This is it. 10th anniversary. E3. It's now or never for a PC port.
This is it. 10th anniversary. E3. It's now or never for a PC port
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Windows 10 Exclusive port*
>PC gamers are still eagerly waiting for a game that came out ten years ago
News flash bud, Halo 3 was only a fantastic game in 2007 with a full friends list. It's something you just had to be there for.
never forget
This, an anniversary remake wouldn't be able to capture the magic the game had when it came out.
it was fantastic every single day right up until they killed it
it could easily be great again
>this video
huh wow its almost as if the developers were adding online multiplayer and actually put more time into making the multiplayer combat more console-PVP friendly than the previous versions
pretty much
So is the only way Halo will ever be good again is if they release them on PC? Master Chief Collection is still a disaster. How did they fuck it up so bad?
They never killed it. You can still play it.
But all online games eventually die off as time goes on, because new shit comes out and people move on. I know it's sad, but Halo 3 had an amazing life. I myself played it every day for about three years straight. Met tons of people I still talk to to this day. Hell, I even helped run a Halo 3 machinima channel. I won Recon in Bungie vs. the World 2009 and Marty O'Donnel saw and said he liked one of my videos even.
Halo 3 was the shit back in it's hayday, but it's gone. Gone but not forgotten, and fondly remembered. It will simply never be repeated. It was also likely part of your adolescence so maybe that's why it's so nostalgic, loss of innocence, that kinda thing.
naw man halo 1 is adolescence. halo 3 I was old enough to know what was going on and it's unironically fantastic and timeless game design
the thing that really made it was how good trueskill was. I still wonder how 10 years after halo 3 ranked people still fuck up ELO and MMR and whatnot.
that shit could predict who would win a match. and beating the odds was so satisfying even if you didn't top the board.
Ah, gotcha. Halo 3 was my adolescence at any rate.
Trueskill was perfect because it worked so well. My rank by the end of it all was Brigadier. I got my 45 in Doubles, and I remember it being so fucking challenging because you had to keep winning games in a row just to up your skill by one measly point.
It was a piss off if you ever fucked it up, which happened to me on an occasion or two, but in the end it felt like you actually earned something. Good shit.
>team doubles
>your teammate drops
>win anyway
get rekt scrubs
>Team Doubles
>Start stomping other team
>They quit
Best feels.
A lot of people don't remember just how big this game was. The release of Halo 3 felt like an event, everyone was really excited for it. The marketing campaign was surprisingly well done. The sales were through the roof. Best of all though, it was one of the few games that had massive hype for it and somehow lived up to it. I still remember playing it for the first time, beating the campaign in one day with my brother is one of my favorite video game memories. It might sound stupid but honestly Halo 3 brought the gaming community together in a way that nothing has since.
>He isn't already playing Halo 3 on PC
Halo 3 was good for custom games and shit with friends.
The online matchmaking was ok but for competative ranking, derankers and boosters actually broke the algorithm for rankings, making it impossible to get to 50 after a certain time since your rank was based on your own skill and skill ranking of your opponents and teammates and all the derankers and boosters had 50 ranks but deranked down to beginner ranks, fucking up the system. I hated it so much
It's Halo 4 with a Halo 3 skin and you know it.
didn't they give out banpocalypses or whatever stupid name they had for it for that shit
I remember there was something they gave hardware bans for
They mainly gave the banhammer for people using straight up cheats like shooting rockets out of ARs and shit.
It's not. There are minor physics differences, but scrubs like you aren't going to notice them.
It's Halo 3 gameplay through and through.
>Halo 3 was only a fantastic game in 2007 with a full friends list
And you acquired a full friends list by playing Halo 3. That or by joining lobbies where people sent a message to all friends and recent players, and then adding the people.
>beam rifle on that map
>halo 3 gameplay through and through
that button to keep playing with the same group was the real matchmaker
They've deconfirmed it like 20 times. It's not happening.
This is retarded. Halo 3 is still fucking there, the only thing stopping it from being great is you not playing it. BOth the 360 version and MCC version still have players
They did the same thing for MCC and Halo Wars 2. Although I hope Halo: Gravemind is true more than Halo 3 anniversary.
main thing is I don't have an xbox lying around just for fucking halo 3. PC port would set it free.
>Not knowing what Team Snipers is.
>post-Bear nu-canon
into the trash
It a laggy as fuck and every populated server is shit like snipers or customs, and it's always like the same 5 custom maps. Even if you deal with the lag the game gets old fast.
I hope PC doesn't get one. Windows Store is a fucking joke and would just ruin the entire experience. The game would be dead in a month just like Gears of War Remastered.
memes aside they are going to announce halo 5 for PC since forge is already there
I'll take it
>special spartan issue
>electronic scope
>explosive rounds
>extended mag
>chrome finish
is there a more pimped out gun in all of vidya?
>HALO 3 didnt have sniper modes or custom games
This. I have Windows 10 and the Xbox app and the store app are both buggy garbage. This is why every game dies on it.
never 4 get
also it was all 3 Halos
It doesn't help the weapon basically brought balance to the game until they removed it.
no. MS has gone on record saying they'd rather port the next halo to PC than finish bringing 5 over
it single handedly broke the otherwise perfect balance of halo CE. when people figure out how universally useful it is the game turns into halo pistol edition. even in single player it makes what should be a tought fight easy if you cheese it. for example the hunter one-shot trick
and there's a good reason. It was supposed to take more shots to kill. Jason Jones admitted to personally going in and hacked the damage value without ever testing it at the last moment before sending it off to gold.
but instead of sensibly nerfing it back to what it should have been they just removed it entirely
What's stopping you from getting an xbone? If you really cared about Halo and wanted to play some, you'd have one by now.
I don't buy a console and an online sub for a single game. It's good but I'm not obsessive.
>10th anniversary of halo 3
>E3 started
>My birthday
Todays a good day.
>full friends list
yes, I feels all forgotten, almost like it never happened
>mfw underaged normies think call of duty 4 was hyped that year
cod4 came out of literally nowhere, it was the game that made the serious popular but it wasn't until MW2 the hype really picked up
2007 belonged to halo 3
call of duty was always a franchise that was popular but just not as big as it is. it didn't come out of no where and I know because I was hyped as heck for it and got it the day it came out
wow lad, don't even know what to say.
it was fucking great to play custom infection. christ, so much fun was had without you stupid frogposter
it was popular for being "better than moh" I guess. but before 4, not at all to the same degree as halo
>infection players
ruined custom games by always playing the same shit
I agree, nobody should be excited or interested in a Halo 3 PC port at this point. 7-9 years ago this would have been great, but now we have Windows 10, the Windows Store and UWP to be worrying about.
Aside from that, it's simply been too long and people have long since moved on. Halo's not the killer app it used to be and Microsoft's continued attempts to use the IP for leverage is astounding.
Shut the fuck up, we're not getting jack shit.
>implying the people who want it arent those who have played it already on 360
If you played Halo 3 online anytime before 2010 and owned a headset you would have dozens of people on your friends list without even talking to them one on one. Everyone would just add each other even if they were complete strangers to always have someone to play custom games with.
Smear the queer and "cops and robbers" were my favorite.