now that you mention it I don't remember much about it besides that temple that's a Yeti's house.

>Shin Megami Tensei is SO hard dude
It's only hard if you are shit at jrpgs

>Demon's Souls is the best Souls game
No it is not, stop saying this. It's a great game but it's not the best souls game, Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne far surpass it.


Signs in general that someone has no idea how to play fighting games

Fuck you I do a playthrough of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask once a year, and they're still 2 of my favorite games, the latter being my favorite game of all time.

the only hard part of water temple is when you have to freeze the slime with an ice arrow to progress

i had to consult gamefaqs for that part

>An A press is an A press

>Tekken is very simple to play
Considering the state of the online, many people were baited by this.

Same user

>that comfy feeling getting the N64 out of my closet every winter for my annual MM playthrough

>Signs that someone is pretending to having played a game
this post

I think he might be talking about Great Bay Temple.

>mfw getting stuck in zelda
>mfw having to do dumb side shit to get unstuck

>RE4 killed the franchise I miss the old fixed camera angles and tank controls
I love how people forget that everyone was fucking tired of the old RE games and don't realize that RE4 saved the franchise.
And It even has the tank controls, only difference is the perspectiva.

So, 99% of Sup Forums then.

>YFW mark brown single handedly changed how people remember the water temple
Such power...

What about thinking that RE6 is a weak entry in the series?

>Retro Castlevania IS HARD AS FUCK GUYS

Dracula's Curse tho

That one is more about how you would deal with the current situation and not being retarded.

Dracula X on SNES is a real bitch to play due to shitty designs

I played every 3D Zelda game at or near its release starting with OoT when I was twelve. In order of my own personal enjoyment of the games: BotW > TP > MM > SS > WW > OoT.

My favorite boss in Dracula X is the giant mudslime who splits into smaller ones throughout the fight and can spawn so many that the game slows to like 25% speed

I got into so many arguments with people because they would say "RE4 fixed the controls." It was a popular belief around release, too. People are dumb.

Are you talking about the Necromancer boss? Sack of shit moves too fast for his own good.

Water temple wasn't hard, just fucking annoying with having to take the iron boots on and off constantly.


god I fucking hate people like this.

This, well except that I don't think the game is trash, since I love OoT. But Water temple is unironically my favorite temple. Sure, it was a bit tedious with the menus, but thats it. It's the best designed temple, the one that feel the most challenging and the most maze-like.

>Fags haven't experienced Jabu Jabu's Belly in Oracle of Ages

I still don't know how the minds behind Ages/Seasons and Majora's Mask came up with BotW. It's so dull and unoriginal.

Shit, that's the one. I haven't played it since middle school.

My mom just finished the WT for the first time and said this is so far her favourite one because "It wasn't difficult to navigate and there are few enemies"

>TTYD is the best game evar
I guess this is one is more about user hasn't played enough games


>aside from one or two other areas later on
>there's only one or two areas left

And Ganon's tower but shut up don't ruin my meming

Shadow Temple is easily the worst in the game

It's just a straight shot hallway and the puzzles are boring

>Kid Link
>Enter mouth of Deku Tree
>Enter mouth of skeleton dodongo
>Enter mouth of Jabu-Jabu

i don't care about any of that, i just like fixed camera angles for horror games, deal with it

I have experienced that hell...

I feel your pain. It is as just as tedious as OOT's water temple

The Ancient Cistern perhaps was the best dungeon that was water themed but had the worst boss for it because it had nothing to do with water whatsoever.

Yes, exactly

>minds behind Ages/Seasons

Capcom did BotW?

>Link rhymes with Dink
>The entire game is an allegory for sucking penis

Staff from those games have been working on the series for a while now. Skyward Sword had the same director as the Oracle games.

>ff9 wasn't that great

Hero of Time confirmed to have a messed up childhood of where he had a fetish for vore.

>The Witcher 3 is the best RPG ever made

Aw man you just reminded me that Dink Smallwood exists.

>omg Dark Souls is so hard Ornstein and Smough amirite? I spent 100 bazillion days stuck on them

Will never understand this meme. Kalameet, Artorias, Gwyn without cheesing (no running around pillars, parrying, etc.), Four Kings NG+ and beyond, and Manus are much harder.

Didn't know that, that's cool. Except I hate Skyward Sword.

Technically, yes. There were a lot of jobbers from Nintendo working on it to, but Fujibayashi originally worked at Capcom and became director because he was basically flooded with ideas and passion for the project. So much so there was almost a third game (Oracle of Secrets).

I miss games having original settings and an air of mystery about them. It was almost disappointing that The Oracles ended with generic Ganonshit.

I genuinely believe the hardest boss in Dark Souls is the Capra Demon

I can fly through the game, but getting past the Capra Demon feels almost entirely luck. You either roll past the first dog and your good, or you die. And there's no consistency

{spoiler]I've enjoyed every single Zelda game immensely and have no idea why the fanbase likes to argue about which one is the shittiest[/spoiler]

Except for Phantom Hourglass

People don't claim to dislike the level, they say it's hard. Which if you're not a contrarian faggot, you can at least admit it's reasonably challenging NOT in retrospect.

>"I miss when Resident Evil was about zombies instead of bioweapons."

>The metal gear ruse cruise is ludicrous