hello guys, i'm a sie employee and tech manager for sony's e3 presentation. as microsoft got ready for their conference, kojima-san wanted to make sure that everything would go smoothly and that there were no issues with the resolutions of our projector and whatsoever. while he worked on timing and audio synch on his pc, i managed to get a glimpse of what's to come. it's a way bigger picture than everyone thought, there's many people involved, even konami themselves are putting everything on the line, expect more to come

Other urls found in this thread:


Why would they work with Kojima again after the mess that was MGSV?

Don't be such an attention whore man. Do something better with your life.

Dude rethink everything. You're only making a fool of yourself. Stop digging that grave further.


Get blurrier

>gaming companies have been trying to delet leaks for ages but all they needed to do was flood the internet with fake leaks so nobody believes in the real ones

It's the same exact fucking phrases and sentence structure as Caramel's posts, just filtered with intentionally bad grammar.

Like, it's so fucking obvious, dude. What kind of loser tries to troll this hard? I hope you're Pythonselkan and trying to get views for your channel.

They already pay for armies of shills so they might as well.

>Select all images with bridges.

>select all images of hills

When's the Sony presentation? I want it to be over with so these "actual PTSD over a shitty game" ruse fags can go into hybernation until the MGS anniversary.

>bridges in focus
>rest is blurry is fuck

i believe it

>Sony produced game
>on Xbox
Oh shit nigger what are you doing?

>Kojimas biggest ruse of all was warping the minds of his fans to create ruses for him


damn bro

pardon me for the troubles with the grammar, i was in hurry due to constant security over kojima production's set. but to put it in another words-- kojima-san noticed that microsoft's conference was already set, but sony's still getting prepared, so he decided to anticipate everything around Death Stranding because 'he doesn't want anything going wrong during the presentation', those were his words.

holy fuck is this real?

kill yourself, faggot.

I've got Konami on the phone right now. You're dead, amigo

>Has Fox Engine
>But uses Decima

>Lose your job for this bullshit

i want to rest

damn I can't believe it

>shows nothing
The usual.

what am i supposed to be seeing here?

If he used fox engine then it will reveal the ruse

You guys notice the surge of blurry monitor image ruses recently?

Bloodborne Kart, FROM SOFT metroid, this bullshit...

It was something that started as a parody making fun of "totally real I swear bro" leaks. Now it's looped around to people actually trying to fool one another with blurry pics and 3 second videos of title screens

He literally fucking said that it won't be there this year please end this madness

Bio-digital Jizz, man

Yall niggas postin in an FIB thread


So if this shit is true.
Konami releases MGSV Chapter 3 and their own "bridge" between dimensions called MG: SurVive the Kojima does his own shit called BRIDGES: Death Stranding wich is a game to connect everything MGS, SH even ZOE all the strands of Kojima's mind.

>from FOX two phantoms were born
>Fox Engine

You got it.
Not even games, also movies and series.
All the games can coexist together but in different universes just a "bridge" can connect everything.

At first I didn't believe it because it was obviously not tilted enough. Then I realized, it's MAXIMUM TILTED.


I hate these threads, but I admit this actually sounds neat and even feasible.


you can see "DECIMA", "NORMAN REEDUS AND MADS MIKKELSEN", "KONAMI", "DEATH STRANDING", can't make out the rest

obviously it's fake because of "KONAMI"

Isn't that a Warhammer 40k 8th edition box or some shit? They had the exact same tag line.

both are co-compatible engines.(rumors and speculation) dunno if that's really been done before.

>its real

But Decima + Konami, now THAT'S subtle, huh?

Nice and inconspicuous. Yeah...
Fuck off.

>Donna Burke wants a bomb in her vagina

No you're not, you're in Brazil. Don't think I can't tell. Lying is wrong.


Not tilted or blurry enough

Konami shares KOJIMA with Sony and Sony shares DECIMA with Konami.
That's why both companies are together in the screenshot.

No, its Kojiption.

>Donna will never give you a handjob and count you down to orgasm before ruining it and letting go right before you cum


I swear to fucking god, this is criminal.
They know how thirsty the fans are and milking you all dry for attention. Making you think there's still hope.

But it's just next level advertising to tune into Sony/Kojima's E3.

But it'll just be Death Stranding teaser. That's all it will ever be. A reskinned Silent Hills Kojima game. And he'll milk you ruse fags dry with shit like Twitter and that Doctor at TED.

Just getting baited so hard while thinking you're better than that, you're TOTALLY ahead of the zeitgeist.

Just stop.

whats going on?

We fucking did it guys.

Sup Forums continuing to get trolled by the same people doing the same trivial shit.

ingsoc needs to stop

oh wow OP took another photo of his monitor in the dark

anyone want to clarify what bridges is?

this shit is so fake. You sound like ur from 3rd world cesspool


probably death stranding : bridges

Mental illness. MGS V was so shit, people developed PTSD and Phantom Pain, so now they're hyper sensitive to Kojima-related shit and started making up stories how the real MGS 5 will be coming and Silent Hills isnt canceled.

This is exactly what Hayter did. He played everyone into giving him attention.

whats the difference between that and death stranding?

bunch of jungle niggers trolling

nothing. bridges is the company in the game that deltoro works for.

Look up the movie "thunderbolt and lightfoot"

i'll give you a F for effort, you did this yesterday.

Dunno if this is real or not

But I've been talking to FIB/Caramel sporadically on Reddit for over a year now.

They've never given any inclination of video editing skills, just some basic image editing knowledge like any user.

So take that as you may.

It's a metaphor for how far this ruse has come, you could say it's gone a bridge too far

Or were they rusing you?

You tried user.


>we're all the same 15 people in all of these threads
oh god...

Who fucking knows anymore. One of the top posts of all time on NBGO is about how the creator of the sub might be a spy, so... fuck.

who cares.
Really, what does it even matter if it IS this shit.
We won't know anything more until they release the trailer.

It's an organization in the Death Stranding universe, part of the 'United Cities of America'. Del Toros character is a member. They are probably the secret-superscience people (neutral/benevolent) who initiate and drive the games plot with their black hole experiement gone wrong or whatever. The 'ludens' character is known to be associated with them and their technology, both through general aesthetic and also concept art which shows him to have "BRIDGES" printed on him (excepted from final versions we've seen so far to maintain the intrigue). Most likely Reedus is the one in the Ludens suit, the subject or performer of the experiment or whatever (it could be a mundane/regular thing) gone wrong that initiates the games plot.


it was hardly any editing, 1 screen transition. anyone could do it. Fib is an expert at removing his adams apple from images, and has proven he uses a lot of photoshop.

OP name : SIE
OP really : FIB

I want to believe the ruse...I really want to but its nothing but bullshit


if someone was actually a leaker then why would they just leak the ass end of something like that, fake.

I want to believe


>all this mental illness for a 2 year old game
>a 2 year old game so bad it killed the creator and the publisher reputation


its someone samefagging.

Ahh another comfy MGS thread.


one word:
security all over the place

I collected all of the images of this OP.
This is the best quality one and looks different than the video, OP made the image, OP made the video. SIE is FIB.

Anyone find the font? Not that it'd be that hard to just make a few quick custom letters but whatever

thisd be incredibly fucking easy to fake
ignoring how fucking awful that editing is

I sure as shit couldn't do it.

Ok, I could if I really wanted to learn, but I just don't think this is FIBCARAMEL action.

Still likely to be fake.

That's 5 words

Dude you don't think those trolls wouldn't learn the skills regarding their "trade"?

fib is a pretty big samefag, i wonder if he's samefagging in here.


Of course he is.

dont worry user at least one person gets the reference to image.

I think we've finally found someone that even Anthony Burch wouldn't want to be.