You're fucked if you have no friends

>you're fucked if you have no friends

Th-thanks, EA.

Looks like shit and stupid

This one actually looked kinda cool. Might get it and play it with my gf.

most people have friends

>MFW I'll have to go watch some e-celebs playing it because I don't have a friend to play this with

I'll just use my brother. They should have gave you a single player option though. No cunt will be able to play it a few years later unless its couch co-op.

A shit company like EA tries innovation knowing this is not gonna sell well with no solo campaign and you r9k cunts are complaining?

I'm actually fairly excited. It's under my 'games to play when my son is old enough' list

along with Little Big Plane...ah who am I kidding, way to make me feel alone and depressed EA

I really dont mind at all, I dont have friends that would want to play this, its not like everyone has friends that likes to play entire campaigns in coop (I actually had one for around 10 years, but he got tired of gaming, how ironic).

But hey, its a cool idea, and at least it looks like its being competently made

>unless its couch co-op.
It can played like that too.

What's your problem? What kind of loser has n-


Was it just me or did the trailer not have any actual GAMEPLAY? Is it just a co-op telltale game?

Don't you mean your wife's son?


>tfw have a friend who also wants to play it

Anyone here actually played Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons?

Shit was awesome. If this game is anything like it, this will be decent to good at worst.

Why is everyone losing their shit for this game?
>Cinematic bullshit
>This basically means you and your friend have to sit and watch fucking cutscenes together, something you want to avoid at all cost with multiplayer, as a neverstopping flow of action is required there, even worse with disjointed dialogue, as the trailer shows

The dude's nose is also ridicolous

"Oh no,
This two must have played this boring ass game"



This is gonna be a rough weekend for you huh user?

Didn't you see the second part where they showed gameplay? When one player is in a cutscene, the other will still be in gameplay, and vice versa.

>Story heavy game
>Forced to talk to someone the whole time

As much as I love having casual conversations in movie theaters, I feel that these two things don't mix well.

If the story is laughably bad you can have a grand 'ole time if you and your partner have the right sense of humor.

you still can play with randoms online

...oh right. piratefags have neither friends nor can play online LOL


>it's split screen

shitty sfm that probably have 30 diff angles?

If it's actual couch co-op I might get my brother to play it, but I don't expect an actually decent game from EA even if it is.

It's Army of Two without the paintball setup

Only impressive game from EA this E3!

Cause every game has to be for you, right?

All I want is a friend to play this with. S-stop bullying me.

>The dude's nose is also ridicolous
It's based on a real actor

I honestly hated the dev and his "this is the best game ever" attitude. I know he was selling his game, but I hope it fails and he becomes homeless.

>EA releases a new game that is for people who are into couch co op

good lord you faggots are such babbies

So just like the rest of us here?

>No cunt will be able to play it a few years later

This is the real problem with forced multiplayer in games like this. It will be unplayable as soon as it's no longer popular. And we know there isn't going to be a sustainable online community for a fucking story-driven two-player game.

>Sup Forums is one person

I hope he's super successful so I can get more co-op games to play with my friends

good co-op games are in short supply nowadays

At least the dev had sincere passion about his cool new game he had been working on. Not to mention it's slightly different. Stfu Sup Forums


my problem is not that I don't have someone to play with, thank god my brother and I live in the same apartment and it's been ages since we played coop, hell I might cry when we do because I would be overwhelmed with nostalgia, but the crux of the issue is we only have 1 controller and have no money for an extra one, here in Tacoland they are expensive as shit

What those people want, most likely, is more single-player games with optional local co-op modes.

Not everyone is a NEET with a bunch of NEET friends. People are sometimes busy and not everyone has the same schedule. For some people, it's rare to have an extended period of free time which lines up perfectly with a friend's extended period of free time.

I hardly ever get to play video games with my brothers anymore. I mean, it happens often enough that co-op mode is a selling point, but it doesn't happen often enough to justify buying a game which is ONLY co-op.