Game encourages you to lose battles

>game encourages you to lose battles

Other urls found in this thread:

>Lose to that
>Not fluffy tail

>Not punching little girls

>game makes fun of you for dying too much

It's a type of difficulty.

>not both

I still remember that lick on the back and choosing not to struggle. Then reloading and choosing to stare into her eyes.


I am the user that faps in the night

I've seen majority of the porn from this game and it's not great. Some is fantastic, but unless you're into vore, it's not worth it.

also, fuck Spec Ops.

enjoy your rape and vore


So long as you have a female MC, those are the best games.

>game doesnt punish you for losing
>in a casual game
>the match ends with a incredible close loose vs the other team
>THAT guy that gets super salty and HAVE to berate his teammates

The Bandits were the best losses I ever had. Cum flowed like a river that day

Did you ever think about how stupidly powerful characters can get in the Monmusu universe? We're starting to hit Disgaea levels of destruction in paradox.

>encouraged to lose battles
what is monster girl quest part 3


>Not killing all monsters on sight
i shiggydiggydoo

>game forces you to start over after any loss
>no save scumming or auto-save

Nothing ever really came close to Vampire Girl's scenes. Game needed more monsters like the loli bandits.

>kitsune makes you her husband

I'm calling the police

You can replay fights from the monsterpedia, and get the scenes that way.

Kitune's are top tier in this game, all they want to do is love you and marry you.


monster girl quest, Vampire Girl

>every time you lose in the first part, you get some cool lewd stuff
>In the second part, nearly everything is /d/ tier and i only want to lose to very specific stuff.
>In the third part, FUUUUCK

>game encourages you to read the lore in order to figure out what to do next in a quest instead of putting a marker showing the direction or target

Why was the two-tailed kitsune not one of the bandits anyways? Was by the same artist as the other three main ones. And the Golem one was separate from other scenes.

Goblin was the only cute one.

Sometimes losing can feel so good.

Never played part 3. What's wrong with it?

Don't know, it makes sense she'd be a bandit though now that I think about it. I guess it was maybe because she had guardians like Nanabi and Tamamo nearby

You didn't ask her for advice on getting game over did you?

You mean papi (dragon pup)

How about this one?

Patrician taste

Anyone have the sauce for the ending where she drinks you? I need it for science.

This, I hate this.

The artist that drew her is just god tier. Every monster girl he made was way above the rest.

You get eaten

Best scene.

Was she the inspiration for the loli manga about the vampire who takes a guy as her slave?

Yeah, I always thought the bandits were modeled after the four...knights? The big-bads.


Did part 3 have a silme bandit somewhere?

>game has enemy variants with hearts over their heads
>these enemies are passive
>if you let them have their way with you, you regain hp
I fucking love full flap games

amen brother


halt criminal

She's a bully and nobody likes bullies!


You betcha.

Gonna need a source before mods delete it

Man I loved part 1 and 2 but still haven't played part 3. Lost my save and I don't want to have to dialogue skip all the way through again.

And i get to keep my liver?

spoonfeeding is bad

but not when it comes to doujins, Minori Kenshirou

I'd move your game system and TV to the living room so the whole family can laugh at you for playing something with that character in it.

There are a lot of abominations, but honestly it doesnt matter since they replace what would had been a badly drawn filler monster in the previous two games.

You're a good lad

you lazy fuck, have the tags instead

Probably because the kitsunes were fairly isolated, so it made more sense to have them appear together.

Although more likely, it was just for variety. You really only had one matching bandit to Heavenly Knight: the dragon, for fire. Goblin was earth rather than kitsune, vampire was wind rather than succubus, and lamia was water rather than slime. Also, they probably wanted to keep the monsters rather "weak" at that point, as opposed to tossing a full succubus at you.

Fire: dragon bandit/dragon knight
Water: lamia bandit/slime knight
Earth: goblin bandit/kitsune knight
Air: vampire bandit/succubus knight

breast monster grill

how shit is my taste

you need to go back

I want Mariel to bully me with her foot

i lost my save before I could play the 3rd one. haven't played that one. is there a 100% save for part 2 or can I just use one for part 3?

I think you can start fresh from part 3 but there is a /vg/ general you can check for savefiles.

Daily reminder that Luka fucked up everything for everyone

Harpy Village, Slimes, Kitsune Village were the best places. I want to have an army of babies with Granberia, although becoming the Husbando of a kitsune or harpy would be good too.

The weird part of me also likes plansect village, but I'm trying to suppress that thought.

How many lolis can I dick

I was on the same spot not so long ago, managed to get a 100% save and, I don't remember how I did it, but you can start from the beginning of part 3

It saddens me that so few can get into Paradox, let alone know about it.
Even with Rogue back part 1 will probably never be 100% translated.

vanilla as fuck/10

There's never enough.

>fucked up everything for everyone
he smashed that blonde bimbo though, get rekt Illiasfag.

Arent the angels the animations?

Seems realistic because in reality I'd have a hard time fighting the urge to dick these chicks

Too much emphasis on femdom. Not enough on making the hero cum.
Vampire biting is god tier because it's supposed to hurt but it actually causes orgasmic pleasure.

Who drew Tamamo, again?

Jingai Modoki.

They let some other artist start to work on the monsters and a lot of them are jarringly bad/abominations/just plain weird

What the fuck?

>we'll never get another game like MGQ or a VN like the adventures of Bernd ever again


It was Heinrich that fucked up by killing Black Alice's love.

>Touched Fluffy
>Felt dizzy

Was the TL finished?

Well there is the RPG spinoff/sequel to MGQ.
Dunno about any similar VNs though.

Sounds like you're describing the first two games too.

It's not Heinrich's fault that Black Alice seemed to have hid her true nature as a monster the entire time she traveled with him. It was easy for Ilias to fuck everything up in that kind of situation.
The story and everything else essential is done. Rogue came back and is currently burning through the remaining H-scenes. This was the to-do list he posted several days ago:

Different strokes, my friend.
I did most my stroking in part 3.

I had that exact same thought when I first started getting into Warhammer 40k.

Xelvy did nothing wrong.

>Gain fluffy wife
Seems fine to me.

Transition for part one is mostly done. I don't think flavor text and dialogue is done for every monster using certain attacks. Like when party members transform when a Hero of Justice.

>she basically enslaves you
This is some MGE level sugar-coating.

>stealing darkwing duck's catchphrase.


>3 belts succubus
Mein nigger.

This was the pedo shit that made me want to stop playing. Loli is pedo you sick fucks.


Not even getting a (you) for that weak ass shit.

Biting is boring, I'm supposed to think it's hot but then remember it just hurts a bit

>that plus the mind control