holy shit.
what WHERE
OP dont leave me hanging
is this your first fake leak? it's not blurry enough
>That amount of blur
Good job OP, a lot better than the faggot BR
what camera/phone doesn't have stabilizers now?
It's not happening until we see it irl.
That isn't to say that leaks don't happen.
The ruse phone 7 by konami
Not blurry enough.
chu mean boi? is this not blurry enough? I just saw minutes ago Kojima showing off this to a bunch off people.
what is this even revealing?
The ruse!
loads of security around, how do you suppose to record or take decent pics? are you stupid? Im not risking losing my job, I already went too far.
this is just some dudes computer screen in a dark room you massive tard
you stupid fuck, it's Kojima showing off the trailer for the sony conference on a pc, he was literally adjusting last minute audio stuff etc, are you even reading what I'm typing
jungle nigger. please stop. nobody believes you
why are you doing this? You know you will delete your twitter account within the next 48 hours anyway. It's really embarrassing to watch.
Yeah, I am reading it and I don't believe you.
Mads and Norman will have a very important role together on this new trailer, and I won't spoil anything else I don't want to lose my job, loads of influencial people are around Sup Forums, see you all monday, peace.
wow the only 2 characters shown off in the trailers will have important roles in the new trailer? say it aint so
got a blurrier pic?
they are cooperating together on this one, you didn't see that on the 2 released trailers did you? are you acting stupid or are you just stupid? jesus.
I do actually L O L
taken 2 secs right after that one
his question is what is this supposed to reveal, you massive retard?
we already know about death stranding
what's the big deal? it has a subtitle now? big secret surprise
ill contact my brothers in arms @ anonymous and enhance the pixels!
Why would the title card be that quick? That's retarded.
Post yfw:
>Death Stranding: Bridges is just another ground zeroes type $30 map that they need to release because the projects already over budget and the final game will have it's ending cut because of it.
it aint funny but im laughing
It's Sony, they don't care about how much it costs because the point isn't making a profit out of the game, it's having an exclusive Kojima game.
exactly, welcoming Kojima to their side was the most decent decision they've made
I'd buy it
It wasn't blurry enough. I fixed it for you.
This still makes me kek
I am a FormSoftware official as many influential people in the industry browse Sup Forums and I want you to immediately DELET THIS or you will lose your job.
Now post the Metroid one.
I knew Kojima was just a Hollywood cocksucker and something like this would happen with Sony's lack of financial oversight, he went out and paid $100 million to get Jeff Bridges.
I'm still waiting for Unkarted.
Wow, I think this is legit guys
wtftwtftwwtftwtwtftwftwttwtfwtwtwtfwtfwtftwtftwftt this cant be happening shit fukc
That has to be the shittiest attempt at a fake leak that I've ever seen.
why do you defend it so? for what reason? what do you get out of it? in your head, are you thinking, "I MUST NOTIFY THE POPULACE OF THIS FAKE... FOR HONOR!" or something? pls explain why. i don't care whether it is real or not
Truth is all we have.
Not him, but go listen to classical music or something, then
ya fucked it with the word konami
caramel, is that you?
I don't know why they're defending it. It's not going to be Sony-exclusive