Already on sale

>already on sale

hahahahahHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH go ahead and defend the game

Other urls found in this thread:

whats there to defend? I thought most of Sup Forums liked it?

havent seen much shitposting outside of this

>Sales mean its a bad game
This meme is retarded.
I played a few hours of it, It was not bad, I kinda wish there was a multiplayer mode like prop hunt, that would have been silly fun.

30 million dollar net operating loss.

Pirated it. Didn't even bother finishing it

same, I might got back to it, but you get alien powers way too far into the story, and the gun mechanics are meh. The alien design is uninspired and they are boring to fight. Could have been a good game if it had better pacing.

Andromeda is on sale for 50% off too

Pretty sad

every AAA goes on a 33% discount after a month or two now
Not defending the game, never even payed it

Arkane needed a flop, they're getting too big for their britches.

but it's a legitimately good game, one of the best I've played in a long time.

>Arkane needed a flop

You're saying Dishonored 2 wasn't a flop?

Bethesda don't know how to market games that aren't Fallout or Elder Scrolls.

It's a good game

Then you haven't played many games or are legitimately retarded.

Going with the latter.

name one better game that's released in the last year

Persona 5 since technically its released last year

>inb4 b-b-b-but its weebshit


Hell even Andromeda

Yeah if it doesn't sell well....

more like 'Bethesda doesnt care because they only forced Arkane to shit this out so the license wouldnt revert to the people they jewed it out of in the first place'

>mass effect andromeda is better than prey

either a terrible attempt at b8 ro didn't play either of those games

persona five isn't just weebshit, it's also not a good game on top of being weebshit.

its funny how you saidis bait but planted this bait on persona almost like you aren't self-aware

I'm enjoying it so far.

>multiplayer mode like prop hunt
That's a super good idea

i pirated it
i gave up after being bombarded with some 5 fetch quests in a row and then the game tells me to go grab 2 parts of a code to progress or some shit.
just said fuck it and uninstalled.

>he didnt pick up prey for $30 before it released

Sales =/= quality

wait, is the game popular? should i hate it now?

it's not popular, therefore you should like it

It's heavily indicative of quality a lot of the time.

You think Thief went down in price $40 in a month because it's a good game?

the game is literally good

>buying anything but rpgs and games you can put hundreds of hours into new

>its a 'Sup Forums celebrates the downfall of an actually good game for no reason' episode

I don't understand how you can hate this game. The amount of player agency is refreshing. The game's a highlight for 2017 for me, so far.

I don't care about sales and all the other fucking drama.

Like honestly, how jaded can you get?

This post is from someone who despises Bethesda's games. Even I can enjoy this one. If you cant, it's probably time to quit vidya.

Serves Arkane right for making a game that doesn't cater to stupid people.

No, and it never will be.

Nier automata is on sale right now. Alien Isolation dropped in price quickly. Witcher games are on sale for pennies every other week despite universal acclaim. Bloodborne is $20 now, guess that's a piece of shit too

Welcome to Sup Forums newfag, all games are hated on this board, no exceptions.

>m-muh board culture

Prey looks interesting, but I'm totally not into playing as an Asian.

So is the original worth playing?

I got bored before I even finished the demo.

>Sup Forums is one person
>being this retarded
i loved Prey you dumb nigger

yeah the original is a great FPS, still looks good and animations hold up extremely well, has nothign to do with the new one eitherq

not bait, it's my legitimate opinion. It would be a bad game even if it wasn't weebshit, but being weebshit makes it worse.

The only reason people like/tolerate how bad it is, is because it is weebshit. If it wasn't weebshit, weebs wouldn't like it.

Did you miss the fact Witcher 3 and Bloodborne are 2 years old or something?

Alien Isolation WAS bad

>The only reason people like/tolerate how bad it is, is because it is weebshit.
>got higher ratings than all western games in the past 5 years

my last reply, you are not worth an argument

>Be Australian
>Games rarely go down in price fast
>This is already like $49, when the average prices range from $79-$99
>This happened with Dishonored 2, which hit $25 after a few months which RARE as fuck here

What went wrong with Bethesda?

I really hate the guns in that game. So shitty

not defending it -- and i'm sure it's not that good -- but these kinds of shitty AAA games go on sale pretty quickly now. they only have themselves to blame

what are you talking about? The shotgun is awesome and should be your main damage dealer, the pistol is for stealth/smaller enemies, laser beam is for long range, the gloo canon is for immobilizing/climbing and the taser is obviously for immobilizing and extra damage to robotic enemies.

I went through the whole game installing zero alien neuromods and I had a blast.

>implying anyone would give two shits about a garbage game series like persona except weebs who will eat up anything made by the japanese

can anyone honestly unironically look at this """""gameplay""""" and tell me it's better than prey?

>3 minutes of terrible dialogue and cutscenes before the bossfight
>you can't even control your characters, just do some stupid shitty QTE shit

It's garbage.

don't respond to the shitposter above. he's got ADHD

Notice how all the shill threads stopped when reports came out that the game had a 30 million net loss. Yeah, fuck you faggots. Game is shit.

>wanting to be in control of your character and not playing a glorified boardgame means you have ADHD

user, pls

>terrible dialogue
wtf am I reading

>PC is a toaster by modern standards
>have a PS4 for exclusives
>see that Prey is on sale for $30-40 on PS4
>hated trying to aim on a controller when I tried the demo

I just can't convince myself that it's worth playing on a console, but this old PC isn't going to be getting upgraded any time soon.

>Bethesda guts a dead franchise and works a bought out company to death to create another polished turd

>Sup Forums hates this game because it's difficult
Classic Sup Forums

You get overpowered early into the game. The hard part is the start of the game where you are given shit to defend yourself with.

I'm telling you that the game shown in the internet motion picture is shitty and I wouldn't play it if you payed me too.

There's nothing interesting about it.

Don't bother with it, this is especially bad for a console port due to how much input lag there is compared to even most 30fps games.

I'd think more of the hate comes from how Prey 2 got canned

If you hated Prey you have shit taste. That's all there is to it. Don't even bother giving me your filthy (You)s either.

i dont know how anyone can possibly say this game is bad

If it wasn't a multiplat it would be praised to high heaven on here, being exclusive (either to one console or one console+PC) raises discussion and praise on Sup Forums by a lot

ironic because if prey 2 was shown at e3 today it would be bashed as another generic open world shooter game

It was ambitious when it was announced

Now it's just an FPS Shadow of Mordor, basically.

It's still a neat concept that I hope another studio picks up

Prey 2017 is far better game than the first one. I just didn't like the ending, but the Talos I crew kept me going along with the other world building stuff.

I didn't mind the ending. I normally don't really like simulation/dream endings but it was keeping with the themes of the game from the very beginning.

The main reason I liked it is because of how all the robots recounted my actions, what I'd done wrong, what I'd done right and judged me according to my actions. It was a nice way to summarize the player's actions at the end of the game without feeling forced. The entire game was actually a test for your moral compass, which I found interesting.

Also the game actually challenged my own ideals, something not a lot of games have done. Personally I'm a big fan of transhumanism, reaching out to the stars and becoming something more, all that futurist shit so obviously I would prefer to keep the typhon technology alive. However at the same time I've read a lot of lovecraft so I'm all to aware of the concept of how some knowledge is best left unknown. It took a while for me to decide whether or not I should save the station or destroy it. Ultimately I saved the station, despite not installing any alien neuromods because I didn't want that shit in my head.

Didn't even know this existed. Seems like another one of those games that will be completely forgotten in a few years. In 10 years no one will be playing or talking about (or modding) dark souls,bloodbourne, destiny or any of these console pieces of shit that get hyped. meanwhile in in 10 years people will have been playing and modding RA2,OTTD, DF for 20 years.

Kids love the latest thing and the massmarket console game(even if it is released for pc it is still a console game) is something that is dumped for the newer thing.

This game is just a 'miss' , dark souls for example was a 'hit', which means it takes a little longer for everyone to stop caring and then buy the latest piece of shit the same people release.

>some 5 fetch quests in a row and then the game tells me to go grab 2 parts of a code to progress or some shit.
so just like bioshock

Doesn't pretty much Bethesda published go on sale a month or two after release?

>it was all a dream
i fucking swear, i felt like the devs spit in my face

is there is a book of writing sins this shit should be on page one