>10/10 RPG's one after another
Will we see a god tier rpg team like them again?
>inb4 Obsidian or Bethesda
10/10 RPG's one after another
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no, cuz you have to be underage to trully appreciate vidya
You forgot CDPR, you faggot.
>solid but clunky: the game
>snoozfest: the game
>downgrade: the game
CDPR and Atlus
Black isle actually only developed Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment, and the Icewind Dale series.
Black isle intros gave me diamond hard ons
And those are some of the best RPGs ever made.
They have a game in the works OP.
Didn't they co-develop BG and BG2?
Fallout 2 and Planescape sure but the Icewind Dale games are just solid 7/10 games and nothing more.
>god tier art and soundtracks
>best isometric party based combat yet
>full party customization
>only a 7/10
Games are both atleast 8.5's my man.
>10/10 RPGs one after another
More like a couple of 9/10s, two 8/10s, and IWD2's 4/10 and FO:T's 6/10.
bioware my dude
Fallout Origins: Torment
I thought it was made by Black Isle. Oh well, scratch that, IWD2 is still a giant fucking black mark on their quality though.
This is your 10/10 tonight
>pillars of I don't even like RPGs anymore thanks to that game
>pillars of misogyny
Joking aside I've never been more bored of a game in my life. Atleast when I got lore dumps thrown at me in Torment it atleast was written good and was unique. PoT is just typical high fantasy garbage.
Fuck rpgcodex
PoE is the most mediocre game I've ever played
>shitty combat
>shitty story
>shitty writing
>shitty art
>shitty soundtrack
Atleast Deadfire is looking better with the pirate stuff
As far as I remember, BioWare got some advice from Black Isle during the development of BG2.
My opinion has nothing to do with rpgcodex. By the time I made it to the big city I just couldn't go on with the game. I don't care about the tedious background of the characters, or about the boring lore concerning competing religious orders.
You don't write a good RPG with random bits of worldbuilding. There has to be some sort of governing principle, some tension keeping you interested.
>some tension
You're literally going mad user
Yes I suppose asking for narrative tension from Sawyer is mad
No, you aren't. People just say you're going mad, but nothing actually happens. That issue has zero gameplay effects.
In BG2 you at least lost control over your Charname once and had to run away the rest of your party from the Slayer.
Pillars is just....bland. It's not a bad game. It's just not engaging.
I miss old Bioware, Neverwinter Nights and DA:O were pretty good.
Its another
>I'm a virtue signalling Sup Forumsipster who doesn't like fun video games episode and likes isometric snorefests
I miss the old Sup Forums that actually liked new video games and weren't stuck in a mindset around outdated trash nostalgia faggotry and storyfaggery.
>Neverwinter Nights
The original campaign with the elf cunt was a dumpster fire.
Can you name a good, recent rpg then?
>majority of the team goes to obsidian.
>inb4 obsidian
Can you kids at least learn your history right before you meme about the golden age of Interplay and magic?
>old Sup Forums didn't have nostalgia
Bethesda games, Witcher 3 (Then again I guess this is somewhat praised on here because its seen as le epic hipster enemy to Bethesda so its le magic good guy), Souls games, Dragons Dogma. Idk there's tons of games.
I get it liking a video game for the gameplay instead of choose your own adventure goosebumps tier storyfaggery is I guess to out of the box for the Sup Forumsipster """""gamers""""" I mean how dare an RPG have fun gameplay over being a snoozefest but having le epic amount of choices. I mean shit why not just play D&D or a text only RPG if you're not playing games for the gameplay and are some autistic storyfag who cares about depth in a text based level.
The text only RPG market hasn't been doing greate lately senpai.
>Shit combat
>Shit combat
>Meh combat
>Some of the best RPGs ever made
When do we gas the storyfags?
>Bethesda games
Morrowind is ok, but everything beyond that point is made for braindead people.
>Witcher 3
Repetitive open world, shit combat, same quests over and over.
>Souls games
Literally the Radiohead of Vydia. I bet you played bloodborne and felt enlightened just like you did when you listened to Kid A.
>Dragon's Dogma
Well that one is actually ok.
I get it, being retarded and enjoying games that hold your hand from start to finish is "fun" to you, but that's like your opinion. I'm not saying that you should stop playing them, it's just that i simply don't like them.
>Morrowind is okay
Straight up Sup Forumsipster wow really makes me think when I swing my sword at someone and it hits me with the *miss* in a first person action RPG.
Really gets that noggin joggin. Uh oh the games after Morrowind are fun and have a lot of quality content? Only 4 Brainded babbies what you don't like a real mans game my friend?
Not even gonna respond to the rest of you're replies you're fallen into the hi/v/e the only person who can get you out of it is yourself. Good luck and I hope you gain some of your own opinions instead of what came from a cesspool of a regurgitated contrarian opinions on Sup Forums.
The problem with this is the story isn't the only thing wrong with modern Bethesda games and not everyone dislikes the game play of isometric RPGS. I don't think they were perfect or fun beyond anything possible today but acting like there is nothing enjoyable about them is meting in to the opposite extreme.
>if you like old rpgs you don't like fun gameplay either
Why can't I like both? Why can't I appreciate games for their writing, atmosphere and art design (black isle rpgs" and also like games like Quake and Doom? \
Why can't I appreciate these games for what they were when they were released? I want to see what Black Isle would be capable of doing with modern technology. You radical faggots are the worst I swear
>you either like this and hate this or like this and hate this
Stop deciding for other people you fucking faggot
>really makes me think when I swing my sword at someone and it hits me with the *miss*
l2p kiddo
>Uh oh the games after Morrowind are fun and have a lot of quality content?
"wahhh mom the game doesn't tell me where to go waaaahhh where is my marker, i don't know how to read quests waaaahhhhh"
Besides Morrowind is fun and has even more quality content.
>Not even gonna respond to the rest of you're replies
Because you don't know how to, right?
Good luck and I hope one day you can actually play a game that requires a little bit of thinking.
If you're in for the gameplay why not play exclusively roguelikes?
Oh shit wrong thread
Its cool if you like both most cucks don't.
>This dude is actually arguing against quest markers
>This dude straight up defends bad combat mechanics
Really does get those neurons firing tho when i'm sure you think the game has more quality content from a storyfag perspective (even tho the depth of morrowinds story has been debunked so many times such as with the many issues when you join certain guilds that cause conflictions with the main quest) and I as a real gamer think the future installments Skyrim specifically have better content because of the gameplay improvements and sheer number of fun shit to do.
I mean dude just admit it you're either just being edgy and hip trying to fit in with the kids on a chinese basket weaving forum or you don't like video games lmao.
Content is a big part of it aswell. The two biggest factors in a video game are the gameplay and the content. A lot of rogue like/lites have decent gameplay but miss the content thresh.
Skryim and Fallout 4 for example fit both the gameplay and content departments especially with mods. Want Skyrim to be a somewhat realistic survival game where arrows to the head kill people instantly and if you sneak up on someone you can slit their throat everytime. You can do that. Want it to be more action RPG where you can dodge enemies and they can dodge you and you have to take people down in a fast pace. You can do that.
Want Fallout 4 to be a realistic tactical survival RPG that surpasses Stalker and Metro you can do that and you get all that in both games with mods that add hundreds of quality new locations and quests.
Shit is cash.
Fuck storyfags.
Quest markers are kind of annoying. Ruin the surprise. Obviously most people don't want to just blindly bump into stuff - that's why you design important stuff to stand out. But that requires effort.
Most people don't want to be lost for 40 minutes trying to figure out where to go or have to read a mini novella of poor directions just to figure out how to kill a few bandits either. Its frustrating and boring and I remember constantly hearing from even friends of mine who like morrowind they ended up most of the time just looking up online where to go immediately because they hated the wait/didn't want to read.
when do we gas faggots like you who want combat prioritized over roleplaying
>western trash
>10/10 RPG's one after another
>le epic really makes you think meme variations xd
If you really think Skyrim is better than Morrowind only because of gameplay then you are a retard or you have never played Morrowind for more than 10 minutes. At this point I don't really know why I'm even wasting my time on you. But whatever kid, if you don't enjoy it simply don't play it. Shocking, isn't it?
Have a nice day.
>souls fag
>implying bb and demons arent the only good jrpgs
JRPG's fucking suck
JRPGs aren't even RPGs
I don't like morrowind or black isle titles because of the story though. I like them for their quest designs, exploration focused gameplay, and lack of hand holding. I don't hate Skyrim like others though because I love the soundtrack. I can appreciate these games for what they did 15-20 years ago. At the time they were easily the best games in their genres and some of them still are. (torment, fallout 1, morrowind). I'm just disappointed in how much casualization that rpg's have received. I love these old games actively encourage you to explore, and "think" when it comes to quests. Multiple solutions to everything really does increase replayability and truly ROLEPLAY your characters.
Xenogears > PS:T
SMT > Fallout
Dragon Quest > Dragon Age
The fuck are you doing on Sup Forums if you don't recognize truths such as these?
And WRPGs aren't even games.
Opinions != truth.
I'm sorry that you actually have such shit taste.
China please. Souls is a WRPG.
>liking linear weeb shit.
>not liking weeb shit
>on a weeb forum
PS: T > Xenogears
Fallout > SMT
Dragon Quest > Dragon Age
Should have said BG instead of Dragon Age if you wanted to bait people.