>yfw 1 hp left
Yfw 1 hp left
>1 hp left
>Gets surrounded by enemies.
>Last man standing
>the boss only has 1hp of life but keeps evading all your attacks and kills you.
>literally only one against 6 people that can fuck you up if you looked at them funny
>will be at least a minute until the nearest teammate can get there
>tfw 1hp left
>yfwm you beat the boss with only 1hp left
>mfw boss has second phase where you get unlimited ammo
Goddamnit user, I just finished fapping.
literally the majority of my failed attempts at Shovel Knight's second-to-last boss
>boss is 1 hit away from death
>no healing items left
>just went back into the phase where you can't damage it and there are stage hazards
>when you have an ability that boost your attack the less HP you have
>1hp left
>0 HP left
>But your love and bond with your partner resurrects them and unlocks their strongest form while playing the theme song
What are some games that do this? I only know of one.
What game? Sounds fun.
Digimon World Next Order. If you lose, there's a chance your tears bring your Digimon back to life, then they DNA Digivolve which turns them into a disgustingly overpowered freak that can two or three-shot anything but the last couple bosses.
The only thing I can think of is the opening to Castlevania Symphony of the Night.
Something similar? Maybe Lunar Blue Moon, if Hiro is defeated theres a VERY rare chance that Ruby your pet dragon will go total apeshit and avenge him with this hidden attack.
Its that one episode where he fights rolf because he dishonored him or something.
>yfw one vs all
Jokes on you, I play the character with 1 HP
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