This is a masterpiece

This is a masterpiece

Other urls found in this thread:


>Devs make a spiritual successor
>Not as good as the original
Why does this keep happening?

No one will deny that.

It's just a more casual Thief with worse level design, objective markers and fun combat.

The game was not balanced for blink though, it ruins stealth.

You're not wrong user.

I need to play Dishonored II again and hope that they've fixed the laggy mess of a launch it had, so I can go around and try and appreciate the sequel too. I'm hoping it has the same amount of depth.

Can you do this on Thief?

I played the first one like 10 times the first month it came out. The second one I dropped after the fourth mission.

I've heard great things. And magic that allows swarms of rats to eat your corpses.

no because the enemies are actual threats

I think Dishonored has far more atmosphere

>that party level

nice try underage

Yes, because an extremely well choreographed high chaps playthrough in which everything is done perfectly accurately portrays the difficulty of the enemies and the combat.

In a screenshot, yes. During gameplay, no.

Thief had naturalistic locations, Dishonored was that annoying modern corridor with branches for the most part.


It's shit like this that reminds me that thief fans compare dishonored to thief as a thinly veiled attempt to keep thief relevant.

its good, great even but don't get ahead of yourself


Dishonored's existence means that Thief is relevant, because Dishonored wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Thief.

Reminder that Billy Lush wasn't even asked to return for Dishonored II.


it's short casual as fuck, nor does it even manage to look good or have a passable story

please play more games

both were trash

It's pretty good but I wouldn't exactly call it a masterpiece, it's quite clunky in places and the level design is a tad too... forgiving is probably the best word I have for it. I wish it incentivized you using your powers more.

The Rat Swarm power is great, you can basically summon the swarm at someone's feet and have half a dozen other guards come to try and help the poor sod stomp them out.. then you just go ahead and throw a grenade at the middle of the bunch and send bodies flying everywhere.

the problem with modern stealth games is adding all these OP mechanics without improving enemy AI to do anything against it. Dishonored has good level and art design, decent action, boring stealth

>another genre hybrid bastard game with mediocre stealth, arguably the one that kickstarted more recent mainstream prominence

What are your favorite games?

reminder that his twitter and reddit handle were Tranny_Destroyer
Lush sealed his own fate

He sounds like a bored, utterly mundane guy standing on top of a soapbox looking down at you. Dishonored 2 did a lot of things wrong storywise, but the treatment they gave to the outsider's characterization and appearance wasn't one of those.

Artificial Academy

STALKER: SoC, Super Metroid, and Deus Ex.

Too bad the sequel is trash.

meme run

Seran Kagura

thank god, he sounded dull and soulless

I have the game on Steam but I've never installed it. Stuff like that makes me think that I've been missing out.

Big Bass Fishing.

In Dishonored II, The Outsider speaks way too quickly and sometimes feels like he's on coke. He's meant to be someone who's immensely curious about Corvo and Emily, but instead he comes across as a kid with ADHD.

Billy Lush played the Outsider perfectly with a slow, meaningful presence.

Perhaps it's a writing issue rather than an acting one, but the first Outsider was objectively superior and more loyal to the character.

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Fallout IV
Killing Floor 2
Pokemon Sun

OP is full of shit but it's still worth a playthrough

Game is worth playing for the Outsider alone.


The answer is, of course, Dark Souls, the single best game that will ever exist.

I just beat the game this week on hard. It's a bit too easy honestly, I nearly beat every level without getting spotted or even atttacking

It's above average but it's far from a masterpiece.

>No challenge whatsoever
>Uninteresting level design
>No reason to try any of the interesting powers because they're more trouble than they're worth
>Music was bad
>Voice acting and writing were god fucking awful

I hope this is bait.

Absolutely not. Whats wrong...too hard for ya?

I can agree that he speaks too fast at times, that much is certain. But I wouldn't say "kid with ADHD" as much as I'd say his general tone and mannerisms in 2 are more of what you would expect from a trickster deity that he's also supposed to be, going by the teachings of the Overseers. The first game certainly tried emphasizing more the "bored" aspect of the bored eternal deity looking for entertainment, but that had the end effect of making the Outsider equally boring to listen to. While in 2 he just comes off as delighted in having the chance to play another game with Corvo and Emily. Like it's the first opportunity for amusement he's had in quite a while.

Probably a matter of personal taste above everything else, really.

You cheeky mug.

Its pretty good. Neat whale-punk world. And doesn't hold your hand with how to achieve your objectives.

story was kind of bad. voice acting was bad. villains were bad.

if you tell a dishonored fan that the game is too easy they will always come back with "well just don't play with any powers!". yes, because artificially gimping yourself to make the game more difficult is an instant fix for any game that is too easy right?

dishonored was a good game, but not the masterpiece you like to think it is.

>And doesn't hold your hand with how to achieve your objectives.
>the game where if you walk within 20 meters of a guy he outright tells you the solution to something that was meant to be a puzzle

the party level in the mansion is one of the most insultingly condescending missions i have ever played in a game. i felt like i was being treated like i had downs syndrome.

It's alright. Personally I hate the artstyle, especially for characters but the gameplay is pretty great so it kind of redeems it.

well it's a bethesda game, so... that's probably the target audience.

Bethesda only published it, dumbass.

>Time Stop is bugged and if you assassinate a character from the front half the time it still counts that character as having detected you a nanosecond before they're dead

>Sup Forums hates Dishonored now
This place is a goddamn shithole

And guess what happens when Bethesda funds you, and owns you?
That's right, you cater to their design philosophy. You're their bitch. Arkane builds their games for Bethesda's audience, and it shows.
But nice try, sweetie. I knew someone such as yourself was going to call me out like I said something wrong.

Game is pretty fun when you play as a stealth assassin, after a while bodies vanish into thin air with one ability

Leddit is here and determined to be as contrarian as possible.

>point out some flaws
fucking hell you filthy fanboy piece of shit

While the publishers arent the developers themselves, they pretty much tell you what to do and can steer bad decisiobs, to the point where you could hold them accountable for a shitty game. I really dont understand why so many people say "theyre not the developers!" When that was never implied to begin with.


Don't call me "sweetie" unless you want my dick in your ass.

I played without getting powers (except blink since its mandatory) and it was still too easy

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Fallout New Vegas
Killing Floor
Pokemon Emerald


I politely disagree.


You're shitposting m8

That's all there is to that

That was one of the biggest disappointments I've ever had in a game, after how much people hyped the level up.

if dishonored is such a masterpiece why is there not a single memorable level in the entire game? only memorable one for me was the party one and that was because it was fucking terrible. even thief deadly shadows had the cradle even though the rest of the game was quite disappointing.

You're a faggot.

Wow, Dishonored really is a ripoff.

The game is meh... it's a great game play with poor level design.

>the one that kickstarted more recent mainstream prominence
No that would be Ass Creed

Dishonored is generic, forgettable and takes too few risks

And yet I honestly really enjoyed playing it. Kinda like Brutal Legend. Mediocre by all "objective" measures, but still really fun somehow.

8/10 - Decent

That's actually my webm

>nostalgia goggles
In a few years I'm going to use this in dishonored threads just to piss you little shitters off

Is Dishonored better experienced if I play the Thief games first?

Sure buddy. Whatever mental gymnastics you need to apply.

>make a "stealth" game
>getting caught isn't a penalty since you can just murder everyone in sight with no real danger

I get what he's saying, Brutal Legend is like a 4/10 game but gets another 4 points for the hours I spent driving around blasting Angel Witch

No. Thief is shit.

In before that mongoloid who claims this only applies to this specific NPC

gay nigga
and yes it is only specific that that npc, otherwise you'd have more examples of what's going on in this webm, but you don't

Dishonored was pretty good. But, like any game which offers both stealth and combat, I knew exactly what was going to happen.

>first playthrough: low chaos, full stealth, zero kills, no powers
>second playthrough: high chaos, all targets killed, all combat upgrades acquired

>The game was not balanced for blink though, it ruins stealth.

You get blink by default, though. I think they absolutely did balance the game around it. You think it was too easy, but the developers were thinking that normies didn't want to get bored. Blink allows the game to feature stealth mechanics without forcing the stealthy player to be 1000 times slower than the non-stealthy player.

No, because Dishonored is a mediocre game, despite what dishonoredbabies and memers tell you

yeah, you'll get to appreciate the references

thief 1 > thief 2

you have shit taste if you think otherwise

It'll be underwhelming if you do.

quality bait

No, it makes the game piss easy.Who would of think the ability to teleport would break the game. It's low risk high reward stealth for the brain dead

>tomb raider missions

>tomb raider missions

literally the best ones

No. Those belching lizards and zombies are fucking annoying in high numbers

Make like a thief and sneak around them then, taffer.

Alright so which of the original Thief games are worth playing and what order?

a masterpiece of shit