ITT: kinds of """gamers""" that you hate
ITT: kinds of """gamers""" that you hate
all gamers
gamers are scum and don't need to be your audience.
Any that make gaming part of their identity and not just a hobby
Can somebody explain to me why a thread on shotguns in video games get deleted but this exist ?
Console fanboys
PC master race cucks, especially. Good job, you have a computer
People that ragequit multiplayer matches after spouting bullshit in chat and getting farmed by enemy noobs for 3 minutes.
Nothing annoys the everliving fuck out of me more than the notion that they actually believe everyone is a cheater.
I hate black gamers that think they have to remind their audience that their black. Shit like, "Randomblackgamer" or "The Black Hokage", etc.
It's mainly for people that can't be entertaining on your own merit instead of clickbaiting people into thinking "oh shit, let's see this from a black guy's perspective"!
People who identify as a "gamer". I buy video games and watch anime and shit, but I don't wear one of those cringy Dark Souls shirts that says something like "Life breaks you down over and over and you complain. I welcome it." with a picture of the Faram knight or something or walk around saying fucking memes about "WATER TEMPLE A SHIT! XD" or "THE CAKE IS A LIE! XP". I want no part of that shit. I think the worst I am, is having a little Sega keychain on my car keys. That's really it.
everyone that calls himself a gamer
these tbqhwyf
Squeakers who try a game thats not cod and think there now officially gamers.
People who claim to ve MLG or has a user handle with their clan tag.
Fucking clown shoes
My name is not important...
All of them.
They're fat losers that keep giving money to bad business practices and have the gall to wonder why the industry and normal people don't respect them.
same thing with females, they think they are a rare specimen and try to capitalize on it when the black (especially in the fighting games community) and female gamers are actually growing now more then theve ever been despite previous rarities.
>Show my friend anything that isn't a MOBA or a VN
>"This looks gay dude"
If you weren't my only friend I would immediately stop talking to you, Chris
little kids who put "optic" or "FaZe" in their username or gt. I hate them
funny.. gamers?
I wear vidya shirts, but it's usually just something subtle like a logo or a character most people wouldn't know doing a pose. It's not like anyone in this small ass town wears anything other than shitty Wal-Mart shirts.
Yup I hate when they go into Destiny or Overwatch and play like its CoD, like seriously not every FPS is like CoD you fucking idiots learn to play accordingly or go back to CoD.
Gamers who love a certain game so much that they mindlessly shit on any other game of the same genre, claiming it's a ripoff of their preferred game.
Any that show their face. It's a hobby for the self. I don't watch people read books, I give no fucks to see people collect stamps. Gaming is the same except the spergy shits are so off base they think it's something to show off. Then even worse wastes of life actually do watch. So goddamn pathetic.
the type that buys overpriced, rgb infested "gamer" hardware and accessories
Pretty much everyone born after Doom.
People who overreact to everything. Something surprising happens in a game? It's fine to be surprised. Don't act like you just witnessed your mother getting raped by santaclaus or you just won a million dollars.
yet they probably make more money than your minimum wage slave job.
Not really exclusive to gamers but I can't stand ironic weebs. I blame Neptunia for the recent influx of them.
Graphics snobs.
>Blah blah 60FPS blah blah my framerate.
If that's all that matters to you go watch a fucking movie.
Guidefags and Metafags
>Why actually play the game and figure shit out on my own when I can just look up the solution and just have it handed to me?
Why are you even playing it then? If all you're doing is following a checklist, you're not really even playing the game, are you? Experiment. Try different things. Figure it out on your own. God forbid, lose every now and again. Create a build on your own, don't just go copy someone else's from youtube. Figure out a strategy yourself, don't just go and follow someone else's.
>I don't watch people read books
Yeah and I don't read people watching movies.
Those female gamers that constantly go on about fake gamer girls and point out how they're real gamers. Usually they like kingdom hearts or pokemon and know about retro stuff, not like those silly fakes who only play fps and triple a games. Always share comics like pic related
Try hard fucktarts
Had a friend like that who was doing that to Dissidia on PS4's announcement at a train station, dude was pretty much exasperated, flapping his arms and talking like he won the lottery. I thought maybe I've just become cynical, I should be excited too but after thinking about it I realized nah he was just being a faggot.
lol why do people have such a hard time with the fact that YouTubers make good money. It's honestly hilarious seeing salty wage slaves run in circles about them
soulsfags that will shit on every other game for not having souls combat, and then shit on every ""souls-like"" game for being a rip off
Fucking this.
>"Oh you like them chinese cartoons? Heh oo eh eh eheheh"
They honestly think going full weeb and then ironic laughing at other weebshit on normalfag streams/sites is normalizing it and not actually being an even bigger embarrassment.
watching projared play fnaf was the best
>bursts out laughing at the jumpscares while markisepticy would screech at them at volume 11
How does Sup Forums feel about the speedrunning community?
>Top pic plays games for attention
>Bottom pic plays games because they enjoy them
I'm not sure I see the problem
Didn't care much at first, but started putting some on for background noise, and they're kind of entertaining. I like how they'll often explain why they'll do some of the strange things they do to speed up the run
I lose all respect for people who spray and gesture after a killstreak.
Its like saying "holy shit dude I did something cool this usually never happens I'd like to thank my parents and jesus for making this possible I can't believe this really happened this is the highpoint of my career"
Just come on dude. Theres more people to fight, you don't have to waste your time like that.
And no, I'm not mad when I get killed by people who do that. They can be as degenerate as they want to be.
When people I play with start doing shit like that to the enemy I get mad.
closet weebs who think they're not weebs if they only play their dating sim rpgs with english dub
basically most of western atlus fans
Pretty much the only thing that's saving the platformer genre at the same time destroying it.
Because of them, companies are making their games pander more to speedrunners, yet we'll never get creative platformers like Cave Story, Fez, or Shantae ever again.
Sup Forums posters
How do speedrunners feel about games that pander to them?
Wouldn't it feel wrong to seriously speedrun a game that had speedruns in mind?
>urg she played mass effect what a fake gamer girl i bet she doesn't even obsess over bad anime either
that fat youtuber guy who is so extremely fat that he managed to gather a huge fanbase of marginally less fat people who watch him only to feel thin by comparison
You just know we're going to get tons of this crap at E3 in the next couple days. People flipping their shit over Kickstarter scams and other things not due out for years.
>I think the worst I am, is having a little Sega keychain on my car keys. That's really it.
Honestly hope you get in a car wreck and remain in a coma for the rest of your life.
Remember when mainstream news was doing reports on Shenmue? That was fucking weird.
You have to understand the majority of these are the type of gamers that don't care about demographics or politics. They just want to be the best at a game they're good at and find enjoyable enough to speedrun.
It's the reason GDQ's community is so divided. The people can't decide if they want it to be about speedrunning or want it to be about cancer.
The racist white neckbeard type.
It took me half a minute to realize that you meant cancer as in actual cancer that they are trying to raise money for and not cancer as in ruining the entire show with cancerous rules and restrictions.
If it stops being about speedrunning then how can they raise money? Then it would just be begging for money while someone plays games.
What's a pretendo?
Fat gamers
There is absolutely zero reason to be overweight, it's disgusting what people do to themselves.
I'm chronically diseased and have a weak constitution, can't to anything about that.
Watching people chose to risk their health knowingly, sickens me.
It mostly boils down to laziness and carelessness. It's a lot easier to not give a shit.
Yeah, I get that. But I can't help but feeling it as a more personal insult, like a choice I never had.
But, they just throw it away, For such petty reasons.
Yeah my bad, should've been more specific to say I didn't mean the meme cancer, but actual cancer.
But yeah like I said. I never got too deep into the argument. I just know it's a nonprofit organization that tries to turn speedrunning into something positive but have to keep the runners professional due to streaming rules and possible lawsuits vs Speedruns who want to be themselves around the rest of the community while spending hundreds of dollars to publicly prove their skills.
It's a complex debate so it's hard to decide which is best for the event and which is better for speedrunning.
Not the same poster, but I am honestly not salty at all about people making good money off of it. In fact I always say "good for them, they found something that worked and are making money." That said, i also think the entire thing is cringey as fuck and irritating in and of itself, too.
ppl who don't focus on winning in MP
i.e. shitty teammates.
I hate fanboys like
>boring ass gamer that brings nothing original to YouTube, overreacts to the smallest thing (random battle "scares the shit" out of a pokefag) and comments on everything that is happening because he/she isn't clever or funny enough to have a bit going
Honestly I don't give a shit about Youtuber gamers profiting off LPs, but I hate when they bitch about when Youtube is "screwing them over" every year.
Youtube didn't tell them, "Hey! We give you money so have your main source of income come from here instead of having a backup job on the side!"
I hate it when people use gaming as escapism. Games can be immersive, fun, cinematic, and a very small amount can actually be thought provoking. When people talk about how they've lived so many lives in so many words, it's fucking awful. When someone wins a fucking award for sitting on their ass and they say gaming has allowed them to accomplish things they never could in real life it just makes me sick. Read a fucking book you mongoloids. Reading a book is like exercise for your imagination. It forces your brain to perceive things from different perspectives you haven't entertained. It expands the imagination. A game is entertainment. It's embarrassing to have as a hobby considering how little brainpower it needs but it's a hobby nonetheless.
Got some posters and that's about it. Generally avoid physical merch.
b-but i'm a gamer not because i have no life but because i have many
I hate "elite" gamers who always try to test me as if knowing this shit was street cred. "Oh shit, nigga, this dawg knows super mario bros. wuz different in Japan an' shit!" Why should you fucking care if someone isn't a "real" gamer or not? It's a retarded cash dump that takes advantage of those with low ambition and keeps those ambitions as low as possible.
>and comments on everything that is happening because he/she isn't clever or funny enough to have a bit going
This hurt because I do this
Yeah man as I've gotten older I've really started to shed entertainment as a part of my identity. We consume way too much and the mainstreaming of nerd culture made me really reexamine my life.
I get contentment out of limiting pleasure now. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the shit out of Lisa though
Write your jokes and add audio in post you memer
hardcore gamers that can't stop running benchmarks and overspending on stuff that will give them the "competitive edge".
dabido kun did nothing wrong
Thank you. That was my thread and I'm legit fucking confused.
>Nintendo fans who think Pokemon will suddenly jump to console
>people who need to make gaming their identity instead of a hobby
>neckbeards who demand that games don't pander to people
>SJWs who demand games pander to people
>people who can't just ignore threads for games they don't like
>people who think any and all DLC is bad
>at all
Sounds like that's more on you than it is on them, though there were shitloads of black gamers (Myself included)back in the day and we didn't have to point it out like the tartlets today.
On that note, today's female Zelda fans. Back then, there were Zelda fans who were girls and now there are girls who 'play' Zelda.
I don't see the difference between the two.
This. Though I used to be one when I was little and really excited to get a new game.
Fuckin lil bitches mad off of my man chris' channel.
Get on his llevel nerds. youll never ammount to him.
>Most gamers are either overweight or completely skinny.
Gamers need to get their act together and get in shape. I'm tired of losers representing my hobby. Video games should be for the wealthy, educated, and healthy. Only then are you allowed to play video games.
Black weebs who think they are unironically being cool and gamer GURRLZ.
>Gamers who are also "anime" fans
>Gamers who want people to consider video games as art, but also a competitive sport, and interactive experience. Jesus Christ.
>Gamers that insist female, ethnic minorities, and LGBT characters have to be included, less than complain.
>Gamers that insist video games are part of their identity or culture, and actually developed feelings of attachment to fictional characters
These fucks are cancer.
Especially when they are all together to unleash their to the world
>Gamers who want people to consider video games as art, but also a competitive sport, and interactive experience. Jesus Christ.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Different games have different aims with what they set out to do.
I think that the people who annoy me the most are the kind who are happy to rematch over and over again when they stomp you, but you have one super close round, and watch them vanish.
>show my bf metal gear rising and ocarina of time
>drops them in 30 minutes
>show him minecraft
>1000+ hours played
They're tired of stomping your ass and are realizing their fatigue
People who think cinematic trailers are representative of the game itself.
"Ironic" culture. It has infected video games and anime and it just won't go. People that pretend to like something they do not (and perhaps come full circle in the end) because "it's a meme, you dip".
Anti-weeaboo that have gotten more retarded than actual weeaboos, along with "ironic" anime fans and MANime memers like JoJo secondaries.
At least most of them are legitimately naive and dumb teenagers. What's Sup Forums's excuse when they do this?