/ksg/- Katawa Shoujo General

Katawa Shoujo General #3321

Stumped Edition

Previous Thread: →

Official website: katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free)
About Katawa Shoujo: katawa-shoujo.com/about.php
Summer's Clover (Unofficial Miki route by Lilly's writer): ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=9996
KS Alpha (Pre-release version): pastebin.com/weL41ehu
KS Alpha: Actually finished edition! mega.nz/#!btth3JKI!tyL9ajI8oV7Xj1nC0Itw76xQ--tdDGeg92VpRxqcTpI
Bugfix: steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPreAlpha/discussions/0/135512931364389098/
Pastebin: pastebin.com/syJHnDCB
Writebin: pastebin.com/PpGnE3nc
KSG FAQ: pastebin.com/fFCGBSdi
Shimmie: shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/
New KSG Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=1834162
Flockdraw: skycow.us/whiteboard
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
"I'm such a failure, I'll never find my Katawa" pastebin.com/B8bLKPz1

Other urls found in this thread:


You´re on the wrong board motherfucker

Fine work!


You belong in a disabled school OP.

Fucking idiot.

I think you fucked up somewhere.

You came to the wrong neighborhood mother fucker.

How the fuck do you have a general about a fucking visual novel. Get a fucking life you freak.

Get the fuck off of my property, scum

you came to the wrong board motherfucker. this place is for normies

Reminder that this shitty game is what prompted the creation of /vg/ in the first place.

>3321 threads all on this fucking game
VN's were a mistake.

Whats going on here?

>"I'm such a failure, I'll never find my Katawa" pastebin.com/B8bLKPz1
what the fuck is this


Anyone there from the beginning?

>Still no fixed Android port
>Still no sequel

>They've lost count before


They lost count and started over. Twice, I believe.

>Katawa Shoujo General #3321

Fucking hell

>3321 generals about a 5 year old VN
what in the ever loving fuck could you possibly have to talk about for so long

You wanna get crippled, son?

hahahahahah jesus christ really

/vg/ for legitimate discussion
Sup Forums for fun banter


Now THIS is cancer.

>Katawa Shoujo General #3321

It's like a weird combination of an old relic and a chatroom.

>legitimate discussion

are you serious? go check persona /vg/ and see if actual discussion are taking place instead of waifufagging

How the fuck

No. /vg/ is where discussions go to die.

First few weeks of release on Sup Forums is for legitimate discussion.

KS was a mistake

Fucking hell
>this shitty game is what prompted the creation of /vg/ in the first place
It and LoL + Dota


the fuck is wrong with you people ?

Serious question, how can you talk about a visual novel for over 3000 generals? I'm not even factoring in that they reset the count twice.

I don't get it. most /vg/ generals die off after a certain point until a sequel comes out. How can it even survive?

What do they even talk about

>Katawa Shoujo General #3321

Tell that to /gtag/

What do you think people obsessed with a game about dating handicapped women talk about?

>who is your favorite waifu #90701837
>I get an error #81400001
>theories #347103
>porn #1893710900000


I assume it's a bunch of roleplaying fags or something

I wonder what the oldest generals are on there, I would assume KS, LoL, Dota and GTA Online are up there.

Even the people who founded this general now say it was a mistake.

>5 year old VN

Dude, it's been in production since fucking 2007. We have "Best of Sup Forums"-style image macros of their characters saved since 2009.

Battlefield and Halo were part of the initial generals, but they die out every now and then

>Getting thoughts like this isn't uncommon for /ksg/ but if you're getting them consistently it can be worth considering your mental health. Theres nothing wrong with talking to your GP/doctor/therapist about these thoughts and you don't need to have a mental illness to make talking to these people a good idea, talking to a professional and building a support network is often the first step in improving your life when these thoughts start to become a burden. Things like taking up a communal hobby or exercising can also be a great help in improving your life.
haha, are you fucking serious



this was an intentional post


No. Almost every general is just morons ERPing


No roleplaying. Just people that don't want to let go and move on. They could easily just start up an irc channel or discord and be together there. But nope, it started here and they're going to stay here until it's too late.

It's literally a chatroom.

>tfw I remember all the writefags on Sup Forums way back when

I'm amazed this is still going whenever stuff like this happens

I'm actually kind of enjoying this thread tbqh, brings back memories of older Sup Forums.

It's a cry for help

I was following KS since the beginning on Sup Forums, and trust me, it isn't the same people. The people who are on /ksg/ right now likely haven't been playing the game over and over or discussing it straight since it released in 2012, or even before that. Katawa Shoujo, shit on you all you want, was something special. It wasn't just any VN, it was our VN, we made it. It certainly isn't the greatest VN ever made, no where close to it, but its my favourite because of what it means to me. Its Sup Forums coming together to make something real special. Those people likely don't really realize how important it was to many people that this game was fully realized from start to finish, this is by far the most ambitious project to come out of this website, which makes it actually getting completed even more amazing. However, the people on /ksg/ are all relatively knew, I doubt any of them were following the game or anything with as much intent as I or many others did years ago now.

This. New /vg/ threads are usually ok for a little while, but then the discussion always slowly degenerates to a digusting circlejerk, where there's nothing but people using the game as an pretext to just chat about pointless shit and waifufagging. And even if the discussion stays on subject, it gets mired down by obsessive autists who want to limit the thread to their terms and start shitting on people who play "wrong" games in series or use "wrong" builds etc.

The only general i've seen that manages to stay nice is /bbg/. None of the souls shitflinging about "DARK SOULS X IS BETTER THAN DARK SOULS Y" or whatever. You need help, people will help you. You want to talk about builds, PvP, or lore, people will talk to you. Waifufagging is surprisingly small despite the powerful character creator.

Shit, I remember the Bromont stories now.

I've wasted too many years of my life in this shithole. There was a time when Katawa Shoujo was just like Duke Nukem Forever, something that nobody expected to come out and we'd fantasize about how good it could be. A time when it wasn't synonymous with cancer.

>Hisao got on his knees and licked his corn covered shit explosion pie.

This is some 'give me the chocolate' parody shit right?

>even if the discussion stays on subject, it gets mired down by obsessive autists who want to limit the thread to their terms and start shitting on people who play "wrong" games in series or use "wrong" builds
Fucking this is why /vg/ is shit and will always be shit

Anyone been on the TF2 general lately?
It's been years for me, hell I haven't posted on /vg/ in at least a year now.

It wasn't that Katawa Shoujo was bad either. Hell it was actually pretty good for what it was. The issue was that people wouldn't shut up. It was fun, and fun ride, and I loved it. However it getting shoved down everyones throats as just made everyone hate it by a gut reaction, which sucks.