Until now, what was leaked from the next E3 days?

Until now, what was leaked from the next E3 days?

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This image is several layers of humorous to me.

People actually pull this shit and people actually believe it.

would play the shit out of bloodbourne kart


>1st place with the ending line in sight
>a call beyond from nowhere
>finish fifth


This would ironically be one of the best kart racers ever made and I would play the shit out of it. Bloodborne characters are just too fucking quotable.

We can all agree that Narrow Minded Man mains are all autistic manchildren, right?

>He doesn't know

I actually fucking want this and it isn't too farfetched

Just make it horse and carriage instead of karts.

Like a combination of Vigilante8 and Mariokart.

>from trying kart racing

i would buy it anyway. but holy shit i would laugh.

Everything about Assassins Creed

God, I wish I was in that timeline. This game would be shit and at the same time the best shit ever.

Living failures would be the single worst track hazard ever and so would Rom's spiders

No matter how you put it it's still extremely farfetched.

>riposting motherfuckers left and right while drifting.

This would be the most skill BASED kart game in the multiverse.

Actually, a lot.

Ah kart... Or some say cart..

>be playing common villager
>1st place
>Maria comes from fucking nowhere
>uses her bloody sword
>stunned for 3s
>finish 6st

Fucking Maria and those who play with her

>forbidden woods sprint

what went so horribly, horribly wrong with this fucking track?

Naw just imagine a "FromSoft Kart" game
>composed of iconic characters from From games
>tracks are based on iconic areas from From games
>items are based on spells, hunter tools, and various other items
>stage hazards would be enemies and non-humanoid bosses from the series

Just fucking imagine Solaire, Orphan of Kos, King Allant, and Patches racing around Anor Londo or Farron Keep or something.

Maybe its also like a chasing mode where people who lose there karts for example are forced to fight and find their way to the finishing line and monsters are squattered, other players trying their way to the finish being you enemies in the same time. That would be fantastic

When Armord Core KART and Metal Wolf KART?

What are you talking about dude, thats one of the best tracks?

If anything, fuck Ringed City Raceway. They put WAY to many stage hazards on it, especially compared to the other Lothric Cup tracks.

>Switch exclusive

my fucking sides

this mixed with this

>you can invade ongoing races just to try and fuck them up

>they gave Ludwig TWO different slots
What the fuck was From thinking? Horsefuckers are killing this game.

>Playing with Patches.
>King Allant comes dashing trying to suck you.
>You throw him from a cliff in an elaborate ruse.


>can send your items into another online race to fuck up the last guy that beat you

fuck me dead


>approaching yharnamite in first place

>race start as micolash
>Just as you did the great vacuous rom, grant us speed, grant, us, speed

I'd buy it

underrated post

>In first place as Micolash
>"No one can catch us! No one can stop us now!"

once you find the elevator detour it trivializes the entire course


I'd play it because of sheer curiosity

>bump yharnamite off track
>recovers in 5th place

Who /Valtr/ here?

Stop playing Cleric Beast and maybe they wouldn't be such a problem

Anyone know who is the secret character that we unlock after beating the championship for the first time?

>not using Logarius' Wheels

90% of the roster is weak to fire except the kin, but they can't drift worth a shit.

I swear there's been a drawing of Dark Souls Kart, that shit would be pretty great

Tenchu Guy.

>he doesn't literally fly over the track

Won't ever be as good as Thief Kart.


>get hit

This one?

i want this game now

it was a good chuckle but now i need it

what the fuck? This doesn't make no sense? is this gonna be like a bloodborne esque Mario kart? what's next? Orphan of kos a locked character unlock by DLC?

>red orb takes control of another vehicles as well as yours
>lightning arrow strikes a random player and makes their controls twitch for a few seconds
>Gravelord dagger summons enemies that strike everyone, but also direct other projectiles attacks directly at you
>homing soul mass strike anyone that passes you but can be avoided by rolling or poise
>fireball hits the player in front of you
>long sword staggers anyone you strike with it

Guys, I shouldn't do this, but I feel compelled to

How would that even work?

xbox 360
>and xbox live
pick one and only one