What could pawsibly go wrong?

What could pawsibly go wrong?

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Uillillilllilllia isn't even interested in Bubsy anymore. SAD

Literally everything.

The game turns out legitimately good and completely reboots the series into a success

Not only have developers and publishers started adopting memes in order to gain some publicity for their games, they've actually started making genuine meme games.

That Bubsy never actually says that in the new game.

>tfw that tranny who turned Bubsy into his tranny author avatar is going full damage control about his headcanon meme character having to be changed

Why not just say that the new Bubsy game is a prequel set before their tranny meme character? Boom, easiest headcanon of all time.

The creator of Bubsy approved of that canon in a possible spin off universe, though


Post source, or get out.

I'm confused as to why a Chinese company would want to revive a shitty platformer and a company whose usage to the industry was ephemeral at best.

That said, I hope BillionSoft funds development for a Bar Games HD remake.

please gib link user

>damage control

I don't think you know what that means user

>defending trannies

Pic related. He wants people to support his tranny meme game instead of a real Bubsy game

Normally I'd say it'd be to launder money.

But fucking reviving Bubsy of all things makes it so obvious they'd be fools to be doing it through that.

They changed the branding for what was their Bubsy sequel so they don't get sued. Not sure why that's such a bad thing but whatever.

simply epic, well memed indeed my fellow redditor :^)
all they did was change the name of their bubsy oc you autist

>Announce you're making game
>nobody cares
>Wild meme game appears!
>Get bombarded by nothing by meme game
>reminds followers about the project they're ignoring even though it features the version of the character they like
>somehow damage control
>mfw PR has gotten this out of whack for FUCKING BUBSY OF ALL THINGS

There is nothing wrong with trannies.

Their mental faculties.

>not being redpilled
Don't you know trannies are pure evil because arbitrary reason? Foolish user...!

>retards who fap to tranny Bubsy on full damage control

>There is nothing wrong with trannies.

>make porn based off turning some obscure dead 90s mascot into a tranny
>get upset when said obscure dead 90s gets revived because of meme magic
Does this nigger thinks he owns Bubsy or something?

>mental faculties
Not sure if you're one to criticize that user

>Doesn't wear pants

Except for their brains, you are correct.

>lol you ignorant bigots should encourage mentally-ill delusionals. How hell, how can't you shitlords be so enlightened and progressive like me. I literally can't even right now.

>Tranny Bubsy creator upset

Why? Keep drawing whatever you want. Who gives a shit.

>Does this nigger thinks he owns Bubsy or something?
Pretty much. He thinks the whole trannydom thing is canon because the creator of Bubsy replied to him once.

fight me faggot

He doesn't think he's the opposite sex to what he actually is, so no, he's pretty sound of mind unlike your meme artist.

Yeah gender dypshoria is obviously a mental illness / neurological problem, I just don't know why people care so much about them.
It's just not an important issue for me and I wouldn't vote for some liberticide candidate just for them.

>mentally ill delusionals
Pot, meet kettle.

But how do you feel about religion?

Religion is fine as long as they conform to modern, western values.

I don't think we should pretend they are normal or completely mentally sound.
I just don't hate them at all.

Why would you have something against fags and even trannies if you are not religious?
Like pro-lifers, they are thinly veiled christians who don't get the separation of the state and want to force their religious rules on the unbelievers.

>implying it was just porn
They were making a game long before this was announced and now they want to avoid legal trouble. I don't think they like Bubsy as an active IP since it ruins the novelty or whatever.

Not sure where this rumor is coming from that they're upset over a meme game being made. They say they were planning for this to happen, and are just annoyed by the bombardment.

that screenshot is actually a more recent post than their initial posts.

Guess when you hate someone you see what you want to see.

*separation of the church and the state

Woops, meant to reply to

>I just don't know why people care so much about them
Because the pandering to their delusions is getting worse and worse.
Why are we not treating this properly like other mental illnesses? Because they were shoehorned into LGB to hide from criticism and get pandered to, that's why.

I don't think delusionally I'm a woman, so not really.

It's not a mental illness if that's what ebin meme you're trying to push, Xir.

>I just don't hate them at all.
I wouldn't hate them if didn't force society to pander to them.

>Why would you have something trannies if you are not religious?
Why wouldn't you call an anorexic person fat, you ignorant Cis-weight bigot?

>Like pro-lifers, they are thinly veiled christians
Not murdering your child isn't a religious thing, you legbeard.

>Court orders dad to start treating his 11 year old daughter as a boy
Disregarding the tranny thing, this is a good idea in general. Treating your daughters like they are a son is a surefire way to have her grow up to not be a fucking bitch whore.

I think this guy knows mental illness when he sees it.

>Not sure where this rumor is coming from that they're upset over a meme game being made.

It honestly looks okay IMO. Like a generic Unity platformer.
It'll probably control better then the old 2D games.
Tranny Bubsy guy must be seething though.

>feeling like a different gender (not BELIEVING) is a delusion
>literally believing in spirits and demons is fine
that's really silly, user

Kill yourself

This thread being derailed by Sup Forums into a political debate on the ethics of transexuality because a tumblr artist didn't like a meme being shoved in his face, that's what.

If you can't deal with being wrong every now and then, it's time to go back to your safe space.

Destroying a brainless fetus is not murder unless you believe in a soul.


Religion is a choice, thinking you're the opposite sex is down to your fucked up brain, Xem.

Gender doesn't exist. There is only biological sex.

Did they at least get Rob Paulsen back to voice Bubsy?

I know he fucking hated voicing that character but surely he wouldn't turn down a good paycheck.

I actually thought Bubsy 2 was fun to play. Really chaotic and nonsensical, but fun at least. Didn't it also have a co-op mode or something?

>iconic Nintendo franchise
>only release on PS4

for what purpose

>If you can't deal with being wrong every now and then, it's time to go back to your safe space.
>says the guy triggered by real women and supports trannies

Yes, you took one post out of context. Ever bother to look at the older posts?

you're welcome.

Whoever they got to voice him in the trailer doesn't sound too bad.

As a father, this shit is one of my biggest fears.

So religious people are worse than trannies because they choose to be deluded?

>don't have an abortion
>baby is born
>have an abortion
>baby is destroyed
>"a-abortion isn't killing"
Really activates my almonds. Use a condom if you don't want to get your legbeard wife pregnant, Nu-male.

Bubsy 2 was a fucking fever dream, but at least it had a fucking health meter.

>Supports trannies
Never said that. Just said that raising your kids properly, and not treating your daughter as a little bitch is a good idea. That way, she quickly learns that she can't get what she wants when she wants and she'll have to deal with life when it comes at her.
Though, having the state force it upon you is wrong no matter what.

>calling someone a nu-male when you're a dumb christfag bitching about abortion on the internet

Why don't you go back to R.eddit and cry about how people here don't pretend your BF in drag is a woman?

>people developing new bubsy are the same people who made the desperados games
>instead of a new Desperados we get fucking Bubsy

You can make that argument for every sperm and ova, they are "proto-babies" too.
Whether you are aware of it or now you are thinking a fecunded ova is suddenly a baby because you think it has a soul.

>when you're a dumb christfag
Except I'm not, retard.

Bubsy is going to be the new Bad Rats on Steam.

So many people are going to buy this shitty game to gift their friends.

Not an argument.

but it was on PS1 at one point and the new one is also on PC?

Well you're acting like one.

What is your argument?
>uuuhhgh we can't let trannies lie to themselves
>uuugh you are le fedora if you don't have respect for people beliefs!

Besides Bubsy 3D, the Bubsy games have been nothing more or less than mediocre.

Try playing them. They're not bad enough to laugh at like 3D, and they're not good enough to have a good time.

Hi Sqrly. Still mad that your tranny-projection project is not canon?

>"I did indie pixel games"
>there was only one
>THAT one
It's still canon, gents.

>giving your daughter hormone blockers and letting her become a tranny is a good idea
Kill yourself

I laughed for like, five minutes straight after reading his blog closing announcement earlier today. Shame though. I kinda liked the porn.

I'm not sure. The first Bubsy game is really fucking frustrating to play due to one-hit kills, high running speed and an insanely floaty jump coupled with fall damage.
Second one is not as frustrating. Just confusing and weird. Level design is a clusterfuck, but you can have a decent time just taking in the absurdity of it.

Waifu idiots are the worst.
>that Danny Phantom OC creator that did a shooting in Pennsylvania

>ignores the facts presented to them
>so desperate for a comeback they resort to "guy who proved me wrong is that guy I don't like and they mad KEK XD"

Not an argument

Isn't it funny how pro-death people are, strangely enough, alive? Really makes you think...

>Writing fan-fiction and pretending it's your opponents argument

He closed his blog? Link?

You don't read what I write at all.


>getting mad that your retarded post got called out.

Bubsy has some pretty memorable tunes

>Pretending my posts are yours so you can fake argue with yourself

The idiocy here is too strong...

I... I'm sorry Bubsy... I can't save your thread...

>SJW wackadoodles
>says the tranny who's salty his tranny headcanon for Bubsy isn't official
That's hilariously sad

Its made by the same people who made the Giana Sisters reboot, so not much.

>you're a Christfag if you don't want to murder your child so you can continue your career as a feminist blogger living in San Fran

I thought the Tranny Bubsy thing was mocking trannies and their habit of becoming trannies after their life hits rock bottom

Not sure how that's funny but hey, guess you see what you wanna see.

I had a feeling some people would be crowing victory over it even though it's pretty obvious sqrly has been working on a game instead anyway... does anyone remember the last time an ask was even posted there?

That you're a fedorafag and triggered tranny-lover.


>le epic "he just mad it's not in the reboot" meme
>in context it's obviously meme overload

You're retarded