>LGBT character in western game
>reeee tubmlr! sjws!
>LGBT character in japanese game
>muh dick!
LGBT character in western game
Other urls found in this thread:
>LGBT character in any video game
>Is implimented like shit whatever hemisphere it came from
>faggot in western games
>looks like a hambeast or aspie male
>faggot in eastern game
>looks like a hambeast or aspie male
>LGBT character in western game
>LGBT character in japanese game
>Hey, im a faggot but im funny and sexy
Name 2 games that weren't made by bioware.
>LGBT character in western game
>LGBT character in japanese game
>Is revealed to be LGBT in some sidequest, and it's not a big deal.
I know you're gonna try to flip the
>But that doesn't count!
On me but Tracer REALLY doesn't count.
It's a Japanese as fuck 90s aniem design down to the hair.
Mount n Blade and Bloodborne
> waah why wont people accept my poorly implemented gay character where they're only quality is being gay
just try to give them something other than being gay and nobody would complain
Well, he asked 2 games that bioware didnt make
Arcade Gannon is a Western LGBT character who nobody cries about. He's the only one who's written even half-decently
>be OP
>literally cannot stop choking on penises
>decide that today I will shitpost as well until everyone sucks as much dick as I
If only OP knew he is an unmatched champion at that
undyne is a shit SHIIIIT!
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GO BACK TO Sup Forums
>>LGBT character in western game
>>muh dick!
>>Is revealed to be LGBT in some sidequest, and it's not a big deal.
Pic related is from a western game and it does exactly that.
Make me you queer herder.
I'd be going >muh dick! For western boys if they were actually attractive
Japan makes their girly boys cute thus activating
>muh dick!
More like Disney...
GO BACK TO Sup Forums
Shadowrun Dragonfall.
Is that Deus Ex
it's LGBTQRFABC123UNME, shitlord
>B-but that doesn't count! >.
What about Christine Royce
Western devs typically don't write decent or worthwhile LGBT characters. Shallow, one-dimensional cardboard cutouts who are there to tell you they're gay and fuck off are a nuisance and often do more to hurt the cause than help it.
>Make best monster girl
>She's assertive, badass, fights for her kind
>Put her in a contrived romance with worst monster girl who has done nothing but be a useless piece of shit the entire game and is generally responsible for letting things get to this state and is also fat, short, and a disgusting dinosaur troglodyte
>Contrived romance is needed to get the true pacifist ending
make me lol
Western devs suck at writing these characters. Instead of someone's sexual orientation being just another trait of them, they come on screen and throw "I'M A PART OF THE LGBTQIOPP++ COMMUNITY. DO WE GET OUR INTERNET POINTS NOW???" Even LGBT people find these characters annoying as fuck.
>Even LGBT people find these characters annoying as fuck.
That kind of depends on where you look. Tumblr for example goes apeshit over those exact types. Then again
It's because LGBT characters in Japanese games literally equates to.
>Draw a girl
>Call it a guy
This is the best formula, honestly.
I don't know, even Tumblr was reeeeee-ing at that trans chick in Andromeda. But that's a rare occurrence in that cesspool.
Polygon and Kotaku both pointed out the shallow, pandering in Andromeda regarding that one random NPC.
>they're just there to fill in some sort of diversity quota
>what's more is, a trans wouldn't just walk up to you, tell you they're trans, and give you their dead name (something most tend to lock away with their "former self")
>why was krem in DAI voiced by a woman!? HE'S A TRANS MAN. having a woman voice him implies that he's a woman pretending to be a man! BIOWARE PLEASE YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS
But god fucking forbid the Japanese write a homoesexual character with even one character flaw.
theres no such thing as "LGBT" anywhere except in jewified nations cucked by marxism
>LGBT character in japanese game
>draw a girl
>say it's a boy
Tumblr's gotten so bad that a lesbian I'm friends with refuses to go there now. I feel like that says something.
Fags have always existed dude
Alphys is there to add to the Pacifist run difficulty and she does that very well.
Reminds me of this
The only times I see people on Tumblr is when they're complaining about other people on Tumblr. At this point they might as well shut that site down and pretend it never happened.
>USA land of capitalism and neoliberalism
yea, and theyre called fags. not "lgbt community"
Tumblr is also good for porn and fanart, though. I'm guessing those are the things that are keeping it running.
>LGBT characters can only be ugly
This mentality is whats fucking up western LGBT designs
>no legbutts
>sjws cry
>pol cries
meanwhile idgaf
>doesn't count because anime inspired
So does that make anything Japanese western since most of their women are drawn to look like white american women?
>reee why does this word exist when you could jsut use this slur instead reee
Yeah, good point. Most of the porn I see on Tumblr I can find on other sites, but I guess there are people with a spank-bank or 2 lying around to be used.
>Draw a girl
>Call it a guy
there's nothing wrong with that
its the superior method after all
>since most of their women are drawn to look like white american women
Oh look, It's this meme again.
Well, LGBT characters in Western games are typically written in one of two ways:
>a one-dimensional special snowflake whose only character trait is being a faggot, and nothing involving them isn't ultimately about their sexual orientation
>a unique character with a compelling story and strong, identifiable personality, who happens to be a fag
The key is to not build the entire character around their sexuality.
In Japanese games, however making a character LGBT just happens to be a trope. Japanese media uses common and popular tropes to tell successful stories, mixing and matching character traits to make familiar, yet unique characters that can be easily identified with due to the simplicity of their personalities.
Throw in an original setting, apply some common elements, and BAM: an interesting story with easily digestible themes. Get some decent animators and throw in some cute/fanservice characters and you have a recipe for success with any audience.
>actually linking to tvtropes
Not an argument.
yuri is cute
dykeshit isnt
>anthro animals
>monster girls
Either way you missed my point, I wasn't legitimately arguing WE WUZ ANIME, more mocking the first guy for using WE WUZ WESTERN AND SHIET.
>japanese media uses common and popular tropes
Actually, they fucking don't. Almost all their ideas are original, and you're another stupid Americuck faggot if you think otherwise.
>lgbt character in western game interrupts you saying hello to tell you xir pronouns and insult your race/gender
>lgbt character in japanese game is a normal person you find out in the manual also has a dick
stop buying western shit, fucking retards
I sure as fuck won't be buying weab shit anytime soon.
then keep crying about your terribly written LGBT character to yourselves
>>lgbt character in western game interrupts you saying hello to tell you xir pronouns and insult your race/gender
Name five games where this happens.
I think the worst I ever encountered was the Mass Effect Andromeda character who tripped over herself to throw her "deadname" at you.
Keep pretending Eastern media isn't just as shite as the rest of the world's
Go outside now and then, user. All that time in the basement isn't healthy.
>yuri is cute
>dykeshit isnt
t. mentally ill faggot who wants to chop his dick off
>western game
>panders to stupid sjw crowds
>weab game
>panders to stupid otaku crowds
Why do people pretend that weab games pander to sjws when you can not lie and point out that a very different kind of pandering goes on? Who benefits from this?
Here's a hint:When weebs say they hate western games/design they really mean they hate normal realistic people/society.
One is played for laughs or either treated seriously, the other is done because "there isnt enough of them"
Undyne is hot
when did bloodborne do this
When I made my character.
and she has great feet
will not argue
name 2 bioware games that did this, dorian, gil and suvi weren't loud about their sexuality.
Here's the problem with Bioware gay:
That's all there is to the character. They're the sexually liberated gay lady. Sometimes, that sexually liberated gay lady happens to be like a treasure hunter or a soldier or some shit.
That's wrong.
It should be the opposite. They should have a life and goals and a personality outside of their preferred sexual identity. They should be a treasure hunting soldier on a search for galactic peace who just happens to be gay, not the other way around.
Never the other way around.
what? do you mean gil and suvi? i'm pretty sure their just there because some people want to have easy gay relationships.
i don't want to chop off my dick, i just want to have some nice boobs and more feminine frame.
LGBT stuff has its place, when applied correctly.
Hello /tg/
Love you too, Sup Forums.
the fuck
had no idea
Does the West always forgot how you can make them characters both gay AND hot?
OP's pic is proof that sometimes, they remember.
Also Tracer.
Vastly different reasons for inclusion, vastly different quality of inclusion.
wait when does this happen in M&B?
Overwatch is fucking anime from any point of view.
Nipnong games literally have a more varied representation of gays and trannies. Not even memeing or joking.
Most gay/trans/whatever characters in western games are written for diversity brownie points from reviewers. Where as the Japs don't care about that stuff and wind up writing compelling characters when they do include a fag.
Hell, Hiiragi in fucking .hack//GU is a more complex gay character than 90% of what the west has offered.
they seem to do so on a constant basis? Cant remember the last time I saw a sexy looking gay character in a Western game
>Overwatch is fucking anime from any point of view.
Amane does look like a crossdressing man rather than just a woman, though.
>Name 2 games that weren't made by bioware.
Jackie chan
Dragon Age
Because more often than not a western developer is trying to be "progressive" by having LGBT characters, and they insert their preachy agenda bullshit into the game to pander to liberals
Japs just like to have fun, they will bring up something more solid or 'real' without pandering of 'muh victimhood status' and they do it in a "why not?" sort of way
You can make a game with underage girls making out or chicks with dicks, but when you derail the game's narrative, or worse, you BASE the narrative around it, about how POOR AND OPPRESSED they are and how THE PLAYER PERSONALLY needs to change their ways...? What the fuck kind of game is out to shame the player like that and preach some bullshit liberal dogma? Seriously
Sup Forums's immediate assumption attitude is due to the fact that the western developers do it far more often when they have some preachy bullshit pandering to do, whereas jap developers just do it naturally in their art and have always done so, so its been established japs don't do it for that reason
Its just because ALL OF A SUDDEN western devs are doing it en masse over the last few years, all to get the most "progressive points" from popular leftist commentators and article writers, they don't actually give a single shit about LGBT anything and its fucking disgusting that they pretend they do
>Because more often than not a western developer is trying to be "progressive" by having LGBT characters