The ultimate question

The ultimate question.

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64 had the analog stick.

Luigi's Casino games were enough for DS to be the superior version for me.

God the minigames were so good

DS has Wario
case closed

Not even Mario Party minigames were as good. Present day Nintendo would sell probably sell the SM64DS minigames as a separate title for $40 now.

Fucking this. DS controls like shit.

You can't even travel to a parallel universe in SM64 DS

New Super Mario Bros had the same minigames.

64 for superior controls

SM64 DS IS the parallel universe.

>not playing on a 3DS
This argument's moot since you don't have to exclusively use a d-pad anymore. Only the change in graphics is still valid for why the original is better, and that's more of a "I DON'T LIKE CHANGE" thing that the Majora's Mask remake complainers share.

DS no contest

>DS has shit controls
>the majority of the characters can't wall jump
>having to go in and out of levels to make sure you have the right character until you unlock them all
>extra arbitrary stars
>it's on a fucking DS

anyone saying the original is a contrarian of the worse kind. unless they enjoy mods or something. ds is a complete upgrade

Still doesn't make it true analog

I never minded having a dash button for the DS version, I felt like it controlled just fine. Also had more content, better graphics, more playable characters, and tons of awesome minigames.

Dont be stupid user.

64 DS feels like a romhack.

Huh. I never knew. I only remember playing the local multiplayer vs mode. Now that was fun.

64 DS might be my favorite Mario game. Tons of content, four characters with different movesets, and all on the go.
If I got used to the D-pad controls when I was twelve, nobody has a goddamn excuse.

>better graphics

Handheld VS console

Fucking what?

I don't understand the DS control complaints. It plays fine and certainly isn't shit without true analog.

It has better graphics?

Whats not to get. Some DS games look nice compared to n64

>B-but it has more content!
More content isn't always a good thing if it's shit and gets in the way of the original's good content like pic related

64DS's new levels are pretty crap and splitting Mario's powers up between 4 characters to give you a reason to play as them was a bad idea.

For the screen size at the time, the DS version had cleaner graphics and better character models, which makes sense since they were eight years apart.

>muh analogue
>not realizing the game was designed around octo-gate

Am I the only one who actually managed to use the touchscreen analog mode effectively? I 100%ed the game doing this and had a blast doing it.

Ur dumb.

64DS on 3DS>64>64DS on DS

The DS port was shit.
A cool idea lost on the wrong console and poorly implemented new content.
The new graphics also pale in comparison.
Better romhacks have been made and better ports if you count emulation.


Can you even sideflip like that? If you can't sideflip, it's not proper Mario 64.

>muh analog nub placebo that makes me forget it's hard coded 8 digital directions

I tried my hardest with the plastic thumb thing but gave up in the end and settled on the dpad controls, which worked alright but everyone who says they weren't a problem must have magic nippon fingers

I haven't played it in a long time, especially since I lost the cart on a vacation way back when, but I could do everything just fine from what I remember. I actually remember being pretty good at the game. Not speedrunner levels, o'course, but good enough to run through harder levels just for shits and giggles without much difficulty.

DS has better polycon but bad taxture.
Nintendo desing to ues the plastic botton on the strap to input analog control but no one like it ever if very usefull

fucking STILL waiting on DK64 DS

And it to be better if that time we have some one who made this thing.

>Mapping digital inputs to an analogue stick
>Adding unnecessary travel time to what would otherwise be instant
Are you retarded?

I prefer the original, it had better controls/movement/physics, more colorful areas and I prefer some of the older designs such as the Bubba (the killer Boss Bass fish) with shades for example and Mario actually does the victory hand pose as opposed to having a rock of a hand like he does in DS. That's not to say DS is bad by the way, it added some neat new areas, stars and characters, although I do dislike how abilities Mario had in the original are now divided to the other characters just to force them to have use when the original game clearly proves it's extremely unnecessary. I wish DS was like the beta showed off with it being all multiplayer, it probably would've been creative and different enough for it not to really need to be compared to the original so much. I hope someone makes a SM64DS64 rom hack (as in one that includes all the new from DS into the original) one day.

Anyone who says DS should kill themselves. Worst fucking remake of any Nintendo game. Should've waited until the 3DS.

>Worse graphics
>Worse controls
>complete upgrade

Whats not to like about the graphics for the remake?

DS wasnt that bad

A lot dislike the redesigns for enemies and the textures are not nearly as colorful (this one bothers me the most). It only really has better character models to people but even then you lack stuff like the victory pose Mario did in the original.

The 64 one

just because of the nostalgia factor


Its a shame they changed the colors because the DS can look pretty good sometimes, I like the updated models though.

English, motherfucker

>not playing on 3DS
3DS release 2011
Mario64DS release 2004
>i should've waited 7 years to fully enjoy my game

>Four playable characters, two of which are worthless and one of which is gamebreaking. A bunch of bland switch and silver stars in extra levels nobody can remember. A few decent touch screen minigames.
>Controls that feel good and function properly.

Wow hard choice.

>people actually had problems with the d-pad
>people actually used the touch screen
get good, fags

how can people be this stupid?

i understand now. there are even more nostalgiafags after the election. Sup Forums came to a consensus that the DS version was better awhile ago

Literally the only time I used the touchscreen analog was for spinning bowser to gain momentum for throws.

Not only are there more nostalgia fags there are also more fitins who think hating on the remake will give them Sup Forums cred

Fact: All of the remakes (Starfox 64, OoT/MM, SM64) are strictly inferior to the original game.

Explain for all of them. I don't even disagree.

don't you have MAGAs to post / money to be made from shilling for shareblue, after-election-boy?

I thought starfox 64 was a good one

They're both flawed, but SM64DS wins by both looking better and having significantly more content than the original. I sincerely hope SM64DS gets an HD rerelease on Switch so it can have all the content and good controls, thus making it the perfect game and ending this dumb argument

i'm not disagreeing because this IS fact for
>nintendo manbabbys

>OoT is not a bad remake mechanically, but the art style completely ruins the charm of the game into a less timeless modern-zelda aesthetic.
>MM is strictly worse and dumbs down too much of the game because they were afraid casuals would hate it
>SF64 similar reasoning to OoT, though the voices are generally worse and the effects of the game lack the same punchiness as the N64
>SM64 controls a lot worse and the new additions are not very good


>both looking better

Beta Scuttlebug is still the best.

they actually removed this in the DS remake. Fuck nintendo and any faggot who thinks that version is playable


I wonder who on the development team was responsible for this.

>ITT: Retards who can't use a D-Pad

Wrong. Some of the minigames were the same, but others were new.

>DS has shit controls
>the majority of the characters can't wall jump
>having to go in and out of levels to make sure you have the right character until you unlock them all
Also wrong, most of the time you can find the hats that let you transform within the levels
>extra arbitrary stars
Yes, how dare they give you more content. Those scumbags.
>it's on a fucking DS
Not an argument

>Worse graphics

Holy shit who types like this. Look, the game's main sell for a lot of people is it's movement, and making it so that sometimes you're locked away from all your moves is a bad enough limit that plenty of people would rather go back and play the perfectly fine original.

>oh no they made it look better waaaaah

those textures are uglier, more pixelized, and less detailed

Yeah when I play SM64 I'm doing it because it's a well-made primitive 3D platforming experience from 1998, not because I really dig Nintendo's modern homogenized Mario and Bowser designs.

Same here. I know it's an obvious thing to do at this point to turn the whole game purple and give everything the absolute most possible clarity, but it takes away the tone and what they were trying to do with Majora's Mask and understandably replaces it with their modern style.

Better & more Colorful Texture vs. Better Models
It depends what you prefer in your games.

Bowser loses all his lighting in the DS version, wow.

>all these people saying n64 version of mario64 is better
haha yeah i sure do love my slip n' slide simulator and not being able to do a simple 180 turn 90% of the time because mario wants to instead do a 180 walk around the world haha.

OoT and MM didn't have good art styles, everything you remember about MM's DARK TONE comes from the promo art. 3DS remakes are fine.

SF64's voices aren't "worse", just "not the same exact clips you've had repeating in your head since you were 8". You don't even have an explanation for what you mean by "punchiness", either.

but SM64 is worse on DS, it's true.

There's not much case for that with MM given that image dude. The lighting is more consistent and shit like Gyorg's Geocities wallpaper texture is replaced with something that looks like a fucking fish.

>Oh no the rainbow is gone. The room is darker change is bad!
>Oh no the dark room is gone and this poison myst makes shit look like a fucking rainbow change is bad!
>I can tell it's a fucking fish now change is bad!
I legit have no sarcastic commentary for the fucking planetarium. It just looks better. Oh no the inexplicable floor lighting was changed from neon rainbow to soft pink? World over.

It's something you have to play both to really appreciate. Here's a semi-shitty comparison:

The 3D remake feels a lot slower visually and the explosion effects lack the thicker feedback you get in comparison to the 64 version.

Also you'd be wrong about Ocarina of Time and MM. The market area is a particularly good example of how they bastardized the art style a bit.

Yeah it looks better for sure. I don't know why you're freaking out that people wouldn't like changes when these are all perfectly well-loved classics that don't really need a modern Nintendo restyling, and each have their own attitudes and do their own thing.

I don't know either honestly. It's Sup Forums and I expect that level of hyperbole and vitriol from all corners at all time I guess.

I need a break.

What the hell, why is it so slow compared to the original? Fuck, I need to play SF64 one of these days, I keep forgetting to.


>the graphics are worse
>gets proven wrong
>b-but muh textures look different
Absolutely pathetic. Just a bunch of nostaligatards triggered by the D-Pad.

I think a lot of that punchiness is due to the N64's more primitive A/V. With Starfox espcially there are a lot of really sharp pointed edges that they round off in the remake, and the SFX have the right amount of bitcrush that does give the game a gritter wartime effect.

And you'll never quite get that SM64 OOOOMF in a modern nintendo game, either.

Still feels bad and weird compared to the original.

I want to know the person responsible for that atrocity of a game

DS is pretty shit about Switching. Sometimes there'd e a hat and sometimes you'd have to unlock the character and bring them back.

Not even DK64 was this bad about this kind of of stuff.

I gave a neutral opinion saying the positives of both versions and it's up to preference, fuck off with your nostalgia buzzword.

>argues that the remake has better graphics
>dismisses all criticisms that textures are lower quality and lighting is absent

>comapny remake legendary home console system seller/really good home console game with "better" visuals
>it's released on only on handhelds, and don't port it onto home consoles a year or so down the line

I can understand dragon quest because they came out when the wii u was already DOA
but ocarina of time came out early enough in the wii u's life where would have sold quite a few systems

Currently playing this to 100% right now.
The controls are literal shit, but I'm still enjoying the game because of all the new content compared the the original.

Mario 64 3DS isn't just 'more better', as if all there is to the game is the polycount on the model, it's a different style released in a different time by a different team trying to do something different. SM64 3DS is a modern remake of a classic that people didn't have a problem with.

DS. 64fags can't shut up about their anal log and run button. The D-pad is fine.

Nah, Nintendo wants you to have the Wii U AND the 3DS. They also don't think there's any difference between a handheld and a console.

>Nintendo's modern homogenized Mario and Bowser designs
Lol, are you an autist like Mariotehplumber?

I didn't have to play though 1/4 of the game as a retarded dinosaur to start playing as Mario in the original.

I prefer the original but you only need 8 stars to get Mario dude.