"Hi guys, I'm a Youtube Creator"

"Hi guys, I'm a Youtube Creator"

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I bet you cant even speak in public sperglord.

"Sup bros, I'm a 6'4, millionaire stud, chick magnet with a $120 hair cut that works for EA. I'm just like you"

>people defending ecelebs

All that aside.. I'm a y-youtube creator ... Thanks nick
>not nick

Content creator detected

Im not supporting him, my point is that most of Sup Forums sperglords would've fucked up way worse than him.

Literally cancer.
Fuck E3.

I heard it as nig

Looks like a fudge packer to me.

He didn't have heavy smash-cut editing to make him seem spontaneous.

Youtubers spend about 80% of their time inside their dwelling talking to themselves, so of course their social skills are not the best.

a muslim fudge packer for diversity quota.

reminder that this guy is a model, youtube prank artist, and online media influencer who makes millions of dollars while you whack off to cartoons so you don't have to think about all the real women who will NEVER fuck you. Also, FUCK Ronald Klumpf!

What games give me an indepth cinema caliber story?

What about clean UI? are we keeping that?

Need for Speed

>we flew in a dozen youtuber shills to tell us that Battlefront should actually have content

Can't blame him. Paying back his student loans for his millennial liberal arts degree is a foreign concept to him.

Does this guy even do any gaming content thought he was a prankster or something




Why do normie whites always try to talk like niggers?
>yo yo sup here's muh boi diddy shiggy biggie wiggy doogy boogie woop woop
Whats with the fascination with inferior cultures

isnt he from the middle east?

God I hate these normie hipster famous clickbait youtubers with their gay undercuts and douche bag personas so fucking much.

Absolute cancer.

because it's "cool" and what they think kids are into

>inferior cultures
If its inferior why does everyone want's to imitate it and incorporate it into their media? They are entrepreneurs of contemporary pop culture and memes desu

What's a good haircut?

Not an undercut

good goy

I always got buzzcut by my dad, still do to this day. No fucking way I'm spending 15$ for a haircut so I have to style it every morning and wash it every day, I'm not a women.

Why do you need daddy to cut your hair for a buzzcut? Just do it yourself, pussy.

Hurts my head so I have someone else do it so I can play with my fidget spinner when he gets to the sensitive parts. FYI most men who "cut their own hair" actually have someone else help them with it

Lost it right there. He had one fucking job.

>passing on an opportunity to spend time with your dad when you both have busy adult lives
no thanks

Pussies, you call yourself men? Pathetic.

Get DSP to promote your game then we'll talk.

Pretty sure EA fucked him over by not refreshing their teleprompter. Good job EA

Why do underage fags come here even though this place is shit? Because its exotic for them

his neck is pretty long

if you noticed, EA stacked the lineup of their presenters with tall, handsome, foreign men. None of them were overweight or short. It doesn't matter if a couple of them had nothing to do with gaming at all, if you are going to promote a game, you don't want some slightly balding 5'9 guy up there who knows how to design a game engine... people will just think "this manlet is trying too hard"

I bet they don't even hit the clubs every weekend. Get sum pussy bros

He's Italian-American


>needing a prompter to say 5 lines
>not knowing the fucking title of the game you came to shill

What about the two guys who talked about soccer? They seemed pretty average and uninteresting.

I felt bad for him. He was probably told his lines like an hour before the show because E3 is a clusterfuck where everybody is fucking up all the time so I can't imagine there's any preparation. Then the teleprompter breaks.

>h-h-hey guys... n-n-need f-for speed u-uh... uh...

If you were as alpha, rich, and well-made as that guy you'd trip over your words realizing you're talking to a bunch of LOSERS too

say it to my face, pussy

God I cannot wait.

The battlefield guy one in the "CREATOR'S CAVE" was artificial as fuck
I dunno if he was having fun with how prim he had to be or if he's just like that all the time but it was pretty funny

>Hey guys if you're wondering
We're not
>I'm a y-you tube creator
Fucking cringe.
Its pretty bad when you larp as a chad for so long only to realize you're still a faggot deep down inside.


What are the chances that he did it on purpose just to get the clicks? These people have no shame

>yy..you too

bet this "alpha" cant even talk to girls if he cant even talk in front of a bunch of betas

His self-defense mechanism for anxiety is saying "I'm a Youtuber".

Makes you think.

I commend them for letting a special needs kid to open the segment.

Considering how he acted with that 'fan' who he confronted irl like a passive aggressive bitch I would have to concur with your statement.

Retard. Also people have always liked more out there cultures. Back in the 50s greasers were cool and they were seen as bad.

>dont you just HATE IT when your gf's thick titties distract you and you miss your 1-up?!

>youtube prank artist

Why do you say this as a positive thing? Youtube pranksters are the laughing stock of the internet and some of the most pubicly hated people around.

>amazing hair
Heh, what did I do to you God?

Literally who?

You forgot
>Autismo Supremo
This guy may actually have autism, no joke considering his history.

Copy that.

>dad still cuts his hair.

>millionaire stud

I've never heard of that guy, is he that big on youtube? I just found hilarious anyone would be interested in him.

To do be fair Jessie hands out with Dashie and he's like the most ghetto Youtube Lets Player out there

I cant believe that they got the founder of YouTube at E3.



think like someone who wants to sell things to young people. counterculture is always cool and black culture is a de facto form of counterculture that's unashamedly consumerist. it's been sculpted into a perfect tool

I got the same reactio. Is as if anyone that is over 5'9 and isn't fat is king chad for everybody on Sup Forums.

Why did he sound like he was about to cry?

That's what it looks like when you are on the verge of an anxiety attack.

I turn into a Youtube Creator when I'm around women.

He probably had too much feedback in his ear. Or his teleprompter didn't refresh. Or he as nervous and learned his lines 20 minutes before the show started. Probably all together, E3 is clusterfuck with dozens of things fucking up all the time.

Can we just say that this was the worst first day of E3 ever?

We only got the EA conference and all they had was sports, Star Wars, Battlefield DLC, and a game that I can't even play without someone else.

he fucking choked hard

Last year was fucking awful pile of shit. They at least showed one interesting game (A Way Out) and all the Star Wars shit if you're into that.

I'm sure there's been worse 1st days. And there's certainly been more SPORTS thrown at us in past years; remember that time fucking Pelé was on stage having the longest stroke ever recorded?

Besides, Battlefront 2 (despite it being EA) looks okay so far. It's still got that retarded flight system, but other than that, I'm interested.

Take a shot every time you heard the words
>new way to play

Can't be disappointed if you never expected anything in the first place.

Heh, incredible.

They're commentators, so they're allowed to show their age and have fun with it.

>yo yo sup here's muh boi diddy shiggy biggie wiggy doogy boogie woop woop
Unexpected kek

>epic Yoda mastery star card

so what's the meme here

Reminds me of this

This guy was endearing though and he was still able to keep the presentation going despite his nervousness. Youtube Creator presents shit for a living in his videos and completely froze when the teleprompter fucked up. It's hilarious to see because improvisation is one of the most basic things in public speaking and acting.

>prank channel *Click bait vlogs*
>10mill subs
>average video cant get over 500k
>Flyers fan
my cartoons are vintage

Lets see your hair, pretty boy

I liked the british commentators.

Nothing like making the footbal partl a gay old time

>the 5th best sport
made me chuckle




David Lynch has a good one.

>I'm so proud that you shilled games for the worst company in america