Literally impossible

Literally impossible


this cunt was easy with the lightning mace

Saw Cleaver + Bolt Paper. Kill the spiders first then focus Rom. I did chalice Rom before the actual boss fight, now that was impossible.

Why even bother with the little spiders? Just run around them and only deal with the couple that get close enough to you while you wail on Rom.

Tonitrus or anything with bolt paper makes Rom fairly simple. Just don't let the little spiders swarm you and keep dodging when her magic attacks are flying at you.

Or summon the NPC hunter that's about five feet next to the boss door and them distract the spiders.

>Kill the spiders
Nope, ignore those faggots.

>literally impossible
>I kill her my first try every playthrough after realizing that Bolt fucking destroys her

the little spiders do immense damage, when you're busy wailing on Rom than can easily attack you from behind or from on the opposite side of Rom's body to still hit you.

>Not just slicing your way through her little helpers and then delivering a few strikes to the fat bitch before rolling away from her attacks

If you can get to Byrgenwerth, you can kill a spider.

Never. Stop. Moving
Drift to its side
Learn its movments so when it makes a small move, you'll know if its summoning boulders or rolling
you stop moving hammer head spiders WILL get you

kill all the spiders first

If you're not retarded you can dodge the spiders easily, there's no reason to waste your time with them. Just keep moving.

Dash left to avoid the meteors.

I did it and I suck at the game. Just keep plugging away at it.

When she shoots her sky ice, just run to the left/right nigga. Easy peasy.

Pre-patch Rom was so broken
I remember it took me a shit ton of tries

Once I learned to avoid the meteor storm, Rom was easy as hell. Same with Mergo, that one in particular was hilariously easy.

use the tonitrus it obliterates her
use a +8 tonitrus and killed her in 12 swings

Guys I just finished the forbidden woods. How much more do I have left? Am I about halfway done?

lol, no


I found that it was easier solo actually. Took me and my friend a few tries before I did it solo and won first try

user... the games has just begun

>am I kawaii~uguu

fight like 2 more bosses and you'll be half, theres optional shit


get insights

beast blood pellets my dude

Rom is more of a Dark Souls boss than a Bloodborne boss. That being said, take your time, never stop moving, learn his moves and only attack a few times when it's safe (two or three times max). Also, don't lock on and don't bother with the spiders.

>current year
>being a Kosfag

It's piss easy when you realize you can draw out the little spiders and take them out really fast, then focus on big mama Rom.