Vermin Fight Club

Tournament is underway.

>What is this?
Computer-controlled MSPaint cockfights.

>How do I make a Vermin?
Draw a monster with up to 3 forms in MSPaint, then distribute points between the five pictured stats as such:
-Evo 1 Vermin are allowed 13 points
-Evo 2 Vermin are allowed 16 points and an ability, or 20 points and no ability.
-Evo 3 Vermin are allowed 20 points and an ability, or 25 points and no ability.

>What kind of ability can I make?
Evolved Vermin are also allowed a special ability of your choosing, to be balanced at the discretion of the host. Complicated abilities may be retooled entirely for the sake of keeping the tournament running on-schedule.

If you choose not to use all of your stat points, a Vermin will be compensated automatically by the game engine with a random ability or a boost to their existing ability (effective up to 5 missing points).

>How do I enter my Vermin into the tournament?
When the host announces sign-ups are open, respond to that post with the Vermin you want to enter. First come, first serve.

>Where can I store my Vermin for safekeeping?

Battles at Vermin Fight Club are unsanctioned, and as such the rules and formulas will vary from those run by the original Tournament Host.

Other urls found in this thread:

I was thinking about crit immunity, but thought it would be OP on paper.

First for Palamander


evil strawberry

make it two ways: Can't get crit, but can't crit heself

GO SaitamaGO!

he's gonna get merked

pussy destroyer voiced by Michael Ironside

Rate my monmons

Cya next round, SlimberAnon
Hopefully I'll be able to handle all that T H I C C

Shiny Geodude

Saitamago vs. Sanik!

Although it took more than one punch, Saitamago manged to out-fast Sanik himself. You're too slow!

just give him 5 more muscle

I think crits should be reworked. Something along the lines of critical muscle attacks ignoring guard along with a very slight damage boost. Critical blasts need to either be removed or be twice as rare as critical muscle attacks.

No way.

I'll leave that in as a placeholder until i come up with something more creative.
Really happy with the design though

i like this one

Who you guys rooting for?

I bet Blubblaze can take on you! Thicc will be supreme! Right?

>No clash of the Sanics

Check this slick motherfucker here eh?
rate it
Also im going to start with his third form

Good match Sanik, you were a good adversary.

Everyone. Blood for the Blorf God.

Fuck yeah!

hope it gets in

But can he beat the fearsome ferret Killjill?
yeah, he probably could

muscle and fast confirmed best stats

how many stat points is it meant to be? 13/16/19?
because mr rare mats has 17


dead instantly

13/16/20 I mean
but yeah mr rare mats has 1 too many stats

Oh shit didn't notice that, thanks for catching that.
VFC Host, please shave off one point from guard, thank you.

I ended up going for no Ability, and considering StinKing as the Final evo name.

>shaving that extra point from guard, not fast
I like your commitment

Wheelybot Vs. Trapidity!

Wheelybot, being a cold, unfeeling machine, showed absolutely no mercy to its foe. Trapidity disappeared into the shadows, and Wheelybot sets it steely gaze on its next opponent.

Last match for the night after we wrap up the first round, I'm afraid I have to turn in until tomorrow.

Last thread archived before I got more than 1 reply.

Rate my fa/tg/uy Sup Forumsermin, please.

>4 crits
criticals were a mistake

>One more match
>The one I've been waiting for
Bring it on.

Posting the Thicc rabbits

MOM get the camera I won.

xth for "does anyone know where the evos for the classic trio/starters are?"

Good to see the egg doing well, he'll either have to fight a larger weasel next, so hopefully that's not too hard for him.

Once again, crits prove to be a bit too powerful. At least they weren't blast crits.

Duct Tape has no chance wining! Jabomb is the bomb!

While I think you're right, you come across bitter as fuck that you lost
Chill dude

Damn, he lost. Good match Saitamago

Any ideas for a better first form? Can't think of anything but I don't want to ditch this concept.

fund it

Metai Sanick is very nice. I really wanted a match againts Quickling.

My first Sup Forumsirmin, what do you all think?

Glass of water with a Loli in it.

I like that idea, but the final form is in a cup already...

Thanks again host. See you tomorrow for some hot action.


Wait just a minute bub.

Did you enter TWO characters?

So make the final form a water tower with a Thicc and Meaty Elemental chilling in it like a hot tub.

>that ability
Down boner, down


Sorry, I'm trying not to.

Gandit looks inconsistant with the general artstyle of the other two forms, and 'Highway Robery' seems to endure a feedback loop. Aside from that, it's cool.

I'll make both of these, and then spend an entire week trying to decide which one I like better. Thanks!

Reminder that OP removed this vermin from the original contestant matchups because he found it offensive to appropriate his cuckold culture

Thought I'd give it a voice over. I was going to save all the clips and do it for all the fights, but it's fucking hard.

Here's some rats

Not nearly fast enough.

>caulifodder line made it to the second round

How's this, then?



Is this arcade dev?


Wasn't there an user redrawing a bunch of vermins for a single player vermin game?

blacks cucked once again, how will nogs ever recover.

Were you recording this for the past 3 hours? The music was decent.


I've got an idea for a sound based boar.

Timboar (timbre)
Treboar (treble)
Tamboarine (tambourine)

I can't draw so you can have my brilliant idea for free.


First one I've ever made
If anyone can come up with better names for the evolutions, please be my guest.

What does the ability do?

rate my shit, they are V01D(1) V01D(2) V01D(3)

No that wasn't me. The arcade game is nearly done though, just another 100 or so monsters to finish linking code to.
I also need a final boss (which has certain conditions before you're allowed to fight it).


obvious final boss

It doesn't DO anything, but whenever he attacks the battle log says that he critically hit, and whenever he gets attacked the battle log says that he dodged.

The battle log says he crits, he in fact does not crit at all.

Make this into the final boss

Here are the rewards for the tournament

Thought the voiceover would be cringe-y, but it is actually not that bad. If you do go through with doing all the fights, do them all at once in a video, and maybe have some visuals inbetween.

Better. I would also suggest balancing the Blast and Fast to be equal-ish, but that bit is up to you.

The appearance between the pair of the first two 'mins are a bit inconsistent IMO, the tank-like one seems to only have tier 1 and tier 3 forms, and the lancing one looks like tier 2 and tier 3. Only the shield-y one look like it has a tier 1 and tier 2 forms.

I say make the boss yourself, to have it be a secret.

>I also need a final boss

The middle one looks like a red ass with green panties.

>maybe have some visuals inbetween.
Evolution sequences, victory poses.
Shit would be so cash.


It appears I forgot HyperboleHog's tiny tail

>tfw I just realized that this is a MH reference

Duct Tape Vs. Jabomb!

The last match of the night goes to a literal roll of duct tape that may or may not be a Vermin, adding combat to its list of ever-versatile uses. If they don't find you handsome, they'll at least find you handy.

The tournament will continue tomorrow at 6 PM EST, so tune in then if you want to see the heavyweight battles take place. Thanks for sticking around everyone, and apologies to the people who were displeased.

Have a good night, everyone.

Try putting some more emotion in yoyr voice, and toss in some figurative language. This will make it a lot more exciting to listen to. Good work, though!

I got one

Thanks, but I think I'll save it for the finals, so that it can seem more special, or something like that.

Rate my mediocrity
too edgy?

>fight starts with 5 dodges
grats duct tape

I'm so proud!
Managed to annihilate that bombastic bastard!
See you tomorrow.

>not fusing Owntron with Re-Entree
