
How's that game going, Sup Forums?

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Is this fucking real?

better than this piece of spaghetti code, pages of if else, string literals for everything, community college garbage

Okay. Just developed a new VR locomotion system. Now trying to figure out what to do with it.

anyone else disappointed they changed yandere's tights into thighhighs?

if () {
if () {
if () {
if () {
if () {
if () {

this is not how you should code


>"Weapon and Blood and ..."

his datatype is 1 string.... this is why coding should be left to people with degrees

Why do people love yanderedev? They should all know that he's a douchebag and a lying bastard idiot son of Coco Loco

>this runs on every update()

Your dad likes it up the ass

E to interact and confirm is arguably the best

So you shut your fucking cock holster and wipe your fathers cum off your fat fingers before you even think of posting your opinion on this thread again you stupid fuck.

Found the underage kid

Character concept art is coming back to me and it looks great so far. Continuing to write the design document and in the initial stages of designing the vertical slice. A sprite artist may have to be hired.

>posing as yanderedev trying to get a reaction out of people

it aint workin kid

Only every update where the first ifs pass.
It's amateurish as fuck, but the end result works fine. There were far worse examples of yanderedev's coding.


hi eva

Who you yes now get out

>Who you yes now get out
That's not a sentence. Now get out, kid.


>Eva: I do no work at all on yandere and instead spend most my times reviewing and playing other games
>while trying to make it look like I know what good games are
Fuck off Eva White Knight

it's over, Eva is FINISHED.

So was he always fucked in the head or did being isngle do it to him?

>Additionally, Zombies

Can't believe I missed Eva defending this, so sad

Spent hours creating a roundabout way to deal with either a problem or bug related issue with unreal widgets and animations.

Shit sucks if it actually gets fixed in future renditions but it was a good learning experience.

The world is one big flat plane.

why doesn't the asshole hire somebody to make him models these unity assets are getting stale

Anyone wanna hear my ideas for games that could be popular and bring mad dosh?

I'd rather play unteralterbach

Does anyone have some old screencaps of Eva posting here?

Good, going to announce on Russia Day that the game will be free to all Russians, if Steam will let me do it


It's probably coded better than Yandere Sim, too

Does he still make monthly videos crying about twitch? I sort of miss the drama whenever he is summoned here

yeah, at least make it into a page long switch statement so it'll be compiled into a lookup table

>Sup Forums, the video games board has yet to create a game
>users always push the developer away and they disassociate themselves with the board
>Sup Forums, /u/, /tg/ and other boards have all created video games that remained associated with the board

The game has been covered by and exposed to normies thus being fucked up by them.

Why make an always updated test version available to everyone?

People will be bored of the game already before it comes out.

What a waste of potential, really.

the idea is to get a solid start on it with at least one rival then do a crowd funding campain. i think. I don't know what tiny build is doing for him.

nah they contacted him about it. it's over. he was rather whiny about it tho.

>used to frequent his stream
>met some cool dudes from it
>everyone broke off into groups because eva was a faggot
>years later he's still a faggot and i occasionally see a few of the old dudes from his stream here

man, time flies.

I love Hitman and wanted to love this, but Dev is just handling it so badly. Can tinybuild fix it or is it doomed?

Eva hasn't done anything good or entertaining since his Goemon 64 stream back in the day.

as long as Evaxephon is the main creative director the game is fucked. Instead of working with what he has and refining it, he instead just spends him time adding in memes or easter eggs, with any actual new mechanic added being from whatever recent anime he watched that month and feature bloating the game.

Like who? Keefers? Sammy and Lawler are still there literally all the time.

How many years it has been?

Pretty much, and the funny thing is that it was tolerable due to no face cam and no mic.

>that edgy scythe girl he kept pushing and making threads about
it was shit, but I prefer it over yandere simulator

>VR is dead
Shit, for how long?

it's a step up.

>3 years
>hasn't gotten basic features finished
>first rival isn't anywhere close to being done
>has TinyBuild fixing his shit code
>Thinks they're going to program key features for him even though they've said they wouldn't
>90% of the game is stolen art assets
>still lives with his parents despite being almost 30
Is he our guy?

where the fuck did tinyBuild even go? it's like that agreement never even happened

they are focusing on some other game currently and have a few people fixing the shit code

what a shame that a game like this is outperforming and making more money than this, maybe they should have hired him

>the idea is to get a solid start on it with at least one rival then do a crowd funding campain.
What the fuck. Patreon and a Kickstarter?

I wanna make a kirby rip off. I bought game maker pro at humble indie bundle for like a dollar. I dont have a windows computer tho. I need to get one. Maybe with falls financial aid obama handouts.

I thought he shut down his patreon?

>he threw a hissy fit because it takes him so long to compile after this was posted

>makes 30 minute video about all the stuff he's going to steal from Persona 5

Y'know I see this posted in every thread but as an amateur coder myself, whats the more efficient way to go about with what hes doing?

He recently sold the publishing rights to tinyBuild. Which means that the games will make shitloads on consoles

a hash map, and using enums instead of string comparisons. possibly even just an array.

also maybe a pointer to a callback/lambda that runs instead of pretty much copy/pasting the same code into every if statement.

>still lives with his parents despite being almost 30

Delet this

>his mom literally gave him a plate of chicken tendies during a stream

>Bought game maker off a website
>But doesn't own a computer

Did you use your phone or something?

>Selling the publishing rights

The ultimate sign of surrender.

What a fucking loser.

It's not.

I'm at the point where I'm ripping off Persona 5's UI designs and I'm learning quickly that I'm not the only one actively doing this.

pretty sure he plans to down the road

That's a terrible fucking idea. Don't do that. P5's UIs are great, but they break a shitton of usability rules in certain ways and are suffer from being designed primarily for Japanese.

There were a lot of talented people who were familiar with UI design who developed those menus. You have to KNOW the rules before you can break them.

>ripping off Persona 5's UI designs
Please do not. Stick with a simple UI first

>Be working on a story, world building
>Working on it for about two years now. Fully fleshed out world, characters, an story arc.
>Getting to plotting and writing scenes
>Persona 5 comes out
>Similarities in setting are staggering
>Sigh, and slowly work on rebuilding world, salvaging as much as I can.

For real. In my game, there is a secondary reality formed by the collective cognition of the general public. People with particularly damaged cognition take up more real estate than others and fall into a coma. The heroes go in an find the source of their psychological trauma and defeat it in combat, curing the person. I mean there's no way I can get this to a commercial release but it's still upsetting.

Give it a year, most people with active projects will give up.

Hes fucking up memory bretty good by creating strings on the fly in the update. Don't know why hes using this. casting to a float for no real reason and thats not how to case to a float properly. why if when you can switch or better yet design a statemachine so there is no huge check pools. why not just have a witness event? and have it pass a response to what ever? the list fucking goes on, this is something you see from someone who just learned to code

Pretty ok! Released a trailer and kickstarter for it.

I'm conscious of how P5's designs aren't perfectly readable (I've beaten the game, and I know how easily I can lose track of the cursor in the 'hand' menu for example), and I'm taking that into account. My game is in a very different genre so stuff like menus and even things like the flair you see in P5's battle system would be significantly downplayed in comparison. It's just that there's a whole lot of GOOD lessons to take away from Persona 5 and I can see areas in my presentation where I can be way more creative or interesting than what I have had there before.

My game is already cel-shaded, so playing with stuff like mixing 2D and 3D elements and the like can be incorporated naturally. It's just at this point going forward whenever i have something UI-related I ask "what would P5 do" and figure something out from there.

I played your demo. It's a pretty neat game. Can't wait to see it finished.