
>Win an Overwatch game
>Get 19 sr points
>Lose game but do great with 2 gold medals
>Lose 20 sr points
I hate this game, what games have a good skill rating system and a competitive scene that takes notice to your personal skill and won't make you lose points if all your teammates leave?

Your MMR is bad, you need to win consistently to prove you aren't shit to the game because right now the game thinks your trash. This system Overwatch uses isn't new.

pro tip: you are no where near as good as you think you are.

I'm pretty bad, I just hate this game but still play it because of mob mentality and my friends. It just gives me a reason to shit post on Sup Forums.

your gold medals don't necessarily mean anything if your team lost, but more importantly the kind of system you're looking for would have a negative impact on behavior in a team game. you don't want to turn objective-based game modes into glorified team deathmatches

I should just go back to cod or cs go. Tired of not just being able to to join a game, shoot a few guys and call it a day.

>what games have a good skill rating system and a competitive scene that takes notice to your personal skill
Games in a different genre.
Team-based FPS games like TF2 and Overwatch have always been casual as fuck, and trying to make them competitive has just made them less fun.
There's literally no reason to solo queue in comp Overwatch either, since the whole game is designed to prevent individual players from being able to carry. It doesn't matter if you're the best Lucio on earth and get gold medals for healing and objective time in every single game, if your team decides to suck dick then you can't win.

>don't get gold medals
>get gold medals
really makes you think


overwatch is inherently a team-based game, if you want individual evaluations of skill play fighting games or ratz 1v1 instagib

Quality community

I really like 3v3 since I can actually carry that game mode even if my team sucks.

why not 1v1?

Don't enjoy fighting just one person as much

Tekken 7.

Or you reward points for winning and lose half points for losing?

>2 gold medals is great

That is exactly how a skill rating system should work. Overwatch's was defective back when it had several bugs that killed SR growth for wins but kept it full for losses. Those have been fixed. If you win 50% of your games then you are exactly where you need to be and your SR is perfectly accurate.

Jeeze I want to fuck Widowmaker

You can blimb even if you have a < 50 % win rate.

Your SR is based on how other players who play the same hero perform at the same SR.

>There's literally no reason to solo queue in comp Overwatch either, since the whole game is designed to prevent individual players from being able to carry. It doesn't matter if you're the best Lucio on earth and get gold medals for healing and objective time in every single game, if your team decides to suck dick then you can't win.

the reason to queue comp solo is to get an average of your own skill over many games and then (hopefully) be queued with other serious players of an appropriate skill level. anyone who acts like it's some critical flaw in the system that you sometimes lose games because of your team in a objective-based team game doesn't understand why the system exists

I spent most of last season trying to claw my way out of plat, solo q only
this season it's back to the same shit, win loss win loss win win loss loss and so on in plat
At least the games were enjoyable in diamond and not complete stomps one way or the other

just put your dick in a blueberry muffin faggot

Once you reach upper diamon/lower master it becomes easier to climb in solo queue.

In the end, the final definition of skill is wins and losses, and the simplest means of rating someone's ability to win is purely through wins and losses -- play as many games as possible and your ability to make the difference will show in the long run. Attempts to bias point gains and losses by rewarding "good" play that resulted nonetheless in a loss, or hindering "bad" play that resulted in a win, just results in people gaming the system.

>playing overwatch seriously/competitive

The medal system is a mess.
Getting gold on damage can mean anything from actually helping to kill the enemy team the most to feeding their healers infinite ultimate charge. Getting gold on kills can mean anything from solo carring the game to doing 5% damage to the majority of targets (playing tracer, solider or anyone else who can spray is a key indicator of this), objective kills falls under the same issue
Getting a medal in healing is pretty much guaranteed if you're playing any healing class and makes as much sense (and is as specific) as if there were a medal for damage blocked.
The only one that really indicate outright that you've been straight up better than most of the rest of your team is objective time, unless of course you're playing someone who would rather sit in the back lines.

But which waifu is better; Sombra or Widow?

even if you're chilling out and have voice com off you're following the rules of the game and trying to win, aren't you? probably because that's more fun than being a complete goof-off. some people just enjoy trying to win harder than others

the problem is with people in solo q who expect the system to do something that it can't and never will. this applies to any team game with ranking

>the reason to queue comp solo is to get an average of your own skill
But that doesn't happen if the game is only recording win rates, because your win rate won't necessarily reflect your skill with a character.
It actually incentivizes not playing as support characters, because if you play support then you're completely reliant on your team. Your win rate will pretty much always be roughly 50/50 no matter where your ranking is.

It's really ironic that people reply to criticism of the ranking system by saying "just git gud bro" when half the problem with the ranking system is that it doesn't explicitly tell players if they're doing a good job, and so no matter how bad a player is they can always blame their team.
If you want people to stop blaming their team for loses, stop defending a system that's designed to give them that excuse.

>using widow

no wonder you're losing, mane

Widow, Sombra is third though. Mercy second.

Play more games idiot.


I'm pretty good at Widow in 3v3, never play her in comp though.
Losing in comp is almost just random for me since I solo queue a lot.

>lose a comp game
>lose 10 SR
>win a comp game
>gain 35 SR

So that means I'm actually way better than where I'm at and being held down by shit teammates?

>Fat, ugly Chinese with an annoying personality and an ice cream gun.

>ice cream gun
Does it do two scoops?


She has poo poo on her skin.

No, that's Symmetra.

All I'm hearing is: