What does Sup Forums think of Northernlion?
What does Sup Forums think of Northernlion?
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The patron saint of canadian shitposters
I don't really watch him, but I watched his Hollow Knight playthrough (after going through it myself). He wasn't very good at it.
I watch Mathas more (also bad at HK, but at least he was good at the bosses and platforming. I don't know how he survives on so few views though.
he's a fucking egg
Twitch and/or patreon.
jaywalker leave
He sucks at binding of isaac even after playing it for 10 years
Literally who?
One of the best E-celeb
Though Dan is pretty good too, from the stuff I've seen of him
His group stuff is good
But he gets up his own ass a bit during solo stuff
He's good, but the company he keeps is shit.
The only friends he has worth a shit are Josh, MALF, Dan, and to a much lesser extent AlpacaPatrol. Nick is cancer, Greywolf is Nick lite, Baer's shtick gets old quick, and Cobalt just flat out blows.
>hilarious conversations about if clown cum is a joke food or not
>on his own
>a man who has talked to himself for so long he's reached a boring nirvana
>a bit
He seems good to me. I just don't understand who's watching all 19,000 of his Isaac runs.
consistently posts 2 hours~ a day of B+ commentary, great to listen to
but if you watch his stuff without doing anything on your other monitor I can see why you'd be annoyed at his actual game-playing skill
overall, probably the best e-celeb in existence
I started watching him at BOI:RB:AB+ episode 140 and have never had an impulse to go back and watch his old stuff, I just watch everything he posts on the day he posts it
>purposefully says the names of things wrong in Isaac so that viewers get a false sense of community
Bit scummy imo
He needs better friend's. His potential is being held back by all except Josh and MALF(on a good day). Nick actually needs to go.
You don't watch NL for the gameplay, unless you're some kind of masochist and/or enjoy people being bad at games. He's the perfect background noise.
NLSS is godtier
solo stream NL is pretty good, depends on the game generally
youtube NL gets boring real fast
Would be better if his boring, uninteresting wife didn't interrupt every stream with inane bullshit.
And the stupid fucking cats
Just lock your cats outside your fucking streaming studio or whatever. They're fucking cats. Why are you constantly getting up and letting in or out? Keep them out, Jesus
>Nick actually needs to go
You share that sentiment with damn near 90% of people who watch him. His chat has been slowly but steadily turning on the SJW faggot.
Who's the one with the annoying nasally voice?
Watch the Keeper runs near the end of the AB series
Getting all those unlocks drives him a bit mad
Also AB+ is shit
Zany and novel. His PUBG series with Dan Gheesling is pretty great.
>so that viewers get a false sense of community
>putting effort to please the viewers in any way whatsoever
I'm pretty sure he just makes a central point of his life to never learn anything about any of the games he plays at all for as long as he can avoid it.
That would be Nick.
I swear to god that is literally all Nick. He was planting his evil since day fucking one.
Why is Matthas flopping so much exactly?
Moby streams games now?
And Dan Gheesling. Dan's fucking great when he's with NL because they're both on the same wavelength.
He is actually pretty good, his worst habit is refusing to update his knowledge on certain things and runs on his own ignorances. I believe he does it on purpose to deliberately forget shit.
Where's his mane?
Where are the fucking videogames?
Why are you talking about fucking wannabe e-celebs?
Could be worse. They could be one of those couples who refers to their pets as their "children", which is one of the only things that can make me cringe un-ironically.
He's like a canadian Karl Pilkington except slightly less stupid
Got back into Isaac and have been playing it off and on for a while.
Just got all my keeper marks. Fuck me, what an annoying character.
I'm considering skipping just to where he starts unlocking keeper stuff; do you have an estimate offhand?
Sir this is a thread about a certified Unity game developer, you must be mistaken
If the NLSS was nothing but NL, Josh, and Dan, oh man it would be elder god tier.
MALF can come, too.
I guess it'd be the first half of the total AB videos
Also, did you get AB+?
Because that literally makes things shittier.
I'm still pretty on the fence about AB too.
So its not about videogames, but a secondary thread about someone related to videogames
Fuck out of the board, go Sup Forums for that shit
Which one is the one who always says "up down, all around" with every new subscriber?
That cunt makes me wanna pull my fucking hair out every time he spouts that shit.
That's the thing that irks me most about streamers; interrupting the flow of the stream by shouting out every new sub, having an obnoxious sound clip for subs & donations, or - god forbid - having voice chat on for either. I get why they do it; it motivates children to spend their parents money for a few seconds of attention. Doesn't make it any less irritating though.
>Hey, you never guess my K/D with Abathur.
>I literally NEVER died
>acts like that's an accomplishment
I hate this woman(male).
Rob is a disgusting piece of shit subhuman and watching him together with his girlfriend makes me want to vomit. He's about as much cancer as Nick and Cobalt.
Austin is a shitty furry, but at least he really warmed up to the group and contributes a lot. I really enjoy him with the rest of the group during PUBG and he's the only person that actually knows how to play video games, which always is a plus. MALF is meh because he's great on some days and absolutely insufferable on others. It really depends on his mood, but I agree with the rest.
Josh. It was a meme from the early days of the NLSS. You either love it or you hate it.
I watch his Isaac runs every now and then. I believe myself to be better than him at the game so I really just sit there and feel good about myself whenever he makes mistakes. He could obviously play better if he wasn't concerned about the entertainment value of his videos though.
I don't know what it is, I don't really watch any other LP content. Just, Isaac is a cool game, just can be taxing to play sometimes. I 100%ed rebirth and then afterbirth, got some a-okay leaderboards placements, so I feel like I did my due dilligence and now I can just sit back and enjoy the game without the stress, watching someone else play it, complaining about any silly mistake.
Another thing is I really like his commentary, at times. Going off on tangents about the uncertainty of the future, being happy, living a life you're comfortable with, all that guru yoga shit. It feels genuine, personable, really touches a spot for the angsty uncertain 25 year old loser that is me, coping with the fact that I can't pretend to be a child anymore. I sometimes wish he would uphold the illusion that he's my lovable internet buddy advising me on life a bit better, because he thematizes the fact that it's his job and he's only doing it for the clicks uncomfortably often, so often I almost get the impression he's not really enjoying it.
I like the fuck out of him
Yeah Northerlion is a great, aware young adult listen. At this point in our lives we all should have a growing discontent with what hasn't changed. In a way I want to give up my habits, but then again I don't know what to do without them.
Looks like Aidsmobi from half in the bag
i havent watched his videos since 2011 when i played boi
Literally nothing has changed
Rebirth is really good though
You should try it
I stopped watching once I started going to university and got a job, but he's pretty good.
His old slower taking stuff was far superior to his new fast talking jibberish.
i bought it when it came out but only played it this year, only got 50 hours in tought amazing game
He's great to have on in the background.
This, only Dan is also mostly shit.
>it's a NL is pissed off at a major game design flaw in AB/AB+ but sucks too much Edmund-dick so say it expressly that he thinks it's shit episode
He was pretty good on retsutalk
Is he short or is it just the picture?
Is he /our guy/?
>boring nirvana
That's why I like him so much, his voice is the background makes me incredibly sleepy.
Also, his Dark Souls 1 play through is probably the best Let's Play to ever grace that game.
looks like TearOfGrace and Pyrion Flax somehow
hating everybody for no reason doesn't make you cool or interesting
>10 years
He's like 5'10"
I only watch his solo stuff, what are some of the classic NLSS episodes that can help me get on track with who is who? I have no idea who anyone in this thread is other than NL.
>Also, his Dark Souls 1 play through is probably the best Let's Play to ever grace that game.
I remember starting this and then stopping for some reason
Was he terrible bad or something?
He has a soothing, non threatening voice.
Who are our favorite LP'ers? I want more people like him.
I like bisnap, but he's way too technical for my taste.
remember when he beat the chest with the lost, on his first try?
Just watch literally anything and you'll probably hear them call each other by name.
NL luck though
Didn't he get Quadshot mom's knife?
Actually, it's probably the most competent he's ever been in a video game.
2nd Jerma, UberHaxorNova, OneyPlays
Maybe I'll look it up
I can't help but feel that something made me stop watching it
>poor man's PyrionFlax.
True enough but I'm more or less looking for the funniest/best episodes. Maybe something they make reference to once in a while perhaps (doesnt have to be, could be really any ep of course)
Still won't forgive him for giving MBDTF a 6/10...
Genuine pity.
I used to enjoy a lot of their Golf With Friends streams. Also, they played a Dark Souls race way back when that was great.
>wins pre AB lost run on his first try
Unbearable faggot. He ruined so many DotA tournaments.
Shut your whore mouth
New Vegas is top tier entertainment and among the funniest shit I've seen.
I genuinely don't understand the appeal, sorry man.
I'm sorry, I don't watch human trash playing videogames.
literally the only funny e-celeb. his twitch show is great and is more of a comedy show than a game stream
Some egg
i havent missed a single NLSS since it started years ago on youtube live
Lmao you're such a fucking sheep.
The album was litterally : let's make it bad on purpose with some of the worst mixing ever engineered, and call it the best album ever. "The sheeps will all buy into the lie and parrot it like it's a fact".
didnt he rape a few girls?
Actually he raped all of them.
Sauce? Where'd you hear this?
Nah, the madman did it with ipecac of all things, at least that was one run.
I only recently started watching his content. The NLSS is great, but I haven't delved far into his other stuff yet.
Stopped watching him shortly after Rebirth came out, his commentary was pretty stale. I don't know if this has changed, I don't really care either.
You really need to watch Grey's Anatomy to understand the true NL and then whatever game seems interesting because he plays a bunch of "obscure" indie garbage.
Literally stopped watching the NLSS and group games because Nick annoys me so much. He is commentary cancer.
Is that his mom?