Confession: I never saw the appeal of the Sonic series or why anybody would chose to play them over Mario, Crash Bandicoot, or Spyro. Hell, I had loads more fun with Jazz Jackrabbit
Gamer Confessions
Play Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic Advance 1 and 2, and Sonic Rush 1. Those are the only ones worth playing without a huge amount of corny ass story to sit through
I'm sorry you feel that way, as I enjoy many of Sonic's titles, but I respect your tastes, user.
Would you like to tell me about your experiences with Sonic and what turned you off about it? I am interested.
Sonic has always been shit.
>thread called "gamer confessions"
>you obvisouly worgn how is it posibel yuo no like sonic heer u just playd the wrogn gaems
Also, if you're playing Sonic 3, play Sonic 3 & Knuckles. That's one of the most satisfying, innovative, and fun games I've ever played.
what game is that
I never really cared for the pokemon series. I felt there were plenty of more interesting and more in depth rpgs out there.
He's not saying he's wrong, he's just suggesting some good titles that might let OP actually enjoy sonic in case he hasn't played those particular games.
Confession - Bloodborne is the only souls game I've played but I'll still invade any souls thread proclaiming "NEVER EVER" and how I've played the best one
Pokémon autists are pedophiles. No exceptions.
Everyone sane grew out of that shit early.
OG Rocket Knight Adventures alone is better than Sonic by a wide margin for 2d platforming.
This is Sonic Utopia, a fangame prototype that aims to bring the physics of Classic Sonic to 3D in order to give players the feeling of playing the Sonic CD opening, in a sense. It's a bit too open-ended in terms of level design, but it is a fun experience overall. Highly recommended if you want to see how a physics-based 3D Sonic could work.
i got into the pokemon fad as a kid, but was blown away by how much better games like Dragon Warrior Monsters and Monster Rancher were
>It's a hur dur I never liked Sonic post
I love how genius this looks. Sonic appears to be very manageable and isn't even moving TOO fast, but the horizontal-stripes texture makes it look like he's moving at fucking lightspeed.
Very cool.
This Sonic fan game is literally the one sonic game that's interested me ever.
The gamplay actually looks like fun, and how a character like sonic should play as.
I never liked the metal gear games, i don't see why people suck kojima's dick so much
CONFESSION: I love Lords of the Fallen and The Surge. I won't play Soulsborne due to the shit armor design and garbage movement. Yes, I tried the series.
CONFESSION 2: I look down on adult Nintendo fans. I find them pretty fucking sad. I don't engage in console war bullshit, however. I'd also buy a Nintendo console if they had real games for people past the age of twelve. Metroid comes close, but I'm not a fan of the series. Bayonetta is lame.
That response is exactly what the creators were going for. I actually know some of them, so I'll pass this onto them. They'll be pleased to hear it.
In my opinion, if this is the one Sonic game that has ever interested you then it is clear you value the core essence of what Sonic is all about and, in a way, are one of the purest Sonic "fans" I've ever met.
lange your game sucks
if you actually play any of these sonic fan games then you'll realise that as soon as you stray from the beaten path then you realise that the levels have no direction and are just an awkward mess of ramps and loops that made sense in the mind of an autistic developer.
Also if it's 'physics based' then expect to stop having fun the moment you fuck up even once and lose your momentum (which usually happens a lot due to the games being glitchy betas)
I feel the same way about Crash. The 3D platforming is jank-ass horseshit full of leaps of faith and awful segments where you run blindly at the camera, and the 2D platforming is mediocre at best due to shitty hitboxes, animations, and physics. Never understood the love besides console fanboyism
which ones did you play?
The only video games I played this decade are Pokemon and mario kart
Confession: I never got the big deal with the Half Life series. It didn't invent physics puzzles, and physics puzzles don't add much to a FPS anyway
Did you play them on release? Half-Life 2 was staggering. Like mind blowing.
>Would you like to tell me about your experiences with Sonic and what turned you off about it? I am interested.
Not OP, but here's my confession time - my first impressions of Sonic were formed by the Game Gear games (in addition to the cartoon). Tried to get into it again later on through my college roommate's Dreamcast, but it seemed like there was so much lore and backstory at that point the the games were incomprehensible to me. Also something about Sonic wandering around in a human hubworld just felt weird
You might very well argue that that is not fair, but the Mario games on Gameboy are just as good as his console outings, and Mario 64 is very easily accessible to someone who's never played Mario before.
The series as a whole is largely the reason we "cinematic experiences" nowadays. Only it was done right.
Confession: I shit on AC despite having only played twenty minutes of 3 on the PSP. I still think it's totally justified because what the hell were they thinking with those controls?
Yeesh. That's rough, bud. The Game Gear games as your first Sonic? I don't blame you for turning out like you did.
I can't stand the "interactive cutscenes" that everyone seems to love in half life 2.
All these game critics will say "it never takes control away from you to have a cutscene" but instead it locks you in a room where your forced to spend minutes doing nothing waiting for the game to let you play it.
Confession: I don't think Dark Souls is as difficult as it's hyped up to be.
Different time period.
I seriously have had more fun playing HZD than BotW.. I'm not trolling, etc I really have enjoyed it more overall. The combat is deeper, the world is more enjoyable to explore, the enemy variety is better, and everything is just more well rounded as a whole.
It also doesn't hurt that it's a new IP with fresh things to offer as BotW certainly is fun (40hrs fun for me so far) but the Zelda franchise as a whole is starting to show its age.
I fail to see how that's relevant.
Horizon has fantastic combat. Like really fucking great combat.
PvE in Souls games can always be boiled down to prep time, it's funny to read people screaming about monsters that can be bamboozled by archery.
pretty much it's all about timing and patience
Armored Core you mean?
>Mario games on Gameboy are just as good as his console outings
Can't say I agree here. Land 1 while nostalgic is meh at best and Land 2 is just okay. Nothing that reaches 3 or World levels.
Personally I never saw the appeal of Spyro.
>I look down on adult Nintendo fans. I find them pretty fucking sad. I don't engage in console war bullshit, however. I'd also buy a Nintendo console if they had real games for people past the age of twelve. Metroid comes close, but I'm not a fan of the series.
Agree with all of this.
Here's my confession: The Playstion was my first actual console. I'd played a few arcade games before that but it was the one that got me into games. AND that was several years after it came out.
>Agree with all of this.
>The Playstion was my first actual console
The jokes just write themselves.
Damn straight
>leaps of faith
>Shitty hitboxes
>Shitty animations
Jesus, you are so full of shit, man.
He's just probably referring to the first crash if he is I can understand why he would say those things