How about we stop talking about games that will not come out in a long time and instead post screenshots and talk about the games that we are playing right now.

I am playing Hidden & Dangerous 2. It is fun.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I am playing Hidden & Dangerous 2. It is fun.

It is, bought it back in the day, a little glitchy at times but hey, it's a great game.

1st person shooter, 3rd person, realtime strategy, play it anywayway you like.

Would LOVE a remake, combine it with Sniper Elites damage system and then we'd be talking

I bought this yesterday from GoG along with a shit ton of other games. I've never seen this series talked about on Sup Forums before. How is it. What does it play like?

I tried the first one and it seems incredibly clunky and aged. I had no idea what I was doing. I tried out 2 but the controls were so fucked up, but it did seem better but first level was just that tutorial. Is it fun and worth continuing? Honestly I was put off by the first one, should I just skip it and play 2 only?

k dumping Arkham Knight










Still playing Skyrim.




The controls are a bit messy and you will find yourself going into the controls section a lot the first hour or so. It is not that complicated though the original binds are a mess in my opinion.

The first one on GoG contains the original that i never have gotten into but also Fight for Freedom which i tried a bit as a kid. The original one seemed more clunky than fight for freedom.

I started playing the second one for the first time today but it seems like an improvement in most ways so far. It is slower tactical shooter, i am having fun sneaking around and taking out german patrols but i am hardly using my squad besides telling them to follow me so i am not sure how advanced stuff you can do with them.

Yeah it is really fun so far. Haven't barely touched the tactical view yet though.





>playing skyrim
Are you? Are you really?

Modded New Vegas recently so I'm playing through that again.


How is the pc version of Arkham Knight as of today?


Ive been playing fallout 4


Not him but yeah H&D1 was badly clunky, H&D whilst still pretty old is a great game.

As you know there are a lot of controls in 2 and it takes a bit of learing, if you like tactical shooters, there's a solid game there, play it anyway you like as an RPG, a shooter, a Door-Kickers strategy/planing game, realtime strategy etc, AI can be pretty relentless and can put a few modern games to shame, they'll be suspicious of your footprints, if your uniform is wrong (if desguised as a german) it has bullet penetration, inventory management.

It's not for everyone and can be a little buggy at times, but yeah




Me too.
Recent screenshot.
Rudy ENB + ELFX + EEO + SC Hairstyles + Braenn Preset.


Yes, yes i am.













Death by snu snu


>those shoulders
I know you can't really help it, i just wish there was a way to help it.

"Even worse! It'll go right to your thighs... and then you blow up!"



please use that before you take your next batch of a million screenshots senpai

>Yeah it is really fun so far. Haven't barely touched the tactical view yet though.

I must admit I didn't use the tactical to its's full potential myself, but it does have the ability to plan out pretty intricate manuvoures, myself i'd generally directly control each charater and place them exactly as I want on overwatch covering arcs of fire, providing retreating/covering fire if enemy alerted etc etc

Pissing around with uniforms and loadouts and building stats is pretty fun too

I remember your pic related well, trying to kill that guy before he escapes and sniping in the exact same spot as you lol, keeping you snipers in overwatch as you send you assualters in down below



>Death by snu snu
Nobody has to die ;^)

>"Even worse! It'll go right to your thighs... and then you blow up!"

what mods?



FO4 is so underrated is the Bethesda's work to date. At least in my case the most stable and less buggy game.

Fantastic screenshot. Robin has had it




>decent PC
>fallout 4 melts it as soon as I make it to Boston proper even on modded ultra-low settings
>no other games do this
I don't understand.


Zero issues on a 960 and i3


Thank you fampai B)
Pic related but the main ones are:
And some ENB preset that I can't find anymore.



loading screen for a tiny room

>meanwhile in Witcher 3
Dynamicaly loading huge landscapes and intricately detailed cities and buildings


Anyone else played the expansion?Was pretty neat from what i remember.

I'm running on a Samsung850evo
4790k, and a 980ti with very few mods and the load times are the worst of any game I've ever touched on PC. I'm talking 1.5-2 minutes here. Other games such as Skyrim modded to all hell loads in a couple of seconds, the Witcher 2, FarCry Primal with the high res texture packs, even Nier Automata with it's shitty optimization, and both Tombraider games load just fine but FO4 is a fucking train wrek.
Even worse it's the single most boring Bethesda title to date, and i've played Battlespire.

Dude I can run FO4 with and ENB and a lot of 2K/4K textures including Bethesda's HD Texture Pack at almost solid 60fps with a single GTX 980TI
The game runs perfectrly even with all Nvidia's ShitWorks enable.
Far mor stable tan Oldrim, far more fun and playable than FO3.

You'll stop saying it's fun when you run out of saves on a long level somewhere. That and having one of your guys get cut down on the last sprint out of the level. Fucking Burma levels are insane. Stopped playing with the Czech levels though.

i got bored of playing fallout 4 after i killed a deathclaw with a combat knife on survival difficulty. too easy, no late game. good story and quest though bos airship is awesome. and they cut skills out for perk tree which i expect to see more of in their games

The loading times and story are still shit though.

The only thing I prefer in 4 over 3 is how they handled power armour, ignoring the lore butchering.

I can agree there. The PA feels more like what you'd expect it to feel/work like and not just another outfit.
But, yeah, the fact they trow a suit at you 30 minutes into the game and completely ignore how cores work is kind of lame.

I have almost the same specs and FO4 runs pretty well using an ENB compared to Oldrim, load more faster and is more stable I mean I can play for an hour or more without any kind of crash and without touching the .ini files just installing mods and having mods.

Win10 PRO + GTX 980TI + 4790K + 32GB RAM + HyperX 1TB SSD.

thread looked comfy

until the skyrim/fallout posters came in

I don't know what's worse, sonybro bullshot mode spam or FO/ES waifu pics

That sounds fucking awesome. I am definitely into realistic shooters and strategy games, which is why I bought it in the first place. The only thing I don't like is overly clunky. Like I can play and love Red Orchestra Ostfront, but Arma 2 was just too clunky for me to enjoy, though Project Reality BF2 version was fun as fuck.

H&D1 just seemed like an absolute clunkfest, but I couldn't tell for 2 since the first mission was training and I didn't want to sit and rebind controls to finish it when I bought like 20 games in a pack and wanted to give them all a test out. But H&D2 sounds legit awesome, I will play it for sure.

I really like Men of War with the Direct control feature. Is it anything like that, where you can play it in first or third person, but you say I can play it like a strategy game too? If so this sounds fucking goat.


And in 3/NV they were supposed to be pretty rare but in 4 they were like "Oh nah, the US military produced a billion suits so everyone and their nan has one".

Market Garden.

What game?

Iron Front: Liberation 1944

looks like arma

How many suits were there in NV? I usually stuck with the geko reinforced leather armor and never took the time to try and collect FNV PA suits.

Oh shit I already have that. Is it worth playing? I tried it and it's clunky as fuck.

It's a standalone Arma 2 mod.

That game is a piece shit.
Same as ARMA well it's same engine so it's same game.

Are you playing on your own or are you using the ArmA 2/3 compatibility mod? I own the original Iron Front but have no idea how the fuck to play online anymore.

No one cares about your fucking waifu, stop spamming the thread

What game?

Wrong pic

Servers are down in the main game (ARMA 2 standalone mod) So I was playing alone.
But IF: 1944 is compatible with ARMA 3 so you can download the game has a mod and work pretty well in the new engine.