Need a game with an amazing story
Need a game with an amazing story
Other urls found in this thread:
super mario bros
Dark Souls
read a book
Nier: Automata :^)
This, honestly. The only games I know with decent writing are Witcher, and Sunless Sea.
Max Payne 3
That's more on you than anything else
Read a book
Okay, let me change the question, what are some of your favorite stories in games?
>playing games for story
You are the reason we get these "cinematic experiences" instead of games with actual gameplay every year. Kill yourself, you fucking dregs.
mgs3 was pretty memorable
The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells
Legend of Legaia
Fuck story. I need a game with amazing style, atmosphere, gameplay, and characters.
You give a false impression to developers that we "gaymers" want these "movie-games". Every faggot who says that they want stories that are the main component of a game should be executed by firing squad.
>Story can only be expressed through not-gameplay.
>Ludonarrative doesn't exist.
>People who want non-derivative games should be killed.
Not every game needs to appeal to your dumbass the industry is big enough to accommodate both you mouthbreathing virgin.
Play Kotor 1 first, it's got a pretty good story as well, but Kotor 2 (with the restored content mod) is one of the best stories (and has some of the best characters) in gaming.
Am I the only one here who will continue playing a game and like the game if despite the story being utter shit the other components like characters, soundtrack and especially gameplay are really good? Basically skip the story; play for the gameplay and etc.
That NBA game written by Spike Lee.
Sorry, meant to post this pic instead of this.
>Ludonarrative doesn't exist.
Ludonarrative dissonance also exists as well.
>People who want non-derivative games should be killed.
I never said this, I said people who want story to be a main component (something comparable to gameplay) should be. Story should not be important as gameplay.
>Not every game needs to appeal to your dumbass the industry is big enough to accommodate both you mouthbreathing virgin.
Yet almost all major companies come out with this drivel.
Doesn't exist. Video games have shit tier stories. Only teenagers will argue otherwise.
user I think the problem is more so that the stories made by modern vidya are complete fucking ass.
>Ludonarrative dissonance also exists as well.
What the fuck is your point? That doesn't change the fact that you can tell a good story through gameplay. Majora's Mask did it and so did Silent Hill 2.
>I never said this, I said people who want story to be a main component (something comparable to gameplay) should be. Story should not be important as gameplay.
You literally advocated for denying a broad type of game [IE: Story-focused] from being made and killing people who want those types of games.
Have you ever considered that, maybe, some people want the medium to not be for children and manchildren who want to waste their time with shallow and superficial things that don't provide anything other than temporary entertainment? Have you ever considered that videogames can tell a story in a way that no other medium can, and can do so while having god-tier gameplay?
Ghost Trick has by far the strongest, most well-woven and genuinelg surprising narratives in vidya.
Final Fantasy XV
Say what you will about it but the game is a masterpiece from a story point of view.
Ghost Trick.
No. Not even close. The game is all payoff with no setup. We're never led to care about any character other than the boy band and Ardyn, yet they keep expecting us to care when characters like Luna, Ravis or fucking Jared die, despite only appearing in two or three scenes in the whole game. New characters jump in and out of the narrative with no explanation of who they are or why we should care. The first third of the game is fetch quests for some of the blandest non-MMO questgivers of all time. The game brings up the quest for the thirteen swords as though that's the main thrust of the narrative, and then forgets they even exist unless you go to optional dungeons to get them. FFXV's story is a fucking trainwreck, despite its likable protagonists and interesting villain.
>user I think the problem is more so that the stories made by modern vidya are complete fucking ass.
Developers have always made shitty stories, because vidya was never made for stories, at least not now.
>What the fuck is your point?
Overbearing stories usually contradicts what the player does, unless you are the type of person who absolutely doesn't do anything out of character, or the game restricts you from doing such things. It's still very hard to make a game without ludonarrative dissonance because often times game mechanics restrict a person from doing something that character would be able to do otherwise. I.E. in a cutscene your character comes from a door that you can't open again in gameplay. It's a crude example but it can be applied in many ways.
>You literally advocated for denying a broad type of game [IE: Story-focused] from being made and killing people who want those types of games.
It's an exaggeration, dim-wit.
My question to you is why would you want a medium that enjoyment is mostly based on what the player does/can do be reliant on what the writer does. It makes no sense, and you should read a book or watch a movie instead.
I always thought pmd had a suprisingly neat story.
>Vidya was never made for stories
Vidya was never made to be anything.
>Overbearing stories usually contradicts what the player does
This is called a story that doesn't work in a videogame you retard. You know, what people in the community call a "shit game story?"
>I.E. in a cutscene your character comes from a door that you can't open again in gameplay.
The easiest solution for this is to come up for a reason within the story that would prevent you from entering the door again but the reason why this doesn't happen is because MODERN DEVELOPERS ARE LAZY. Also, WHY DOES A VIDEOGAME STORY HAVE TO HAVE CUTSCENES? IT DOESN'T.
>My question to you is why would you want a medium that enjoyment is mostly based on what the player does/can do be reliant on what the writer does.
You're making an assumption. I just want videogames with substance, depth, and creativity. You're acting like a story-driven game HAS to have a linear narrative when videogames are an inherently non-linear medium, unlike any other medium, in which the best videogame stories would obviously be MAKE STORIES THAT DON'T WORK IN OTHER MEDIUMS BUT DO WORK IN VIDYA, SUCH AS MAJORA'S FUCKING MASK OR THIEF
Nier Automata
this game was surprisingly good
The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine DLC
This, though it's only the beginning of a greater and currently incomplete story. But what a great start it is.
>Vidya was never made to be anything.
Wew lad. That has to be one of the dumbest statements I've heard in a while. Vidya was made to entertain by giving players something to interact with. Stories don't fit well with this because there is nothing that you can interact with to change how the story goes. There will always be a finite ways a story can end.
>This is called a story that doesn't work in a videogame you retard.
Yet most games have this problem. Does that make the game shit? No, which should tell you how much stories really matter in games.
>You know, what people in the community call a "shit game story?"
That's subjective. There are stories in games that do not have a lot of ludonarritive dissonance, yet are still shit.
>this doesn't happen is because MODERN DEVELOPERS ARE LAZY.
Most developer's don't do this, regardless of time period.
I never implied this. This was just a example, dip-shit.
>You're acting like a story-driven game HAS to have a linear narrative
Stories will always have to be linear; there is no such thing as a story with infinite endings.
A story is a story, regardless of where it's in.
I can tell that you are underage or a woman, just by your usage of strawmans and caps-lock.
The characters all feel very lifelike, and the story is engaging and intriguing.
I'm still finishing it
Chrono Trigger
Silent Hill 2
In the Future of Darkness was a legitimate masterpiece of characterization
For a Pokemon game to have a villain with such a well-done and understandably human motivation is amazing
Not to mention that fucking twist as he reveals the new agent
Try rpgs.
Planentscape: torment is probably the most well written game.
>Vidya was made to entertain by giving players something to interact with.
Says who?
>Yet most games have this problem. Does that make the game shit? No, which should tell you how much stories really matter in games.
Most games are, indeed, mediocre piles of shit.
>Most developer's don't do this, regardless of time period.
Doesn't make it "Not-lazy" and really it shows how immature videogames are as a medium to have such low standards.
>Stories will always have to be linear; there is no such thing as a story with infinite endings.
>A story is a story, regardless of where it's in.
Do you really think there's no difference between movies, music and literature?
>I can tell that you are underage or a woman, just by your usage of strawmans and caps-lock.
You're the one making absolutionist claims backed by anecdotals and personal belief.
I have it but have yet to play it, I'm about to boot it up nigga.
Oh boy user, get ready for the wild ride
Ghost Trick isn't my favorite game of all time, but I can't think of a single flaw aside from "i got stumped once or twice". Legitimately one of the most perfect games I've played.
>Vidya was made to entertain
>Stories don't fit well with this
Fucking retard who believes story is synonymous with cinematics.
k y s
Yeah, so far the only parts I've gotten/am stuck on are the escape from prison and the park in Chapter 14
Marathon 1-3. 3 in particular is one of the most amazing video games I've ever played.
If you play games for a story then you need to get castrated so that your pleb genes can not procreate. Games are for playing.
/thread. Cancer thread is cancer.
I'm a little bit turned on right now
Is this real, anyway?
The thumbnail of this image kinda looks like a giant eye peeking over the horizon with cinematic particle effects shining from it.
>Says who?
No one, because it doesn't take someone to say it to realize it. Like no one has to say that a book is a collection of information used to convey an idea or ideas
>Most games are, indeed, mediocre piles of shit.
So are you saying that the original DOOMs are medicore?
Interpretation doesn't equal possible outcomes. Bible has many interpretations but that doesn't change what happens.
>Do you really think there's no difference between movies, music and literature?
Stories in movies and literature are literally one in the same, just one lacks the visual component. Why in hell do you think movies based on books are so popular?
>You're the one making absolutionist claims backed by anecdotals and personal belief.
Oh, it's just a hunch.
I like how you left out that little bit, faggot.
the world ends with you
What if you play games where the story is also presented as a game element and dependent on character choice like Deus Ex?
What if you play games that recognize a metanarrative like Marathon?
What if you play horror games like System Shock, Resident Evil, or Alien Isolation which require a narrative to not be superfluous?
What if you play games like Halo where the story provides an atmospheric backdrop and adds to the tension of each encounter?
Alternatively: what if you weren't retarded?
Mafia 1 on PC.
Seriously, best game story I've encountered.
I forgot one of your retarded "arguments".
>Doesn't make it "Not-lazy" and really it shows how immature videogames are as a medium to have such low standards.
Most games didn't even have "stories" until later in video game's existence. All they had was some loose context to what was happening. Yet somehow you claim that having a good story is somehow a "standard". If a game has a good story, good for it, but it isn't required. A good example of this is DOOM. We know that Doom guy went to hell because the demons killed his pet rabbit, Daisy (or at least it's implied that they did). That would be a shit story, but it is context.
All I remember about it was that it's a furfags wet dream
And that you couldn't evolve because reasons
What even happened in it
JRPGs from the 90s. CRPGs from the 90s.
fuck no
Space Invaders Extreme.
Thumbnail looks like a monster eye
Unironically MW2. I think it's a good happening simulator.
>books in 2017
Gates, for all its unfortunate gameplay flaws, has a great story. Especially the epilogue.
Sadly it's still Xenogears
Are you even trying other jrpg's?
Yakuza 0
books are for nerds
System Shock 2's writing is fucking great and the villain is really handled in a unique way.
I got you
Oh, yeah, and it also has one of the greatest endings of the 90s.
>Sunless Sea
Is that a reference to Kubla Khan?
>Have to read lazy text dumps on items to get the story
>Plot is nothing special
Mother 3
I read shitty Isekai stories on Royalroadl
Gives me something to look forward to each day when people update their fictions
>Sup Forums hates story driven games and firmly believe gameplay>story
>Sup Forums approved games like Baldurs Gate 2, Planescape Torment, V:tMB, Morrowind and Fallout New Vegas have awful gameplay and are only saved by their atmosphere, writing, and story
Explain this shit to me
>inb4 Sup Forums isn't one person
Listen to this man, he speaks the truth.
What Remains of Edith Finch
not just a good story, a pretty remarkable use of game mechanics to tell it. it's short but very, very good.
Differing opinions
anyone who sets up story and gameplay as some kind of opposed dichotomy can be disregarded entirely
modern stories are pretentious political shit, old stories were fun escapism
Sup Forums is contrarian as fuck. Also none of the games you have really have bad gameplay. I enjoy exploring all those games because the developers actually put some effort into the levels and art. Also saying a old RPG has bad gameplay isn't really fair. Hard to do shit on infinity engines. Like why the fuck are you comparing something made in 2017 to 1999 gameplay wise. That's 18 fucking years.
Mother 3
this as fuck
gameplay and story can support each other really well
Doom isn't a really good example, when Marathon came out the same year and has a critically acclaimed and complex story.
This. Video games have the potential to both be as action packed as movies and as atmospheric as books. There's literally no reason to weigh one over the other.
Most games didn't have story. That doesn't mean that they won't. My point is that you don't have to have a story for the game to be good.
Follow my lead?