panel 3 just got even more painful
just post modern Bubsy already
They were right, in any form, It just works.
>90's manga
They are both boys and the author is litteraly attracted to children?
whats wrong with that
>Sailor Moon and Evangelion
terrible taste senpai
who is the author?
also wtf was EVA even a manga in the 90's
Ristar Remastered when?
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___
>you good do game
That's the funny part.
Haruhi was also a novel.
Sounds good to me.
it was an anime original but they did make a manga series to go along with it that only ended a couple years back
It's way easier to meet girls that you know from class anyways
Just pulling up on random girls is a drag, but it works sometimes.
Dale was right again.
>these threads would get 70+ replies in half an hour before they got deleted
Kek, I miss old /vp/.
where is the cute girl?
Find me two real boys that look like that, curves and all, and I'll find you a pedo
That fucking old art dad cracks me up every time
This only works you consider it the imperative of humanity to preserve every iteration of its particular alleles.
This is pretty insane, because really from a viewpoint of "the things Humans are supposed to do is pass on their genes to the next generation" you DON'T want gayness to carry on, because it actively impedes it.
So what the hell is the point in this? Are we supposed to engineer gay baby genes? I don't want gay babymaking. That shit sounds horrible.
That is not a cute girl.
The page layout pisses me off. The second page should read bottom to top, or just not use the fucking arrow. It's stupid as shit.
Actually laughed
They forgot middle-aged suicide, from when you realize you will never be a happy 50+ male with a wife, children and grandchildren, and eventually kill yourself unless aids takes you first.
Eat a dick, Battle Angel's a classic.
You didn't spend any levels in Reading Comprehension.
Why are they round speech bubbles when they really should be like weird chinese speech oblongs?
hey i think i recognize this author! thanks for reminding me of them
This is too good
Wait a minute... this is amazing.
He's admitted that he gets off to the idea of little boys finding his works, that's what that user means.
>cute girl at the coffee shop
>pic unrelated
>Its a boy
Implying they would want to have a normal life if they could would make the reader having sympathy for them, it's not really the point of the book.
fuck literally spewed my drink.
I wish i had the original comic
No I did, you just think the conclusion that the writer has: "Gayness is bad for society because the gay person fails to procreate" means counterpoint: "But you actually don't want them to procreate because of defective genes" is irrelevant.
Or you can't read.
Eh, this one has a decent punchline. Predictable, but ok.
You best be lying user!
Imagine being at computers
so fat you look and see food
Oh Ryuuko, you're such a dork.
Pls be my gf
Are you calling Homosexuals pedophiles? Bigot.
So what about straight men who just never have kids? What about gays who aren't raging sluts and contribute like any other man? What about men straight, gay or bisexual that just opt out and fuck off into the woods?
it's an actual joke
I didn't know this artist could actually make jokes
laugh out loud
lol she rapes the boy and leaves him in a basement